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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. it's ok, many posts from many people can be excused for the many ignorant comments about China because the media does flood the mainstream with absolute China crap on a daily basis. It keeps the populace's eyes off what's going on at home, and especially military spending when the populace believes there's an enemy around.
  2. Woah there Nelly, you clearly invited people to bag the Left, no one offered you the same in kind.
  3. Yes, but where's the outrage and outcry from Labor???? Correct, Germany spent about 5 times as much per head as Australia ever did. Ok, Lefty perfect world loonies standing around singing "Kumbaya My Lord" who have no grasp on real world scenarios. Thanks for the free hand.
  4. Well there's a different comment than the usual "run out of it" one, and more likely closer to the truth - albeit it a long way off. My Daughter's Godfather finds the stuff and on-sells the finds, he knows how much there is and is still finding it. "The" Party? Which "Party" were you referring to? Define "pollution", and in context to the posts, as you have been following to this point haven't you.
  5. Well the whole planet is only so large of course, but fact is there's hundreds of generations of resources there yet. We were going to be out of oil by the year 2000, apparently. The only thing that happened was the price went up to slow down consumption ... It will slow down some but will never be replaced in yours or your children's lifetimes, along with being a main source of much needed steel production and electricity. Unless you are willing to take something along the line of a 50% cut in your current living standards, then you will not give up coal. Gold mining you say? I wouldn't have a clue about it, and I wouldn't have a clue about places like Kalgoorlie or the the similar place you were probably established so i don't comment about those places. In return, please don't pretend you know about places like Beijing, 'cause you don't, thanks.
  6. ... and yet here we are with citizens the second wealthiest in the world, and the bulk of that wealth coming from either subsidised mining or agriculture. Seems they know what they are doing, despite all those experts on Facebook and their "World saving in 15 words" memes. Is the article true or not?
  7. I came down the freeway the other night sitting on about 190 to 200 for about 15 minutes and when I got to the toll booth the fans were all screaming away. The Telsa is incredibly quiet until that point which sounds like about 6 old Craig-Davis thermos coming in! Not sure what you mean there, they are doing a job and have a large front and rear boot (liftback), way more storage than a normal car. Weight and to a lesser degree, range is an issue if that's what you mean. I watched one night with a bit of a worry, got home with 3kms left! Fuel's only as far away as the closest power point with the emergency charger, albeit will be a few hours before underway again that will give you with say 100kms to get yourself to a real charger. 40 mins from a supercharger, 4 hours wall charger will get you 420kms, 500 for a full charge only recommended for long trips. [ATTACH]47980._xfImport[/ATTACH] Many people aren't aware they are one of the fastest accelerating cars in the world in some segments of speed range, including against Ferraris, Lamborghinis etc. Tall gearing makes them a bit slow off the line (relative to a Supercar), but the acceleration from 60 to 160 is mind boggling. What is amazing is the incredible and instantaneous punch when you hit the throttle, nothing has that torque so readily available.
  8. Get yourself to Peswiki for all the alternate nonsense. He was actually responsible to some degree for a handful of the greatest electrical inventions ever, AC current and radio for example, just the many of the others were ideas he pursued that proved fruitless and are impractical or impossible still to this day. 6 months ago I made jokes like "Hear about the electric car entering LeMans 24 hour race? Runs for a half hour, on charge for 23 hours, then finishes the race!" 6 months later after owning a Telsa, I would dismiss my own and your position absolutely. It isn't better, but is the absolute equal of an internal combustion engine, just a different set of parameters involved. 14000kms without spending one cent, it's bizzare driving past petrol stations. For city/surburban driving, a clear winner over the IC, and vice versa. Any city based transport company or other company running 1 to 3 tonne vehicles that doesn't look at the soon coming electric trucks, has rocks in their heads. If you're going to buy a new car and you are predominately city based, seriously look at an electric car. In traffic there is no noise of vibration especially when at a stop and superior "get that gap" acceleration due to massive and instant torque from electric engines. No, but enough to boil the lentils.
