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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. I think you guys move in the wrong circles, I have come across very few people with serious religion in my lifetime. Many will say they are Christian, Anglican or Catholic but that's because their family generations have been and so they will state it, doesn't mean they are literal to it. The only religion they have was what was forced into them as kids, doesn't count in my mind. Case in point is my Swedish Mate who absolutely believes in Thor and related mythologies, and at the same time tells you of course they are just "Fantastic nonsense" but he admits they are ingrained into him. He doesn't have any belief at all in (Christian) God or Jesus etc, because he parents never mentioned it. When I put my 3 Children into Trinitys College I told them flat out we had no beliefs, maybe the prospect of 3 lots of money made that quite ok - or they saw fresh blood, lol. Possibly because they also knew my middle Daughter had beaten them twice in "Tournament Of The Minds" inter-school competition on her old school team and wanted her for their team (and she was selected)! I have told a couple of people whom I've worked with to stick it up their backsides when they have started preaching to me, I won't suffer that uncomfortable feeling that others often tolerate when they start up in your face.
  2. I have never personally found that in Australia although it most certainly applies to may countries and mid West America.
  3. Irrelevant, a comment based on modern demographics and geographics. We are talking groups of humans numbering in the thousands within reach of each other and it only takes a few nutcases back then to take control and install fear, look what happens today with millions of supposedly intelligent educated people in the face of science. Irrelevant, we are talking about history, not personal beliefs. Once again you stop just short of saying something of greatness from atop a plinth, it's been common throughout this thread for you. What is it, you part of a some small cult that only has all the true answers? Are you an Alien? Lizardperson? Is the belief that you "Know" the foundation of your supercilious'ness? (or super sillyness ).
  4. Gods, plural. Not surprising back then due to ignorance, no excuse for it now. We know El Nino causes big rains and floods, not an angry God.
  5. .. and 10 years later I moved to Canberra and was fortunate enough to fall in with "Real Canberrians" (not transient Public Servants), the stories I could tell including the "Working Lady" who claimed to have had 4 PM's including the then current one. The Establishment's owner was a then Senior Police Officer. Pollies and Diplomats were off limits to Police, used to annoy some of the Cops I knew when they pulled them over driving pizzed as maggots - note also that Canberra was 0.08 then compared to everywhere else 0.05, another Polly protection level. Interesting place Canberra if you know the right people, that was back then, may be different now.
  6. Yeah yaw right, I keep forgetting how squeaky clean Labour and Liberal are and that we have an exclusively 2 Party system today because all the rest are bad, not because the only thing they have ever co-operating on is the dedicated removal of any individual or Party that poses a threat to them, God bless them.
  7. Please don't mention the lowest taxes, petrol prices, food prices, lowest car rego, public transport, etc .... the cheapest State to live in by far and pretty darn safe to walk the streets at night with police actually out and about walking them as well. Never forget he did a darn good job for the people and actually cared about them. Be as sarcastic as you like but there was a good reason he was Premiere for 20 years and Hawke was rightfully concerned about him and pulled a dirty manoeuvre for the '87 Elections - besides the money for the following slurring campaign,
  8. This isn't a case of some shallow, shy guy who was bullied at school (whatever) and hasn't confidence to associate with adults so finds comfort in children etc, this is a very confident outgoing man who could daily have a choice of many ladies, young and old, due to his fame but chose young teenagers far below societies acceptable age difference. Regardless of your desires, being a responsible, mature adult within societies bounds is the choice you follow, or face the consequence. Everybody loves (or did) Rolf Harris and no one wanted this to be true, but that offers him no special privilege, he is a grubby little spider and is he is where he should be.
  9. Neoptism is rampant in China, as with any (recently) impoverished country, but at least they have the decency to let you know up front so you don't waste your time.
  10. "Le Ah So"? That's bloody French you Goose!
  11. Oz Pollies retirement schemes are shocking to Chinese. Here you hit the high notes then are slowly demoted (respectfully) up until your office manager desk job at 60 then get your pension like everybody else. Here you are Gnarly Gnu, the truth ... [ATTACH]47843._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  12. The chart is BS because it relies on an individuals or communities values of "corruption" where in real life those values change dramatically from culture to culture.
  13. Toilet paper is magical stuff, it should work as breast enhancment for ladies I believe, simply rub between the breasts and natural enlargemnet should occur. It has certainly worked for my Wife's azz the last 20 years.
  14. It's just the way modern business rolls. I'm eating my dinner ....
  15. YAY!!! I can't believe it and I couldn't be happier for an Australian sporting success!
  16. Small sample of what's to come. Wait and see, they will fix his little red wagon, the Dakar is exclusively for Europeans, wait for Toby to get pinged on something with a ridiculous time penalty applied.
  17. Brings back memories. I grew up in Mornington and the channel comes in reasonably close, even closer down Rosebud way where they get very close to shore.
  18. Please do not try to fly today in this storm or attempt to land on the Spirit of Tasmania hoping to offer assistance even if flying a STOL aircraft because it might be dangerous. That felt good, I believe I am going to enjoy my new RAA posting etiquette.
  19. I just read he's been pushed back to third but don't know any details, hope it's incorrect.
  20. That took me a moment! I'm sure you did to pick up Jimmy Savile.
  21. Kiwi's grammar is correct (or Australian anyway) for emphasizing the point.
  22. I know it's not my culture but making a female child dress like that, let alone the boys don't have to, just disgusts me to the bone. That is not "choice", I don't care what plate it's served on.
  23. I often wondered what Pub Bouncers do on their days off ....
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