Sorry Gnu, you just need to live in China for a while to see just how true that isn't - as do a lot of people to understand what having a "Big Brother" running the country is all about.
It's very unfortunate that I use the term "Big Brother" in a true family sense, when it is of course expressed in a different way in some countries as a negative.
I am pretty annoyed at the rubbish sprouted about China and "Commo's" after living here and realising the lies that I have been infested with all my life. Can't wait to get over to North Korea eventually and see the truth for myself now - and sure, it may be all true, but I assure you I have no confidence in what Governments or Media say, again, after living here for 10 years.
Oh and after a few very large bourbans I am now starting my own "Oh Praise The Bourban Religion", our motto is;"I hate you all and gunna punch ya, but your wife is cute".