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Everything posted by bexrbetter
People seem to forget, either conveniently or you're just unaware of democracy, that any decisions have to go through an approval process through The Senate and The House be passed into law. Floor Debate A released bill (proposed new law) eventually goes to the House or Senate floor, for further debate and amendment, if necessary. It passes or fails by a simple majority vote: 218 of 435 in the House or 51 of 100 in the Senate. Once passed, it repeats the process in the other house. Law The speaker of the house and vice president sign the enrolled bill, followed by the President, who has 10 days to sign or veto it. A vetoed bill can still become law if two-thirds of the Senate and two-thirds of the House then vote to pass it.
Oh My God!! I woke up this morning and nothing has changed, what will I do??
Yep, the stupidity has already started. California is going to split from the rest, blah blah. Someone mind explaining to me exactly what they are running away from? I mean the guy hasn't made one decision yet, most average people's day to day lives will be totally unaffected, so exactly what is all this gross paranoia about. If Trump really stuffs it up, economic effects that wouldn't be felt for a few years at least, then sure, people can say "told you so", but hey, let some decisions be made first or you look really stupid.
C'mon Guys get to the real issues here ... POLL: Do you want THE PRESIDENT Donald Trump To build a REAL WALL at the US/Mexico Border?
People continually accused him of sexism and racism, yet the vote does not support that, it in fact increased over their last Party Candidate. My question was, who are the "poorest, most abused, poverty stricken and destitute people on the planet" that you refer to?
Just for reference, you are refering to who there? Genuine question. Seriously? He's a businessman. That's great, should be able to shaft Saudi and Israel, or at least not be shafted - or would you rather some pizz weak negotiator in the job?
Well as you refuse to answer me a number of times when requested, including this thread, to discuss his actual policies, probably because you would have to admit some of them are workable, then your point is moot. Oh and the exit polls show that a sizeable increase of support from Women, Latinos, Blacks, and wait for it, Mexicans, over Romney's support in 2012.
I was just refering to the stockmarkets which have since settled. Happens many times to many countries after a shock result. .. and yes, i am aware of what Lefts see as "Democracy", their way or the highway. big·ot noun a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
I can only write what i wrote explaining it, I can not comprehend it for you. By the way, that affects me more than probably all of you, i intend to import into the US next year, but I don't mind, rather see a few things fixed in the world over me. .. and? Countries such as Germany (and previously the US and Oz) prove the economics of it. More expensive but everyone is employed and excellent microeconomic systems in place.
I don't take him that seriously either most of the time, but his words aren't to far off the mark in this case, and it's the message - using the messenger is a cop out. It just put a man in the most powerful chair in the world today, it caused Brexit, it put Hanson in Parliament - keep laughing, your sanctimonious type attitude is the reason this is happening. Still laughing? Many Trump projects and investments have employed thousands actually, that's just a fact. Exactly, and people are sick of it. You're wrong by the way, it's the reporting methods have changed to make things look better, especially for unemployment, but I'm happy to go with your hasn't changed stance, which of course means it hasn't improved. I don't care who, I take no sides, I want some changes to happen around the globe, the killing and refugee situation, caused by the killing duh, is one of my priorities and while the scum who keep spending 600 BILLION a year on it because they fill their pockets with money from defense companies stay in power, well nothing will change. I believe Trump will spend more internally and less on that. If he increases war effort, expect me front and center to say what I think about that. That also includes dragging Australian defense into danger, antagonising China over the South Seas, giving billions of Australian money in aid to countries sympathetic to the American military machine, just bollshit all of it to make select people very wealthy while others kill for them - and get killed.
Meh, happened after Brexit and has returned to normal now. I will be happy to see a lot of the B/S stock paper disappear anyway, big speculation has always ended in recession so a contained market will merely delay or prevent that. I'll sleep well tonight knowing some of those stocks are military/defense company ones BTW. That's an area Trump and his groups are very cluey on by the way, and I expect future decisions to be made to help keep them in check after this initial nonsense. Legal Mexicans (whoever) who pay tax, that's the point. Are you refering to the import tariffs going up? I don't think it will make a big difference, many China items are already price hiked to avoid "Dumping" accusations so an increase in tariff will be easily absorbed in a lot of cases. But anyway, more chances for national manufacturing, I support that.
