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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. FT, news just in .... TONY ABBOTT WINS HIS SEAT!!! He's staying, YAY!!! I'm having extra onion on my pizza tonight in honour!
  2. You Chinese too?
  3. bexrbetter

    Queens power

    Religious people will mention that the chain officially ends with God, not the Queen, she's in second place.
  4. I've said the same thing while listening to prayer, eg; "Oh My God!".
  5. It was a palody Marty.
  6. Exactly, real science is the discovery of all that's unknown as well as the continual investigation of all that is known, it never sleeps.
  7. Still standard fare in China although you use chopsticks and are supposed to take food only from you side of the dish. I have a sister in law who's habit is too run her chopsticks through the entire dish (after it's been in her mouth of course) looking for best bits, it's hard to hold your temper sometimes. And of course half way through the meal Mama wants to stir up the dish to get the sauce that's drained down to the bottom all the way though - and they wonder why I'm "not hungry" some days ...
  8. I was wondering why that was so as a kid. My little sister had some minor issues with that at school but I believe mostly passed by then, late 1960/early 70's.
  9. thats what happens when you have immigration, the Chinese eat anything!
  10. our trees grew tall already
  11. I hear Nth Korea have imposed sanctions against them for firing them. In other news 1 hour ago, China just announced the lowest increase in Military spending in 7 years. Oh and all taxes across the board will be lowered, 10 million people in rural poverty given a leg up and extra 6% spending into the general economy and manufacturing. Imagine that, some countries actually consider that their people are more important than military spending, crazy ain't it.
  12. Yuh, like the bulk of the Nazi's at Nuremberg, they repented, "found Christ" at the last minute so yep, they get a gold ticket to Heaven, this is the same forgiving god who didn't bother to intervene while those same Nazi's killed 5 or 6 million Jews, let alone the sum total of some 50 million innocents many praying for help the whole time. So it's obviously ok to do whatever the hell you want in life and repent on your deathbed. But of course there's something in the Bible to cover that.
  13. Some very cunning ones too.
  14. It's amazing that they chase up Americans living overseas and working, for taxes on their wages earn't in that country. They literally have to pay tax twice, once in the country of earnings and then to the IRS, and on the original gross wage.
  15. It's amazing that they chase up Americans living overseas and working, for taxes on their wages earn't in that country. They literally have to pay tax twice, once in the country of earnings and then to the IRS, and on the original gross wage.
  16. Oh let me tell you about the Aus Tax dept. Lived in China for 10 years, get a tax fine and threats late last year for not paying tax for 3 years - my Oz Accountant puts in a zero earnings (whatever it is for living overseas) every year, the effort it took to get them to cancel it, including threat for me to be taken to Court, was effin frustrating and even then when they finally cancelled it, it was written in a condescending "We're doing you a favour, you're lucky this time" type wording, that really got up my goat, azzhools. I was pretty fortunate IMO to get a really great guy late in the proceedings who actually cared in Tasmania and I believe he made effort to see it through to conclusion. ... but I won't be surprised if I see another one in the next few years ...
  17. You posted at 3.32 and whining at people at 3.46 for not helping, i.e. 14 minutes later? Are you serious?
  18. You answered your own question. A surprising number of arsonists are
  19. There's a bridge somewhere that's actual an 'X' that changes over from one side to the other as you drive into that country, not sure where it is, maybe Hong Kong to China? I travel through Shenzen on the Hong Kong Border often and see a large mix of LHD and RHD vehicles on the main roads.
  20. Damned if you do, damned if you don't (habitual metaphor, not a religious one) ... Tell a secret, I have tried to watch the whole thing a few times myself but just feel like throwing rocks at it and turn it off.
  21. Ahh, so in fact you did get the point!
  22. Well there's a song about it, then it must be true. Excuse me while I go in search of Puff the Magic Dragon .... Hang on I'll have a look around, hmmm, people starving to death in Africa, 6 million Jews killed in WW2, 4 year old innocent children contracting leukemia, 4000 known genetic defects .... ok, looked enough, there is no gods. Oh and if the snake was on the plane it would have been found, or a shedded skin or snake poo, i.e. evidence - where's the evidence of gods not created by man's hand? I've said this before in the thread; Lets pretend there is a God, or 56, I don't believe in anything as such but I also don't go around otherwise 7 days a week trying to figure out what is life, why do a considerable number of followers devote so much time to the matter, just live your lives approximately, and the best you can, to the written (and logical) rules, and enjoy your life otherwise.
  23. I think this about covers it all .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekse95-owyo
  24. [ATTACH]47850._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  25. Oh Bollshot. People who don't believe in Gods don't talk about it unless prompted and usually from having nonsense forced upon them by those who can't stop themselves. You're forgetting rule #1, the onus is on those to prove something they claim to exist exists, not vice versa. Oh pot, kettle, black.
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