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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. Wow Mike, I kinda thought you were an old hand. Under 20 years in the skies and you have designed and built your own unique craft like no other, well done.
  2. Ewww, it's just a group of people playing different tunes in different keys, very badly. Only beaten, and I mean in the wrong direction, by scat.
  3. Clapton is a very handsome guy! Wonder if his guitar strings gave him black thumbs as aluminium does ....
  4. Probably '75 or '76 with standard for the times 2 sizes too small tight jeans, older brother and the Datsun 1000 that was later to become my first car. [ATTACH]47626._xfImport[/ATTACH] Tail completed last year and my trusty Mazda 6 ... [ATTACH]47627._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  5. Hmmm, have they ever been seen in the same room together at the same time ..... just saying ...
  6. Only in order to agree and support my posts. That's why it's called "Faith"!
  7. I don't expect my opinions to be challenged and am always shocked and surprised when they are because I am always right and only a limp wristed, snotty nosed, drunken, sewer crawling, ISIS supporting bunyip would challenge me.
  8. Speak for yourself!
  9. Phhtt, spot the poster who has never heard of a kryptonite cross ..... Afghanistan women in a record store in the mid 1950s .... [ATTACH]47613._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  10. He had 13 kids, I think he started Catholicism too!
  11. We are truly fortunate that Australians truly accept other's views. It is a diminishing treasure though the use of simplistic power words such as 'terrorist', 'racist', 'denier', etc rather than an actual structured sentence - otherwise known as debate. 'Wanker' is ok though
  12. Good on ya Mate, hope you go well with it, I love math, but leave it to others now, I just do the big ideas now and throw it at them to sort out.
  13. TP, you deserve the full 100 internet points for that comeback!!
  14. Bollshite 1700 and 1800's "Gallant Gentlemen's" head on attack warfare, great for the General's in the backrooms literally playing with wooden dolls. War criminals are only on the losing sides.
  15. George Bush? But seriously folks, if the Church learnt a little humour like this, I reckon they would come across a little better ... [ATTACH]47606._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  16. [ATTACH]47596._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  17. I'm sure the 5 guys, who continuously raped and bashed Anita Cobby for hours before leaving her in a paddock, after dragging her along a barbed wire fence for some distance, to die but deciding to come back later and slash her throat almost cutting her head off, agree with your position. Some of the 5 are living a reasonably good life in jail. As I complained earlier, too many people are seriously detached from the reality of it all.
  18. On Facebook today, don't know the validity of it ........ This is a post by a police officer regarding the hype around the Bali executions and it's something I think more Aussies need to read ................................................. I can’t believe the mentality of people. I have been in law enforcement for 34 years and have worked in many areas within the force. After 9 years in, I spent nearly 5 years working as a UC. (Undercover) attempting to infiltrate traffickers of all types of drugs including amphets right down to simple choof. What a world of pain and misery. I was encased by the filth and self-destruction where I witnessed numerous deaths by either ODs or in a lot of cases suicides. Young girls selling their bodies for 10 bucks a go just to get their hands on their next fix. I remember one particular girl who hung around with the collection I was trying to set up. She was 14 when she was hooked and on the game by 15. Her body was so ripped and torn by drug and sexual abuse she had intestines falling out of her rectum as a result of numerous rapes and sexual encounters where she tried to get payment. Her child was taken off her when she was 15 by Human services but they could do nothing for her but supply treatment when they could. She died at 19. Alone in a back street. Where were you do-gooders. I saw you pass her on the street and avoid her all the time. I would give her food but she preferred to starve and get some smack rather than eat. I became depressed with my job after this time and had to eventually get into some other area. I guarantee any police officer who reads this will be thinking of some person they have dealt with in their career that fits this build. But all I see is you wanna be Samaritans who treat these two drug kings as heroes. Ok I accept that you dont believe in the death penalty. I don’t like it either. But I am sure as shit not going to call on the PM to “Bring our boys home” No boy of mine would do this. The media and the solicitors have played you people for the fools you are. You have never lived in the world of drug, crime and despair. You have been protected from it so much you live in the fantasy world where you believe you can hug everyone and all will be better. You are not qualified to even comment as to whether these guys should get parole or not. Have a look at our system. Or have you forgotten already. Adrian Bayley. You paroled him. You say the parole board stuffed up and parole him. But the parole board consists of people just like you. With your opinions and beliefs. That was a complete and utter failure. This piece of shit was a career rapist and the only ones we can blame for what he did is all of us. Not the judge. Not the Parole board or the police. Us. The decisions like this that are being made are by people who never have to deal with these shitheads when they are in street mode committing crimes. You see them all clean shaven and in their court suits or white shirts becoming born again etc. You poor misguided fools. You don’t even care about the effects of what they have done to our society. Our penalties used to be tough and crime was low. When I started in the police force 34 years ago we called it “Marijuana” It was the biggest thing on the street. Crime was not rampant. Then the drug importing began and the addiction, the shift to powders etc and suspended sentences and here we are. Well your system has worked hasn’t it. Then you voice how much you hate police. But you ring us and run inside and hide whilst we come out and deal with the shit you don’t have the guts to deal with yourself. But you are right up there on your keyboards bravely shit canning the police for excessive force and filming it on your cameras. Here we are in Australia expecting the world to fall at our feet. “Lets boycott Bali. Wow you heroes. That will fix them. Won’t mean shit. You think Australia props up Bali. There are more tourist from Europe than Australia there. And its mostly the bogans one and only overseas holiday destination. Henry Chinn. Know him? Bet not. Well he is on death row in China for trying to smuggle 270 grams of meth into our lovely country in 2004. Have you given a shit about him yet? No. Why? Cos the media hasn’t spoon fed you the crap to hype you up. Who are the two Aussies who were caught in China in last year trying to cart 75kg of ice to here? Davis and Gardiner. They are a couple. China has executed in excess of 1000 people in a 12 month period. But you still buy their shit every day. You hypocrites. These two Australians will be executed and you will still buy their product. Second chance you say. You think these people have no prior convictions. You think this is their first attempt. Wake up fools. Stop hugging yourselves. Two men died today because they broke a law in a country where they knew they faced death if caught. Had they have gotten away with it, there would be a countless number of 19 year old girls laying in the gutter dead. Quick run inside and tell yourself what a great person you are
  19. "Human Rights" studies scholarship for Indonesian students. The 'Jimmy Savile' scholarship for "Sexual Abuse" studies coming soon - and who better to teach that than the Catholic Church. Yuh, Ted Bundy agrees with you. .......
