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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. I'm currently having a look at "Flat Earthers", I didn't realise it had such a massive following and their explanations for why the world is as it is is just incredible, steeped in logic and very convincing surface arguments - nonsense of course but very entertaining!
  2. Careful, if that plinth of yours gets too high, God might split you up into different tribes..
  3. A presumption that the room has a light switch and/or electricity. [ATTACH]47958._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  4. [ATTACH]47957._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  5. But it's not, it's not eye opening, it's just simple damn logic. It's the Australian Government's attitude that is jaw dropping.
  6. On the subject of my "free factory" in China, I would rather reply here rather than my build thread. Thanks for understanding. It is as simple as the opposite of the Australian State Gov's idiocy. And it is unexplainable idiocy, there is no logic to their decision/s at all when it comes to not supporting Oz business. It is as simple as China wants your business, eventually you pay tax, you employ people, you create local micro-economics and there's plenty of old State Factories around. I do have to present a business plan that is analysed by the Gov, we negotiate on it, we make changes, and I have to meet that plan, if not I get shot, errr, charged for the rent. But I assure you that if I don't meet the plan, lets say I achieve 80% of target, I will submit a report, have face to face meetings explaining the circumstances and likely we will still be ok. The stories you see about people going to China for cheap labour is nonsensical, salaries are barely an issue, they come here because they fall over themselves to create the big picture for you to establish your business and continue that support. Could you imagine walking into the ATO and saying "Look, I reckon I'm paying too much tax, what say we lower it please?" ..... and the answer here is; "Ok, how much do you think you can pay, and look, if you're struggling a bit how about you don't pay anything for the next year or 2 or we could organise a loan for you and we will use your tax to pay the interest?".
  7. [ATTACH]48609._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  8. Thanks for replying.
  9. I think most know at least some surface info on Egyptians, is there other more obscure but 'full of surprises' mobs to have a gander at?
  10. .. and from my perspective must be a mighty good looking god.
  11. Let me make my position very clear on Trade, I am a believer in tariffs and closed countries, I couldn't give a toss if that means I personally get locked out along the way, I am not a hypocrite. I dream of the day Australia relies on itself again, will never happen, but I can cherish the thought. You seem to miss the whole point of politics, it's not what they achieve, it's what they are perceived to be doing. Deportation numbers have gone down some 40% over the last 5 years, I don't think it's going to be that hard for Trump to double those figures quite quickly and look good on his promise on that side of things, possibly a hole they figured some time ago where he could triumph. The trade imbalance is an easy one, raise tariffs just enough as to not pee off the Chinese and it makes you look like you're doing something and the books look good - doesn't change local manufacturing/unemployment though sadly, silly political game playing with people's lives. But ultimately, as I replied to you elsewhere .... Despite all the hoo haa, pretty much nothing will change at all during Trump's possible term, as with most of them previously.
  12. Oh you got me there, https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1430945460265438
  13. That's not even close to what you will see if he actually wins - like you saw and are still seeing after Brexit. Lefts control the bulk of the media, that's just an indisputable fact.
  14. Yes, small hatchbacks are a worry in rear-enders.
  15. You should move to China. God doesn't want you to see the truth Look up "Derren Brown - How To Convert An Atheist"
  16. Shoes, you had shoes? You lucky bar stand, when we were young ....... True, we used to wear a hole under the big toe pad and our socks got wet before we got new shoes. ... and we had to polish them every morning with Kiwi of course.
  17. Saw this the other day ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-y-J8GeYKk
  18. This is very interesting, got to watch the lot though ...
  19. ? I buy McCormick's white pepper here no problem, is it hard to buy in Oz? What I can't buy for my motorcycles anymore is "White Power" shock absorbers, standard on KTMs made in Holland by a family named White. They are branded WP now.
  20. I thought that was Peter Brock's regime?
  21. 22%. A number of my friends lost their houses while Keating was trying to play big boys with the rest of the world. He still has the largest security contingent of any current or ex-PM, a lot of people haven't forgotten to this day. No Cookies | Daily Telegraph
  22. True unemployment figures are actually hard to determine and can be twiddled with by Governments. That isn't a comment on your Obama debate there, just a fact. For example Australia at one stage lowered the hours worked each week to determine that person as employed and of course the unemployed figures also dropped accordingly, we still have that nonsense I believe not reflecting the truer figures..
  23. Not sure what you're saying there but the Government is there on a massive majority win, over double the next closest Party. Doesn't not make Merkel a hypocrite though "with blood on her hands" as the saying goes. I'm pretty sure you would drive a tank over Hansons, Trumps and Brexits etc - all democratically elected. But no surprise there, just typical Lefty hypocrisy. The current Government has even used jets against civilians, one needs to know a long lead up history rather than just reading today's headlines as to what's going on. ... and no, none of it is good.
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