On the subject of my "free factory" in China, I would rather reply here rather than my build thread.
Thanks for understanding.
It is as simple as the opposite of the Australian State Gov's idiocy. And it is unexplainable idiocy, there is no logic to their decision/s at all when it comes to not supporting Oz business.
It is as simple as China wants your business, eventually you pay tax, you employ people, you create local micro-economics and there's plenty of old State Factories around.
I do have to present a business plan that is analysed by the Gov, we negotiate on it, we make changes, and I have to meet that plan, if not I get shot, errr, charged for the rent.
But I assure you that if I don't meet the plan, lets say I achieve 80% of target, I will submit a report, have face to face meetings explaining the circumstances and likely we will still be ok.
The stories you see about people going to China for cheap labour is nonsensical, salaries are barely an issue, they come here because they fall over themselves to create the big picture for you to establish your business and continue that support. Could you imagine walking into the ATO and saying "Look, I reckon I'm paying too much tax, what say we lower it please?" ..... and the answer here is; "Ok, how much do you think you can pay, and look, if you're struggling a bit how about you don't pay anything for the next year or 2 or we could organise a loan for you and we will use your tax to pay the interest?".