  20. To all if I seem a bit curt I'm sorry, things happening in my real life (good things but a very anxiety creating situation) combined with every post here reminds me of my POS smacko brother. I know some of you mean well but you just can't know what you don't know. The stories I could tell, but the people who have been exposed to having family members or close friends know them only too well and they don't need reminding.
  21. Do not speak on my behalf thanks, I did night shift work in the Valley. I didn't mention violence either.
  22. Malaysia had introduced the death penalty for drug trafficking in 1983 as a reaction to a burgeoning drug trade in the region. By mid 1986 Malaysia had hanged about 35 people in ten years, mostly Chinese Malaysians convicted of drug trafficking. Lawyers and government officials reportedly agreed that the country risked a political and ethnic outcry if it made exceptions based on the ethnicity of its defendants. As Australian public support for Barlow and Chambers was minimal, Malaysia risked little diplomatic damage from carrying-out the execution.[18] Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke made a passionate plea for a stay of execution on behalf of the two men. Hawke later described the hanging as "barbaric", a remark which chilled Australian relations with Malaysia.[23] Relations between the two nations were reportedly affected for a decade afterwards.[24] In response to the argument that no one has the right to take another's life, then-Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad replied, "You should tell that to the drug traffickers."[25] At a press conference that occurred after the hangings Mahathir criticised the use of the word "barbaric" and said it should not have been used to refer to Malaysia because "we have never had any lynchings and things like that which only barbarians like to do." He also said that hanging as a method of executing criminals originated in the West.[26] The then UMNO Youth Leader Anwar Ibrahim also said use of the term "barbaric" was regrettable. He said "It is a generative word that passes judgement on our society—something we cannot accept and did not expect from such a friendly country." He argued that the consequences of drug trafficking were well known in Malaysia, and the need for strong deterrents to eliminate the activity was accepted internationally.[27] The conference of State Legislative Assembly speakers in Shah Alam also rejected Hawke's comment. They said it gave the impression Australia belittled Malaysian law and "considers the capital punishment meted out to the two as uncivilised and unsuitable for this day and age." The speakers at the conference unanimously passed an emergency resolution expressing their "grave view" of the statement. The conference felt that such comments should not have come from a national leader who upheld the law and that the statement had touched on the sovereignty of Malaysia's laws and the legal system.[28
  23. I'm seeing; "Andrew and Myuran", "Andrew and Myuran", "Andrew and Myuran" everywhere ........ What the hell happened to Chan and Sukumaran the DRUG SMUGGLERS? This has to be one of the most pathetic media episodes in Australia's history. And well within their law. You also see it written quite clearly when you board and disembark the plane and go both ways through Customs, rather large signs actually and they are everywhere and can not be missed ... Nev, You might want to go out at 2am around the back lanes near the Story Bridge tonight and see some of the end results of these guys. Don't go alone.
  24. Did you read that on a calender somewhere? Kids in Mornington in my time, around 14 to 17, were smoking dope en-mass, way before drinking started in later teens, including me. Can't even remember seeing my Brother drunk or even drinking for that matter, was always his face stuck in a Bong in the early days. I happened to find minibikes by day and girls by night far more interesting. With my workshop I agreed to be a part of the Logan "Gateway" program for a while that gave Parolee's part time work to help them back into the workforce. My opinion is that the bulk of Crims will never change, they just want the easiest way in life they can find. What shocked me was learning how much some of them get up to and how small the ratio of discovery really is. I actually had a good friendship with one of them. His main issue was Speed and he used to appreciate being inside occasionally, usually for a few months at a time as he got off it for a while, got fed well and exercise. His 'Day Job' was money collection that he was very good at.
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