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Everything posted by bexrbetter
I would accept that if you showed me a picture of her wearing a light head scarf, but no, it's the full gear every time including arms and legs etc as her religion demands, she doesn't have a choice ...
It's true I haven't seen every episode, no desire too. I'm not a big fan of many journalists overall and the perfect liberal worlds they live in. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waleed_Aly
Exactly. He has the experience at all levels. I don't nor have ever believed "silver spooners" has anything to do with the ability of a person, plenty of sons have inherited a business and stuffed it completely in short time. I will have to watch the alleged comments within the context of the speech surrounding it before making judgements.
Not me OK, I don't think much of Weedy Al. It's very easy to make believable commentary with the lights dimmed, camera slowly zooming in on you and the ideal music to suit the mood, a lot harder when you actually have to have a discussion one on one with the people or subject you are criticising. He is also a devout Sunni Muslim who openly blames Western culture for terrorism and speaks on behalf of "Violence against Women" while making his wife follow Sunni law including head scarf. I find that not quite right.
50 years ago I was a tot. My 3 siblings and I lived in our house in Melbourne. It had 3 bedrooms, a living, kitchen, toilet and small laundry rooms and connecting hallway. The laundry had a large square concrete sink and a round washing machine with a hand roller ringer on top. Open fireplace and later we got a gas heater with those glowing porcelain elements. We had a fridge and a 4 element gas stove with oven. I just remember our first TV and all channels (I certainly remember going to Grandparents and them listening to the radio). Oh and we had lino floors. That's about it for the fibro cement, red roof tiled house. Our car was a Holden FJ and various French cars along the way, Peugeot 403 for example. They broke down occasionally, boiled up long hills or in traffic jams on hot days along with us kids, windscreens broke on the Calder Hwy frequently from the stones thrown up (there was always a windscreen place somewhere on route not too far) and just generally slow, noisy bad brakes and bad tyres in the wet. Air conditioning was some wonderous thing some department stores had, not many. Being that flyers tend to be in the 'mature' category, I'm sure many of you are quite clear about the above and how it as a part of your lives also 50 years ago. Look around at your lot today in comparison, bought to your door courtesy of; Governments and Corporations. You guys believe what you want, I know for a fact that my life over the last 50 years has steadily increased in material wealth, clothing, safety, life expectancy, medical procedures available, transport, general comfort and improving with every year. Oh and lets not forget communications, the very thing we are doing right here. Veritable facts, not suspicious hysteria.
Guy has run successful businesses amongst other successes, you know they are seriously worried about him by the "nut case" smear program they are running against him.
I was thinking more Bon Scott and Robert Plant.
The "Public Unabashed Bonding" group? PUB for short.
I like to whoreship occasionally.
Knowing that there's a "Highway to Hell" and a "Stairway to Heaven", seems indicative where most of us are headed ....
Oh and true stuff, did you know if Jesus actually existed that he would have been around 5' or 1.53 mts tall? Fact, research it. Now you know why people kneel to pray, they are actually getting to eye level with Jesus!
Start praying boys, tonight it all starts .... http://shoebat.com/2015/06/29/tomorrow-you-will-see-the-star-of-bethlehem-a-sign-that-christs-second-coming-is-around-the-corner/
Yuh, true story ... Myself and my Dad were driving Melb to Bris via the Newell Hwy, middle of nowhere which the Newell has ample of, I guess somewhere near Parkes at about 4 to 5am and we noticed a light hovering low in the sky in the distance then suddenly disappearing. As we headed North, this object appeared again and started doing some mighty unusual stuff, it would hover for a bit then at accelerate at incredible speeds seemingly beyond anything human. It would disappear for a bit then suddenly reappear hovering for some time and almost dance in the sky, darting here and there. Well me and Dad both went a bit quiet just mesmerised by this thing and drawing ever closer to it although distance was actually very hard to judge. I tell you if it had of disappeared forever then I would swear to this day of our UFO encounter, but we have an ending ... It as a crop duster! The hovering lights were when it as coming directly at you and the incredible acceleration as when it turned off the run. Of course it disappeared when it as going away from you and would reappear in a new position for it's next run. It as as spooky as shite while drawing to a conclusion, my best UFO encounter and fortunately, no anal probes. There was another time me and a mate were on the Pacific Hwy just South of Grafton coming back from Sydney and we saw this really weird, eerie flashing green light just off the road at about 4am. We both went silent and he asked if we wanted to go back and see what it as ... "Nope" and kept going!
