Well there's a song about it, then it must be true.
Excuse me while I go in search of Puff the Magic Dragon ....
Hang on I'll have a look around, hmmm, people starving to death in Africa, 6 million Jews killed in WW2, 4 year old innocent children contracting leukemia, 4000 known genetic defects .... ok, looked enough, there is no gods.
Oh and if the snake was on the plane it would have been found, or a shedded skin or snake poo, i.e. evidence - where's the evidence of gods not created by man's hand?
I've said this before in the thread; Lets pretend there is a God, or 56, I don't believe in anything as such but I also don't go around otherwise 7 days a week trying to figure out what is life, why do a considerable number of followers devote so much time to the matter, just live your lives approximately, and the best you can, to the written (and logical) rules, and enjoy your life otherwise.