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Everything posted by bexrbetter
I don't want to be on Social Media!
bexrbetter replied to old man emu's topic in Science and Technology
I "fully deleted" my original Facebook account and made a new one. Then about a year later I wasn't thinking and just typed in my old account login (same password as new account) and it instantly opened up from where I had left off previously. -
I don't want to be on Social Media!
bexrbetter replied to old man emu's topic in Science and Technology
Linkedin has become extremely disappointing, it used to be ok and a genuine way to find good business contacts, but now they flood you all the time so I deleted it. -
There you go, this morning Chengdu to Chongqing Freeway, no signs, no lollipop men, no policemen, just a long line of witches hats gently tapering us down from 2 lanes and 120kmh down to a narrow lane and 40kmh naturally as no one wants to scrape their cars. it's narrower than it looks in this shot. It works and it works very well. [ATTACH]47829._xfImport[/ATTACH]
You asking Nev or a couple of billion people?
I thought that was called "death". Me in China. I can't read a thing.
Contradictory, you merely chose common sense over bravado, the same common sense that is being denied with enforcement. Yeah, nah, just not true. What baffles me is anyone over 50 years old posting this sort of stuff can't seem to remember what life was like in the 50's and 60's, I can, and I darn well know how easy I got it and what I got today, relative, thanks to Governments and Corps. That includes by the way, more power to the people who in return just whine and moan about wanting more, talk about giving an inch ...
You are of course comparing Islands, Tassy Vs Enzed ...
Nawww, the child working on that plane is far too old for my crew.
I tried to lose 60kgs this year but she just won't leave. 2016 resolution is simple, I'm going to change aviation.
Yup, Richard the Dutchman was my Bro in Law and Dallas, also Bro in Law to Richard a good friend. Geoff was the Foreman. Big Norm and the lazy old bastard Peter and a few Kiwis. I only know of one fatality, a guy in Indo or somewhere caught his noggin on something and was dazed and fell down through the scaffolding. I was mainly at Fairfeild Infectious Diseases Hospital building the exo-skeleton around the old brick chimney. I gave it up at the Nth Melbourne site doing the slip form job because of all the Union crap.
Most of my days have been running my own businesses, mechanical workshops mostly with sidelines. Other times; Tilemans Dandenong, Height work specialising in the repair and maintenance of industrial chimney flues. Mitchell's Drilling Brisbane, Exploration rig drilling into coal seams for cores looking for gas. Volvo/Mack Trucks Brisbane, Specialty vehicle construction and production line issues. B&R Enclosures Brisbane, Operator and maintenace of large sheetmetal automated punch and folding machines. And of course my time in Chinese factories with a lot less OH&S, but there none ever the less. I've seen both sides of the fence, there is too much OH&S and not just from a cost POV, it's dumbing down Australian workers. Find a idiot proof OH&S system just leads to bigger idiots.
Problem with these safety regs is that they are here to stay, the moment anyone removes one and someone hets hurt, as they would of with or without the regs, the person who removed the reg is up for hell. The best you can do is stop it now and add no further. One that bewildered me was last month driving on the Pacific Hwy Nth of Coffs Harbour with all the new roadworks seeing the HiLux utes parked well off the side of the road surrounded by witches hats and 2 triangle chocks front and rear of the tyres - are you kidding me?
Tasmania? Facts make a person look far more intelligent than not Col.
Not just brooms, they are mostly a special tree grown for the purpose and work great although as with everything, plastic is taking over in some cases. I flash past them all the time, never seen one hit or come close to, they keep themselves aware and generally Chinese drivers are very aware, expecting anything to happen because it usually does. I maintain that Nanny rules actually deaden the mind while driving. For roadworks on freeways here, usually one lane is shut down with a pre-warning "lane merge" sign and no lollipop men. They use witches hats and hundreds of them with a very long lead-in time and narrow the free lane right down, that has the effect of slowing people down by nature. Another oddity for Australians is there's usually 10 guys working and one Supervisor rather than 10 Supervisors and one worker.
