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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. All true but only of value if it doesn't take 21 trillion to process it. The current resources mentioned are of course close to or even on the surface. Interestingly my friend's company did a shale valuation for the Jordan Government recently, I have all the info, I'll see if I can post it or not.
  2. Indeed it's true, close family friend and my daughter's godfather is a Head of one of those marginals. They have shale interests in America, Canada and Brazil and investment dollars have been coming in strong for the last couple of years, too much to turn back. He says it has had and will have some further effect, but actually hasn't changed a lot because there is a fair few North American investors who would rather see the money get invested and stay in North America, as well as being sick and tired of the ME. The ME shot themselves in the foot by allowing the prices to get so high and opening the door. Of course one reason the prices get so high is the constant ballshite that we are getting short of the stuff, that's absolute crap, but suits the people selling it.
  3. Look, I'm not saying Jesus was racist, but finding guys with the names Peter, John, James, Mathew, Andrew, Luke and Simon in the Middle East? C'mon ......
  4. Absolute ballshite. You just don't know about the constant murders and terror attacks and the civil unrest, etc, likely the highest outside of the Middle East, because it's not a good fit with the Western Press to report "Big Bad Commo China" actually suffering. You only hear about stuff like the train station attacks because that's impossible to ignore ... http://cn.bing.com/search?q=China+Train+station+attacks&go=Submit&qs=n&form=QBRE&pq=china+train+station+attacks&sc=0-25&sp=-1&sk=&cvid=7beb9adff80d424cac966313842e5ef6
  5. ........... and God promised Men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world, Hallelujah! .. and then he made the earth round, sick bastard.
  6. Or dare start a war over it ....... Errr, cause it's fun?
  7. Of all the approaches I have had over these years about people wanting to know about setting up here, not one has directly mentioned cheaper labour rates. Most claim to have had a gut'full of the Government's attitude towards them, doing the work for the Government (BAS etc), Council stuff like having to have gardens and therefore less carparks, wheelchair access, other stuff and of course, WHS/Worker's comp and disputes - the list goes on. It has been proven over and over that the actual direct labour rate itself has little impact, in Holden's case for example it was around $900 per Commodore difference between Oz and Asia (their report is on the net somewhere).
  8. They leave and they take the micro economic systems they create with them, employment being the main one as Australia is about to find out with the loss of the big 3 car manufacturers.
  9. Your proffering has nothing to do with what I said. The same services in Australia would cost the same or more, who pays for it doesn't change the cost of it..
  10. Never happened to me in 20 years of raising 3 kids in Logan/Brisbane. Can't recall less than 3 or so hours waiting. I have certainly arrived in the evening and seen daylight before being seen on a couple of occasions. American Health isn't more expensive than Australia, I believe the Oz lower class median is actually more expensive, but they do however have insurance packages that can be astronomical in price that people get the hard sell on; "What, you don't love your children??" - but that's your choice to sign or not. My Mate isn't wealthy by any strecth, respected 'Detroit car industry' historian, now runs a classic car website and was best known as "Detroit Editor" of the famous American "Hot Rod" magazine for a while. http://www.macsmotorcitygarage.com/ You're welcome to your opinion. At the end of the day many places have their advantages and disadvantages that generally balance out and I prefer to live in China not because it's "better", it's not, and it's certainly not "worse" either, but that it's advantages happen to suit my career and lifestyle.
  11. Interestingly a lot of Americans actually support their medical system and enjoy the insurance schemes they have, one friend of mine certainly was taken back when I told him I would wait at least 4 to 6 hours to be seen at most Oz hospitals.
  12. You could look at it that way I guess but I see it this way ...
  13. If Harley Triumph (Meriden) built an aircraft would you fly in it .......
  14. No, I'm agnostic.
  15. Nah, old report, he moved along when his boss, Sir Joh, passed away.
  16. Ok so someone believes in a God that created everything, fine. As I said before, and it fits in right here again, I can respect that people are grateful for that but I still don't understand taking your whole life and using it/wasting it on "worshiping" every minute of every day. It is a medically verifiable mental disorder, i.e, Psychosis, and the only one, other than voting for Labour/Liberal and believing you're doing something, that goes unquestioned.
  17. Don't anyone dare ruin it for me, this is what they all look like darn it!! Might have been an analogy!
  18. Even though Chooks generally work around the cluck, they seem to go missing on fryday. No herm, no fowl.
  19. ..... but happy to use the creations of science en-mass, including the porno
  20. You need a new monitor, the posts are rectangular in shape.
  21. I'm sure everyone has missed the sarcasm of the "current" 1940's aircraft in relation to the "We have come a long way" comment ...
  22. I haven't got time to answer this, I'm off to an air show to see an updated Cub and the 2015 Cessna 172s ....
  23. I hope that's not a badly spelt offer there Bikky .....
  24. There are some 450 plants successfully running, there's been 2 major accidents ever, 3 Mile Island and Chernobyl, and they were both due to outright worker stupidity, and the Japanese earthquake accident due to the tidal wave. So that's 3. Very safe, albeit there should be none built in Earthquake ridden places like Japan at all. Are you aware of how many lives coal mining has and will take?
  25. Do you have any pics of her naked? No? Want to buy some from me then?
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