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Everything posted by bexrbetter
Might have been too clever a pun, no one else seemed to notice!
Rob E G reminds me of my favorite Uncle, Alan Hawking of the Hawking Brothers, who was a fantastic steel guitarist, and one of Australia's best banjo players (either not shown here)..
And this might be their greatest ..
Yup, was never a big Russel Morris fan in the day, but those recent live recordings are good enough to be on my workshop playlist. Thinking they were only just a bit above average in the day, I have turned into a rather large INXS fan recently, their music holds up very darn well.
Damn you all to hell bloody Buddhists! Or was it the Hindu's again?
Bahaha! America has just decided to print more money, only a trillion dollars this time. Congress unveils $1 trillion spending plan to avoid government shutdown .. actually, it's not funny at all. Obama in for 8 years and now the country is broke, how people would like to blame Trump, and morons will, but this is from shocking mismanagement over a long period of time, include Bush in it if you like. "Printing money" is not a literal by the way, only about 8% of the world's 240 trillion is actually tenderable.
I would have rung his neck.
You yourself have previously nominated your short attention span to those who's comments you disagree with, Pauline got a jab ... so I suggest you leap forward to 4.15 and try to watch for just 1 minute. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZNu3GRI3H4 Oh, and then come back and tell us your "solutions". Wrong, it was literally done by the USA in 2008, and it has been instituted in a number of countries. It is a genuine budgeting option, although not often implemented as many countries do not have the short term economic strength to stop it turning into rampant inflation. America did, have recovered from it, and Australia has the wealth, and exports to enable short term policies to control it if required. So I suggest actually typing stuff into Google before posting, researching and being educated on what you are going to post BEFORE you post it. Research often has the effect of avoiding looking less intelligent than the person they are deprecating. Why Not Just Print More Money? LMGTFY The old Greeny 2 step, where's your facts of success? KWs per dollar spent thanks. Guessing you'll be driving a car to work tomorrow morning?
I went and saw a doctor, touched my shoulder, hurts, touched my hip, hurts, touched my ankle, bad pain, touched my head, really sore. Apparently I had a broken finger.
Wow all these years thinking it's the Islamics doing the terrorism, now I have seen that map is is quite obvious it's THE POLISH!!!
More likely to be easing you into what's coming. I hate the petrol scam, lets say it's 102 cents, suddenly it jumps to 117 cents and everyone screams in protest, then are relieved and feel that someone listened to them when it drops back to 108 cents - right where the petrol company wanted it. - Suckers is the word that comes to mind. Question asked and answered.
I didn't know that, not that I wanted to care, but it seems to marry with the time period that our Olympic achievements have been going downwards doesn't it?
HOLD THE FRONT DOOR! You're telling me a Religion has invented a story that's not actually true? I'm shattered.
My hands were tied. Wait, I mean, arr forget it.
Let me elaborate, I would have my ashes scattered in our respective favorite places, in China a beautiful local mountain area where I proposed to my wife that she might visit down memory lane. Do you think that would make a difference in your case compared to a crematorium?
Well they own enough land now, so I suppose we should appoint a "Chinese" into Government as well .....
Not that I think it makes any difference, reason being I'll be dead, but I think I will have to be cremated to share my ashes in China for my Wife to have a place to go to if need, and my children to go to that spot if they feel that need.
I often pass out when I get an erection.
A salary is a business decision based on the returns for the investment, I have no problem with them. What I do have a problem with is when it's a Government institution in an era of high unemployment and that decision is still based on a profit schedule rather than real world needs that the Government is responsible for. This was the case for Australia Post. I suggest the reading of "Lee Iococca, An Autobiography", interesting story.
A name call probably would have been less condescending. Based on calling others "hypocrites", I was just establishing my position in regards to my pursuits on the back of your sentence.
I can't speak for you personally, but many say it, and it's simply not followed up regardless of intent. I live in China, 3rd from the left on this chart, I have lived in Australia, 3rd from the right. Unless you have experience living time in both, it is difficult to imagine the amount of daily change required to reduce your energy consumption across that gap. Most Australians do not have the education from childhood to meet those targets or to even accept a lowering of living standards required. Well the phase out is occurring naturally. Doesn't matter if you build new ones if there's no buyers. You saw the charts I posted with Australia's reliance on China, and I know first hand what China is doing to reduce coal consumption. China's Nuclear Power Station Regulatory Congress discussing the new stations to be built is happening as we speak. It's amusing in one way, all the SJWs on Australian social media ripping into China about pollution for years, now China is acting out of embarrassment and sending Australia broke at the same time. The first people to be affected will be all those SJWs on the dole. Yes it's unaffordable. It's not something i'm making up, the figures are known. the successive short term Governments you mention do not want to take responsibility. One thing though, if it's not done quickly, then it will never be affordable because Australia soon won't have the economy to pay for it at all. Sad to see China with it's economy at it's peak throwing everything it can at infrastructure while it can, while Australia just squabbles over everything and continually misses the boat.
I'll say it again, and again, I just can't stand the pretentious hypocrisy of many of those people advocating it. That climate debate is boring, ends up the same old same old, lipstick hypocrites attacking with social guilt tactics, then getting off the computer and driving their car 500 meters for bread and milk. The science is in or not, the Earth is going to explode tomorrow or not, most will not change a damn thing about their life habits. I'm annoying because people can't handle the truth about themselves. Maybe we should have some comparisons of daily life to see who around here on a scale who is environmentally friendly, I like my chances of being very high up on the list. Go for your life, it will get you no where because all I would do is agree, but I'm not a hypocrite. There is absolutely nothing friendly to the environment regarding what I do, and since it's fun or hobby based, it's an absolute wasteful, damaging rape of the Earth's resources. I think my next car will be electric though, I mean the next one I design and build. I'm already driving an electric car daily, not because I'm "Green", but because it's damn cheap to run, and fun to drive. If my petrol car was cheaper I would be driving that. That's more important to me than baby seals.
You've heard of Luke:13, Mark:12 and Mathew:9. Father McCarthy has been ordered by the Courts to stay away from them.
I expect Macron will avoid interviews and debates like the plague for the next few weeks, his inexperience will show up badly with the hard questions. It will help that most Press are Left leaning, sad scenario, Macron will be nothing but a puppet for the Establishment.