  9. Well just ask them to stop then, in the meantime show them you're serious, turn off your computer.
  10. I just mentioned that above, thanks a million Paul Keating, rather than a billion. He did it, and I was horrified when he did. He literally gave away one of our greatest resources to overseas interests. .. and as I said, if you need political balance, thanks John Howard for not having a mandate to correct it, etc etc.
  11. I wasn't, it's just one part of the package that we are losing. Firstly the ALP and the Libs have had equal time in power in modern history, and both double terms, so they warrant equal blame for everything today. Keating internationalising our oil is one of the worst, but some might see that as anti-ALP, no, it's just anti-moron. If you need political balance, the Libs didn't reign it back in when they took over from Keating, and so it goes. Whatever the other Party does, the other Party doesn't correct when they get into power. What? So every country that can afford it invests and sits on their azzes, how does that work exactly, the wealthy countries merely enslave the poorer countries? - from your general writings I would have thought that goes against everything you tend to stand for. You're not Jewish by chance? What exactly is Norway going to do if there's a massive Global financial crisis or a war tomorrow, eat their money?
  12. Oh they do something about it alright, they throw oodles of money out at anything to look like they are doing something, all to get votes. We lose money, and climate change doesn't get attended to in an efficient manner.
  13. Oz manufacturing, 1970 = 30% GDP, today 10% and still declining. Minerals = declining Agriculture = stable but against an increasing population and many profits going O/S. Oil = large GDP earner, but world turning against oil, besides the massive current glut that is growing rapidly with Iran's recent market inclusion. Large Foreign Debt. 10% poverty rate 2000 = 12% poverty rate 2015. Many other factors make me disagree. But it will be ok, we'll just all open coffee shops then.
  14. Well She, or should I say, "Shaky", might not get in.
  15. .. are very simple for most. It's slated the some 75% support same sex unions in Oz, I cry bollshot on that, more likely, like me and everyone I know, 75% couldn't give a toss either way. Not caring either way doesn't give the "Pro" movement the right to say it's support. For balance, nor can the "No" movement use that either. What I am appalled at is the publicity it gets when there's serious human issues affecting everybody such as housing, 50% of Australians living week to week, manufacturing, employment, immigration, GW ... These issues affect everybody, inclusive of Gays. China led the world last year in coal reductions, a massive 6% reduction. Go look at how much coal Australia sells to China as well as minerals in general that the whole world is reducing in use. Point is Australia has some very hard times coming, we need to figure it out now and stop wasting time and big money on relatively nonsensical issues such as a piece of paper that all my own children enjoy relationships, including children, while forsaking that piece of paper. Especially when it's an issue that will quite obviously in time be figured out 'in favour'. I also consider that this might be the most selfish, overinflated, political issue I have seen.
  16. Do you only read part of my posts?
  17. One man can not put a law through by himself, what an absolutely stupid claim. I did not say it was approved by Labor, I told you a fact, it was unopposed by Labor. it could not go through into Constitutional Law with out Labor's consent and finally, the Queen's consent, i.e. Royal Assent - guess what, another fact. Prove that statement.
  18. More Poofs in Parliament obviously, always suspected the Kiwis..
  19. Oh My God! Wait, what? Not suggesting anything, just telling you some facts. The Queen ultimately makes the decision although rarely interferes. Canada seems to indicate she won't interfere with same sex marriage. The sovereign's Australian title is currently Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth. The shared and domestic aspects of the Crown are therein highlighted by way of mentioning the sovereign's role specifically as the Australian monarch separately from, but along with, the his or her other lands. Typically, the monarch is styled King or Queen of Australia and is addressed as such when in Australia or performing duties on behalf of Australia abroad. The sovereign is the only member of the Royal Family to have a title established through Australian law; other members are accorded a courtesy title, which is the title they have been granted via Letters Patent in the United Kingdom. You see the Grace of God bit? She is obligated to act in the eye's of God to uphold that aspect best she can. Luckily we live in times where that has obviously become rather flexible and less nonsensical/superstitious/magical. Well I rarely lie to my mates like I do to my wife.