There's a smooth end?
That's because the craft is predominately cigar shaped. But I agree it's fake, quite obviously they took that well known picture of a real, verified UFO and superimposed the writing and camo, and then onto the picture of the USAF Base.
Probably to stop all the "Experts" chiming in as to what we are "really" seeing. Here is one factual thing of interest though, from all the Moon landings, 40 rolls of film are missing along with 400kgs of moon rocks/dust. That is genuinely strange.
There is no such thing as an "unidentified" flying object, they are quite clearly identified as an unidentified flying object.
People cause GW (allegedly) yet the Pope is anti contraceptive. Bit of a quandary for them.
Our Fourth Form English teacher always wore loose unbuttoned blouses and no bra, the lucky few would get called up the front for a discussion of their work including me - but I never ended up one of her wombats as a few of the others did.
I knew of 4 Teachers, 2 females meeting up with male students and 2 male teachers meeting up with female students (one ended up married to one 14 years younger than him). 3 of them in the 1970's, one in the 1980's. From what I saw I wouldn't use those terms at all but seems that's what they do now. I can assure you that all parties were very happy and the students, all over 16 years old, were quietly boastful, yes including the girls. Different times I guess. Mornington Peninsula rural if that makes a difference.
Wut? I am in a minority of having factual experience of both, you're welcome. One thing I have notice with any religious people I have had contact with throughout my life is the oscillations of mood, completely normal for weeks then suddenly full on into that full spiritual hallelujah mode where all sensibilities get left behind - guess where I reckon you are at the moment ... take note of the replies you are getting for your last few posts from the heathens and decide for yourself how you're coming across.
I lived for 15 years in Chambers Flat Rd Marsden with Marsden High School 50 meters straight across the road and Marsden Primary school 500 meters around the corner from my house. My 2 eldest Daughters completed Marsden Primary and years 7 - 8 and 7 respectively at Marsden High. At the start of years 9 and 8 for the elders, and my youngest Daughter's year 4, I transferred all 3 to Trinity College/St Josephs Primary in Beenleigh believing the education standard would be higher at a Private school. Bollshite it was and from my personal experience able to directly compare both, bollshite to your comment. In fact in Qld, the lower class area schools such as Marsden excel in funding, programs and student pass standards. I would have put them back into Marsden High had we not also eventually moved to the Beenleigh area. Also for the purpose of a (perceived) better education and better discipline, I was happy to accept that all 3 would have to have Bible instruction and go to Mass etc (whatever) and until that point in time they had never been to church in their lives. I gave them no instruction other than to explain what to expect and listen for the good moral teachings that can be found sometimes. To this day they do not "Believe" nor are any of them a part of any religion - no surprise for children that didn't have it drummed into them from birth. And no, not through my coaching either. My Daughters are very well mannered, hard working, diligent, respectful, in one case a devoted loving Mum, etc, etc, - in fact, 3 of the finest heathens you could meet.
Yuh, we might end up with stuff like internet forums and aircraft.
A PRIEST AND A RABBI. A priest and a rabbi were sitting next to each other on an airplane. After a while, the priest turned to the rabbi and asked, “Is it still a requirement of your faith that you not eat pork?” The rabbi responded, “Yes, that is still one of our laws.” The priest then asked, “Have you ever eaten pork?” To which the rabbi replied, “Yes, on one occasion I did succumb to temptation and tasted a ham sandwich.” The priest nodded in understanding and went on with his reading. A while later, the rabbi spoke up and asked the priest, “Father, is it still a requirement of your church that you remain celibate?” The priest replied, “Yes, that is still very much a part of our faith” The rabbi then asked him, “Father, have you ever fallen to the temptations of the flesh?” The priest replied, “Yes, rabbi, on one occasion I was weak and broke my Faith.” The rabbi nodded understandingly and remained silent, and sat thinking, for about five minutes. Finally, the rabbi said, “Beats the shite out of a ham sandwich, doesn't it?”
The stripping of Brazilian rainforests was always a bad thing.