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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. He's just trying to get me excited ...
  2. Yup, not even the most devout Christian can not guarantee that Jesus didn't look something like this .... [ATTACH]47514._xfImport[/ATTACH] ... and apologies to the most devout followers for using the 400 year old pagan appointed name of "Jesus" rather than Yahushua (was "The Christ" Japanese by chance?).
  3. My point was simple, no one exclaims "Wow, if they were 2 feet further away it wouldn't have even been close!". Oh, by the way, today I walked down a footpath in a narrow street and 148 cars passed me just 2 feet away - OMG!, I almost died!!
  4. But why is that a good thing? Imagine, starfish who then follow you around demanding to marry them, oh great. Direct me to where the whores go to thanks ...
  5. Ok 148.16 kmh, so lets say there was a designer who made us all 5000, 50,000, 5 million years ago, whatever, so what? Ok, you believe a God was responsible for creating your forefathers long ago, and? What's the point here? What difference does it make if you do believe that or not or if there actually was some creator? I appreciate people feeling grateful for their creator, but should that extend to it dictating your daily life, and I mean in a completely overpowering, binding and obstructive way both physically and mentally everyday, even every minute that some choose to? On the every minute bit, the Monk thing is bullshut, they can not self exist with their level of spiritual absorption, depending on others entirely to feed them. Like the Monks, here in Asia we get the worst followers of whatever, hundreds travel hundreds of kms taking 3 steps and then bowing completely down (spreadeagle) on to their stomachs (not the lazy ones that just go to their knees and elbows) - beyond bizzare, watching them is just incomprehensible that anyone could do such a thing. I however view it the same as others disturb their lives but to a far lesser extent, none ever the less, still a disturbance. Look up "3 steps, one bow". Look for the ones that travel through mountains too, not the lazy city ones I mentioned.
  6. Looking forward to it and I will say in the face of, cough cough, healthy debate, I appreciate you continuing with your very interesting posts. History is a marvel to be held regardless of who's version.
  7. Ahh, infinity, another concept unable to be grasped by the human mind. To prove this point, in high school our science teacher asked us to draw a line 6" long and then from the start go halfway (3") then again (1.5") etc etc and tell us how many steps it took to get to the end - not one student said "never". I did get a compliment for arguing the width of my pen did not allow for infinite though
  8. I thought that was "rock and roll all night and party everyday"? Sung by the "Devil" himself ...
  9. Loosely based on the posts above, I hate it when there's a near miss and people start raving on about "Well if he was 2 feet closer he would have been dead for sure" .. Well he wasn't and he didn't and he could have also been 2 feet further away you Drama Queen ....
  10. No. Laziness whilst using mobile phones mostly, I have no problems using them with correct grammar. misspelling. Sorry, I couldn't help myself with that irony!
  11. Shutup.
  12. I reckon the issue is you're peeved cause you're in 3rd place behind Muslums and Atheists. If you actually split the practicing Christians into all the splinter groups, if you're not Catholic then your lot wouldn't even make the top 10. China of course has the most Atheists and is a very free, tolerant and liberal country, so your theory about atheists and freedom goes straight out the window.
  13. I want to mention how generous it is of you to use up your monthly post to share that with us and I'm waiting with excitement and anticipation for what will be revealed in your January post.
  14. Anyone who hasn't seen "Life of Brian", Monty Python's parody of the life of Christ and religions, is really missing out.
  15. Chinese whispers.
  16. So you made your quota this week GG.
  17. Not me Mate, I'm living to be more than one hundred years old because, as everyone knows, hardly anyone dies over 100. Meh, most of the posters within this thread have the answer to life, no one has the answers for Jab/CASA affair.
  18. You mean all these years I've been wasting aluminium foil for no reason?
  19. Here it is, a 5.6 this time in the same spot. 5 people died in the one a few days ago, hope everyone's alright this time. [ATTACH]47512._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  20. Another bloody earthquake, God didn't make the planet so well, no wonder it's too embarrassed to show itself ....
  21. Well TP, all of your Egyptology has just been shot to pieces ... http://www.history.com/news/archaeologists-unearth-giant-sphinx-in-california
  22. Touche .....
  23. Speak for yourselves, I did fine just this morning thanks.
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