  20. Not quite Litespeed, It was already Australian Common Law, it was not a new Law, and was a Bill for the purpose of clarification to stop nonsensical and costly legal challenges. And it was Parliament that put it through, not John Howard, was unopposed by Labor, and barely opposed otherwise. ... and then given Royal Assent by the Queen, and of course God (makes rare appearances for these occasions apparently). What I am saying about the Referendum is that Laws such as this are ultimately decided by God using Lizzy as his spokeperson and The People of Australia have chosen to keep this process in place.
  21. You need a constant 2.3 to obtain growth. Currently Western population is under 2, Oz at 1.6 aprox. Muslim is over 4 - you guys figure it out. Doubtful, we can clean any water on the planet to drinkable other than radioactive. Australian laws have God at the top, the Queen next, the Governor General, then the Australian Government - no I'm not religious, far from it, but that's the way it is. Marriage comes under that law, i.e with God at the top, the bible states no marriage other than between man and woman and that's how it's written into law. So logically representatives of God, in this case the Australian Christian Lobby, is the correct representation for the "No" case. "The People" rejected the removal of God, The Queen and the Gov General in the 1999 Referendum. Well strictly for the purpose of keeping bugs off you favorite plants of course ... Grab a handful of chiles, fresh, dried or powdered already, doesn't really matter. The hotter type the better of course, but not that critical. Metho and spoonful of baby oil or cooking oil. Lemon, salt and water. If you got a blender great, throw the chiles, metho (enough to cover the chiles and then a bit), squeeze in a lemon, and oil in the blender, and mix for a while. If not, grind the chiles down best you can, the finer the better of course, then add metho to cover and then a bit, lemon and the oil, stir it well and let sit for a day at least, the longer the better. Well sealed or covered so the metho doesn't evaporate. Later sieve through a coffee filter and there's your bug remover. Some put this mix into a small perfume type spray bottle, the problem with that is it's only at arm's length with a mist spray coming out, think wind blowing back in your own face or maybe a big ugly big gets closer to you than you would like. Rather, get one of those spray bottles with the air pump, put your bug remover in and fill the rest with water and half cup of salt and more lemon. Then you can spray safely a few meters away from you at any big bug coming towards you. Remember to shake the bottle first.
  22. Sure it's been done and not reported. Biggest problem is where do you go after that, no left or right turns and just down the road you're likely to be baulked by another rig upon which 100 Mulsims set upon you and tear you apart. Razor wire on the rear, which I'm surprised they don't have, and a mace solution, in large quantities, probably about the best you can do. Mace can be as simple as heavily salted water with lemon and chiles.
  23. Good to see solid "religion of peace" upbringings ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exzTgVWi6oM
  24. What more could describe religious ignorance than this. This is a country that has many schools that teach entirely from a religious book, no science books, no math books, no engineering books, no languagebooks, etc, no books at all other than just the one.
  25. Firstly $200,000 isn't a bad cop and I don't believe relativity comes into it especially when you see what a real businessman has to do for his dollar. Secondly, the $200,000 is about completely pocketed (the actual amount after tax of course), the are fed, traveled, officed, secretary'd etc etc. - lets also mention the stay away rebate of some $300 per night, often around 100K per year, even if they stay in their own homes, and of course many just buy a house in Canberra and use that to pay it off. Typically the cost is about 400 to 500K for the total package. And of course it's easy to accept a little relative lower salary, apparently, when you know you will walk away with $100,000+ pension the rest of your life - where do I sign. I don't know how Dastardly can just be put on the Back Benches, he should be kicked out, effin old boys club looking after each other.
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