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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. Another issue for Australia happening right now is the advent of oil shale. There's massive investment going in and it will happen and (despite all the "We will run out of oil by the year 2000" stories from the 70's and 80's) there is a real chance of a huge glut coming and oil fired power stations may become viable over coal. My Daughter's Godfather is quite prominent in discovering and setting up shale mining in Brazil and the US. Of course this oil glut will reduce petrol prices at the pump won't they ..... oh look, a flying pig!
  2. Some of you have no idea how close this came to being true recently, China was in for a massive development of nuclear power stations and was about to start some big programs when the tidal wave hit Japan in 2011 and nuclear power's safety took a big hit. We had started to put a cold isostatic press down on paper specific to building control rods. True, massive amounts of US money in Hong Kong at the moment for example because the building investment in China is a bit shaky so a lot of it is on hold, i.e. "wait and see".
  3. ...and they'll darn well get on the internet burning up electricity to tell you so too! I think land based, 'blow hole theory' turbines are a good thing other than they over complicate the blow-suck mechanisms, let me find an example ...
  4. This would be fantastic for Australia as we have; 1/ Close proximity of major population concentrations to narly waves Dude. 2/ Intelligent, go get 'em Scientists, Investors and Developers. 3/ The Liberal or Labour Governme ..... oh craps, forget about it.
  5. And there I was thinking it was 25% better ...
  6. I haven't studied it either but according to my Dad as I was growing up it sure must be a "BLOODY" place!
  7. Yeah well just don't try to build a tower to get there or you'll find yourself talking in a new tongue.
  8. I theorize that God will never punish us by destroying the Earth with a giant earthquake because the safest place to be during an earthquake is in a doorway - he knows that he'll be left with all the Joho Witnesses.
  9. Speaking of which, anyone got a line on Nickel ore? The reason I was in Inner Mongolia was to do with a new nickel extraction plant opening in 2015 and they asked me about Oz nickel ore availability but it's not something I know about ... then they mentioned money, that I know about! Apperently their previous plant was buying from Indonesia with just over 1% purity.
  10. Chengdu to Hohhot is about 2 hours, I went there on Saturday and returned last night [ATTACH]47518._xfImport[/ATTACH] There's the frozen lake in the distance, it's all flat on the side of the frozen lake I was on so couldn't get height to take a decent shot of it and didn't get down to the edge either due to time constraints (was a working trip). The blue sky and sunshine belies the -8 temps! [ATTACH]47519._xfImport[/ATTACH] and in town, drive like donkeys they do ... [ATTACH]47520._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  11. Sects! Sects! Sects! It's all you Monks think about!
  12. No, it's the "Cheesemakers" - or any dairy products.
  13. I just spent 3 days in the "Top End", what an awesome place although a bit barren. Beautiful clear blue skies, amazing landscapes and the friendliest people one could hope to meet, but it was -8 to -14 everyday! Qahar Youyi Qianqi, Inner Mongola. I have now seen my first frozen river and frozen lake too! 113.2, 40.8
  14. Awesome, where are you exactly, being in the middle of China I'm only max 2 hours flight to you!
  15. Jacobs Creek, which I like along with Johnny Red because I don't succumb to peer pressure, is around $25 here. Of course that's one of whom I was refering to, but it just starts a lot of rubbish about the person exactly as Labour and Liberal strong holds want you to do thus avoiding discussing the system she suffered miserably at the hands of for daring to challenge and actually make ground.
  16. You're not allowed to say things like that OK, in fact it's actually law in some places.
  17. Great Wall? Are you serious?? I didn't know goats pee'd red. Not that I drink a lot but I can and do buy Johnny Walker and Jacobs Creek locally. Did you know Jacobs Creek is a real creek? Got a picture of a Mate somewhere standing next to a typical Oz minor Hwy road bridge complete with "Jacobs Creek" sign peeing into the creek!
  18. wo kan bu dong zhongwen, danshi wode pinyin hao. danshi wo zhidao wode zhongwende mingzi, 马可!
  19. I agree but on the other hand, try getting Labour or Liberal out of power and see how far you get. As I just said, you don't have a free vote in Australia, the country is controlled by Labour and Liberal and we all suffer because of it.
  20. Needed too. I lived in Logan City for 20 years, 15 in the middle of Marsden with a very high unemployment/single mother/disability rate, and the amount of loafers who would just trot off to the Docs for any reason at all costing the rest of us most certainly needed curtailing. Many would just go to get cheap or free medicines, pain killers etc.
  21. nimen shi ben dan danshi wo fei tang tongming. women suo waiguo hua hen duo, lao ban bian bu gao xin!
  22. On reflection maybe KG and RG wasn't so bad .....
  23. He makes no noise while writing?
  24. Not exactly the 3 way I had in mind ....
  25. For those not familiar with The Christ's alleged real name ... The letter "J" is only some 500 years old http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J so it certainly ain't Jesus. And more info on the real(?) name http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahshua
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