America doesn't care, why should we, I mean what threat are Indo to Israel?
What, drifting from the fantasy purple sky fairy to real world factual topics?
Not many do Mate but doesn't prevent them from commenting on the place. What's bizzare is the reasons why the media has a poke at China literally daily, I don't get, China doesn't get it. When I think about it I always go full circle and believe it's for the American military machine to always have an identified "threat". Imagine the despair at McDonnell-Douglas, not to mention the stock values, when the Berlin Wall came down ... If someone wants to hate China, well at least be informed and go to sites such as 'ChinaSmack' dot com for real news stories and insights, not the garbage you get in typical Western Media.
Knew him well and a couple of his sons, Junie's actually I think, well after his term. Anyone who has never met the guy, for him to be Treasurer was just jaw dropping. Nice guy type who might run the local milk bar.
I am well aware of the situation, I am saying I don't know why the situation is like that. Will the US give up Hawaii? Wake Island is in dispute, the Marshall Islands want it back thanks. Will they give Mexico back the 7 islands along the Rio Grande (how about Texas and California while your at it). Ever stopped to look at a World map with US bases marked out? As the old saying goes, China and Russia must want war other wise why would they put there countries so close to all the US Bases? (and UK Bases for that matter). You don't see America is screaming irony about China wanting a military base a couple of hundred kms away when they annex the whole globe?
It seems that way on the surface but I have never asked about the situation, no doubt they will assert themselves over territory with South Korea or Japan, but those disputes have been going on for a long time. I will ask around about the Southern Islands, there's a lot of stuff in this region that a lot of Westerners are unaware of of course - and vice versa.
EVERYBODY does it. Only gets reported when China or North Korea get caught. I can only figure the constant, misplaced bigotry is for a number of American military manufacturers to stay solvent. Doesn't hurt that when your economy is stuffed and crime is rampant, that you have "the bad guy in black", or red in many cases, to point the finger at and take the emphasis off your own issues.
Yeah, well it doesn't work like that, but believe what you want. I only bother trying to explain because I'm tired of reading the crap every day (media reports I am referring too) and would prefer countries and races were just a bit friendlier to each other or at least mind their own business - and from their own sides of the fence. Which includes Australia btw, what the hell is an Orion doing here? A "routine maritime patrol" in the Northern Hemisphere, yeah right, is there no concern about Australia doing what America beckons it to do and putting us at risk? http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-35099445 Not "required", forced under threat of lawful action to vote which is not democratic and also debatable if it's the right thing. While we continue to force people to vote for the second best choice, then we will always have second best.
China's 85+ million CPC Members of 1300 million is 6.5% Vs Australia's 140000+ Oz Party members of 24 million = 0.65% 6.5% Vs 0.65%, so according to your context, China must be 10 times more democratic than Australia. By rights, based on Membership, the Melbourne Cricket Club should be running Australia. No claims here, I was asked how it works and I offered the info.
I wasn't being coy. We do have a well balanced democratic Parliamentary system, albeit severely infested by our 2 Party system, and this tends to make the populace think we are a democratic country, and too much American TV. The fact is though we are a Liberal Socialist system and hope each term that the people running the place will do the best for you, although the public assets sell-offs of the last 30 years has thrown some distinct Democratic Capitalist flavour into the fold, mostly the bad bits, like water, energy and communications getting into Private hands and the people bearing the costs of that. Of course the people who scream "Democracy!" are the first to scream about the "Cost of living!", ignorant hypocrites. Australia's socialism is all around you and daily controlling consumer prices, inflation, wages, takes more from the wealthier and gives to the poorer, helps the unemployed etc etc, - on the same hand, the Parliament can make decisions without any consultation with the public, hence your list above. There are checks and balances and laws in place that stop nonsensical or illegal Bills getting past the Floor though. Democracy is "feel good" thing when you think you have it, the reality is people can't afford democracy nor are people smart enough to control it (i.e. Homer's Car). Be careful for what you ask for.