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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. Password protected to make sure only one person, one time.
  2. Yup, I have often been mistaken for a God. - or Brad Pitt.
  3. Oh I already tried for a funny a few months ago, don't know if a mod picked it up or an auto Bot does it but I didn't get to make the post within minutes!
  4. Well I've seen the work of both, eg; one gives 5 year olds leukemia and one tries to cure/prevent leukemia, so guess who's side I'm on. And based on that, maybe a few more 'Followers' should also be telling "God" how to do things rather than just blindly accepting what is, after all, ultimate power ultimately corrupts. Just picture it; God's a bit angry (as usual), "Hmm not enough offerings for me this week, I know, I'll give cute little Mary Ann Jones on Stanley St leukemia, that'll up the prayer rate for the month ....
  5. "crap"
  6. This is an old thread Phil. As for Manly ferry, that's ok, but Parramatta is a much longer trip and more to see besides going under the Bridge.
  7. That's so seriously just not true on both accounts.
  8. Not sure why people bag out acupuncture, it works, both the older method and especially modern using pulsating electrical current between the needles. Of course, like many professions, it comes down to the operator, some of them are real pricks.
  9. Not just religion, many cultures have very strange and ridiculous customs that date back forever. I can never understand why us mostly Germanic descendants who have progressed and made the World what it is today, not only put up with this ridiculousness, but also often financially support it and are made to feel guilty and damned if we disturb or critisise it in anyway.
  10. I just realised today that in no way could Adam and Eve have been Chinese, after all, they chose to eat the apple over the snake.
  11. Was a bit ruff.
  12. I give you a creative, rapturous crescendo such as the likes never been seen before and this is the thanks I get? Envy is the fear of comparison and acknowledgement of the victorious. I would also like to take this moment to thank my Parents and my Dog.
  13. Oiii !!!!!
  14. THE 2000th POST!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!
  15. I just have to claim .....
  16. I can't help myself .......
  17. This is interesting, and it's also not the only comparion to be made in history BEFORE Jesus Christ. http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_jcpa5b.htm
  18. Have you guys never watched "Religulous" ? http://v.pps.tv/play_31QT5V.html#from_soku
  19. The old drip. They rarely give you anti-biotics in pill form, they just throw you on a drip, very common here and man does it ever work fast! I've been on 4 times for serious flu/colds and 4 or 5 hours later nothing!
  20. Mate send her here, most welcome. I'm not far from the Yangtze, about 2 hours drive in a few directions. I've been meaning to do the Shanghai to Chongqing cruise (3 days).
  21. Every 2nd Friday night, table reserved!
  22. OK, I find this a bit bigotry, intended or not, and I don't blame you. The Han's history is clear, one of the clearest in fact for anyone who wishes to pursue it, as is many other cultures and the swinging of power throughout history. You guys just have to understand that it is fact that the Han bend over backwards for the minority groups here and it is nothing like what Western media portrays - I don't even understand why Western media portrays it, I don't understand what's in it for them? Not too sure who "them" is either. I live at the edge of a large number of Minorities including Tibetans, Yi and have been to their founding areas many times. The Han share Government with them and actively encourage their sub cultures and gives them shiteloads of money. If I had to explain it best to Australians, it is a situation like our Aboriginals where you get the fringe few who want more and more and 'please leave our lands you invaders' - and that's what the Western media grabs onto at every opportunity, but it isn't how it really is - you are being played. I'll see if I can dig up the police video of 105 innocent people getting slaughtered in the streets with knives, bats, bricks, rocks. Stand out is the young girl in her 20's who gets dragged out of her VW Golf by 5 guys and one of them bashes her skull in on the ground with a great big chunk of concrete. Yeah, but not extreme at all, like the 16 police stations bombed last year. Here's a current Western media example, It doesn't read; "Heroic Chinese Police foil Terrorist attempt!", Nope, it reads; "Two Uighur women killed by Chinese police!" - what a crock http://www.worldbulletin.net/todays-news/156568/two-uighur-women-killed-by-chinese-police-says-report You have to go down 7 paragraphs(!) to learn the women were knife yielding and presented in a way that it's a police lie. Who commonly reads that far anyway? Now you tell me that's not reporting with a bias. I'm guessing the Tibetan violence doesn't get reported there? Figures, wouldn't really fit in with the big picture of "The Big Bad Chinese" would it. Tibetans are violent, aggressive people, and big and strong - again you have images of what the Western media portrays, who besides me here can claim to have walked around Tibetan towns at night and claim different? One of the few times I am ever concerned about my safety in China. Give money, allow their religion even if it goes against our morals, give them land and house, say sorry for any political incorrectness, make new laws specific so they don't have to obey ours, jail Jeremy Clarkson, have a National Day for them, exempt their children from our school's teachings, etc..
  23. What a spell-binding thread.
  24. Regardless of if one is a pacifist etc or "right wing", the fact is land, food and water are running out relative to population expansion - there is a time coming that something has to give and it ain't going to be pretty. Ultimately I can't see how "Them or Us" can be avoided (some flexibilty as to who you see as "Them").
  25. The point is clear OK but I can see the 'Merican girls hair, skin and some boobies (lucky Bible). Her ability to actually aim and kill someone is likely a bit less as well. The number of recent attacks on railway and bus stations here that have seen a hundred killed were generally by groups of 5 Muslim females yielding bloody big knives/small swords, that takes some doing even for a man. A lot of pre-thought and training to accomplish such a feat.
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