OK, I find this a bit bigotry, intended or not, and I don't blame you. The Han's history is clear, one of the clearest in fact for anyone who wishes to pursue it, as is many other cultures and the swinging of power throughout history.
You guys just have to understand that it is fact that the Han bend over backwards for the minority groups here and it is nothing like what Western media portrays - I don't even understand why Western media portrays it, I don't understand what's in it for them? Not too sure who "them" is either.
I live at the edge of a large number of Minorities including Tibetans, Yi and have been to their founding areas many times. The Han share Government with them and actively encourage their sub cultures and gives them shiteloads of money.
If I had to explain it best to Australians, it is a situation like our Aboriginals where you get the fringe few who want more and more and 'please leave our lands you invaders' - and that's what the Western media grabs onto at every opportunity, but it isn't how it really is - you are being played.
I'll see if I can dig up the police video of 105 innocent people getting slaughtered in the streets with knives, bats, bricks, rocks. Stand out is the young girl in her 20's who gets dragged out of her VW Golf by 5 guys and one of them bashes her skull in on the ground with a great big chunk of concrete. Yeah, but not extreme at all, like the 16 police stations bombed last year.
Here's a current Western media example,
It doesn't read; "Heroic Chinese Police foil Terrorist attempt!",
Nope, it reads; "Two Uighur women killed by Chinese police!" - what a crock
You have to go down 7 paragraphs(!) to learn the women were knife yielding and presented in a way that it's a police lie. Who commonly reads that far anyway? Now you tell me that's not reporting with a bias.
I'm guessing the Tibetan violence doesn't get reported there? Figures, wouldn't really fit in with the big picture of "The Big Bad Chinese" would it. Tibetans are violent, aggressive people, and big and strong - again you have images of what the Western media portrays, who besides me here can claim to have walked around Tibetan towns at night and claim different? One of the few times I am ever concerned about my safety in China.
Give money, allow their religion even if it goes against our morals, give them land and house, say sorry for any political incorrectness, make new laws specific so they don't have to obey ours, jail Jeremy Clarkson, have a National Day for them, exempt their children from our school's teachings, etc..