Yes, yes, of course, there has to be a bad reason for the result, that has to be the only logical answer for the result. Nothing to do with having their cultures stripped away from them and other's culture's forced upon them, or unable to walk the streets in safety but make a wrong turn in your car and a policeman jumps on you, the crime rate, the drugs, constantly at war at massive expense while education and health services are crap and lets not mention manufacturing and jobs ... Yeah, people are just idiots, imagine wanting change, the nerve of them.
You have no evidence or proof whatsoever of how things will turn out, but note the whining has started already, and will not stop. I feel sorry for Trump right from the outset, he will not be given a fair go because the last thing Lefts believe in or support is Democracy, and of course the mainstream media is controlled by the Left. - the same ones who even up til yesterday were reporting their "easy victory" Polls for the Democrats trying to steer the election, azzholes. [ATTACH]48026._xfImport[/ATTACH] Irony is had they actually followed and reported both Parties policies and positions and actually discussed those, results may have been different. And you will continue to not understand why Brexit, Hanson and now Trump, and a number of other country's 'Right' (sic) are coming to the fore.
You got 5 dolla fella?
Probably a lot of people who don't eat junk food. Most of that list is crap - says the guy who drinks a Pepsi and a Snickers per day.
You are enjoying all that you have now directly due to it, including and especially, that you even exist. I have history on my side to thank for our actual existence, so thanks Great, Great, Great, Great, etc. Granddad for clearing the path that ended up at me. The population is now at 7.5 billion, there will be a breaking point sometime in the diatant future, so out of the bleeding hearts with their pens, Religio's with their word, and those who can kill - who you going to put your money on?
Australian warships are being sent to China South Seas to antagonise China on behalf of the American Military machine that has 600 billion spent on it per year. Turnbull even had the audacity to front Xi Jin Ping at the G20 about it - not Australia's business. Then there's the Foreign aid to the surrounding countries, humanitarian of course, cough, cough, countries that just happen to have convenient ports for parking warships or American military bases. 80+ million to Vietnam, 80+ million to Phillipines, and other strategic, I mean needy countries that just happen to be around China, money that should be spent on Australians. If China gets pissed off about it enough, doubtful luckily, then it will be an Australian warship that gets hit first as a warning, i.e. dead Australians. I very much want this military machine broken up and while the establishment is there, as it is in Australia, nothing will change. Trump has already forced future changes in the Republican Party, win or lose this time. There are very intelligent people in the know who won't support Trump because they consider him to not be smart enough for the job of running a country and world affairs, those same people also concede that Clinton will be one of the killing'est and globally disruptive Presidents outside of WW1 and WW2 ever, is that what you want? Correct, I would call for any Lefties here to name at least 2 of Trump's many excellent policies to prove to me they are aware of his actual policies and positions, and not just ignorant bandwagoners who read nothing more than Facebook level memes .....
We are where we are today due to some tough decisions and lives lost, on all sides, in times before us. We have persecuted, and we have been persecuted throughout history to expand our own kind, and for others to expand their kind with us in their way. What we "did" to the Aboriginals is miniscule relative to what others have done to others, Romans, Mongols, Ottoman, Vikings, Russian Empire, etc etc.
I don't actually care which "side" you're on, I think everybody can take at least something from this ... The full interview is here .. Julian Assange in conversation with John Pilger
One sad thing I left behind in Oz was my album and singles collection and record player. Something around 400 to 500 pieces of mostly 1970's stuff. I had the full set of Budgie albums too, the greatest album covers of all time... budgie album covers - חיפוש ב-Google
I know what sort of stone skips across water best through throwing thousands of them, but I had no idea why (as a kid).
Their arguments are absolutely brilliant, worth having a look at their stuff for an appraisal of why they come to these conclusions - including where, on occasion, they make "round earth" theories (but proven facts) look absurd also. Of great interest to the forum is their plane route theories, they happen to stand up very well. These might happen to be the most intelligent crazy people on the plate, I mean globe. Go look at a Flat Earth map to understand that.
You have thrown out some tidbits of excellent historic information, but you have also had chances when prompted to have further discussions from myself and others and you take a high road like we aren't worth the effort, so your complaint here is water off a duck's back for me.
Correct, I get the feeling many are just waiting for the older gen now to naturally pass on so it can all be forgotten once and for all. I was quite surprised to see Tony Blair get a bit of a ticking off on national TV. He was on a tour here and had a Q&A session with a group of Uni students in a live studio promoting his tour and his article "The New Cultural Revolution". In Oz speak he got told flat what a stupid, offensive name and that he knew little about the deeper impact the title had on China. Deng Xiao Ping holds that title in these times, the most loved Leader of all time. Deng Xiaoping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia