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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. Oh the irony Mathew 7:15-23 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s gnu's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves".
  2. Legally or illegally according to the specific laws of that country?
  3. What do you mean by "She"?
  4. There you go guys, just came up on the quake map http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/ 5.8 but 10 kms down, 2 hours away from me. Still gave quite a kick or 2, enough to have me heading outside. I am about at the "A" in Sichuan. [ATTACH]47510._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  5. Umm, hello, 20 cents under my pillow, duh!
  6. World War 2 did a pretty good job of it. As I wrote that we had an earthquake, am I being punished .....
  7. Just after morning tea? I'm genuinely curious as to how they know this to the exact year ....... ?
  8. Gay name for a bad guy, did his father have a lisp?
  9. History is full of "invaders" from the dawn of time (Sunday, October 23, 4004 B.C), that's what we do, conquer in order to expand our race be it Romans, Mongolians, Vikings, Anglosaxons, Spanish, etc, etc.... I would appreciate the title "Conqueror" in future as it's more heroic and manly, thanks.
  10. Yes, don't add a pinch of salt ... Everytime I have tried to keep fish they die when I change the water so I'm the last person to ask, lizards and snakes I know about.
  11. Around the back of the Broken Hill pub as well eh? ... Some interesting reading here .. http://www.janesoceania.com/australia_aboriginal_agriculture/index1.htm
  12. I don't know how to break this sad news to you GG, but here goes; They died. Or they're hanging around the back of the Broken Hill pub. Because of the many undisturbed inner regions of Australia over many thousands of years, Aborigine artifacts and associated fossils are laying around everywhere, in every corner of this Continent - easy to document their dates, their camps and their lifestyles. It is now considered that Aborigines may have been processors of a grass seed millet some 20,000 years before the Chinese or Africans were.
  13. There's proof beyond doubt the Aborigines were around 5000 40,000 years ago. Without a doubt they are God's children.
  14. Interesting snippet here about "the Great Flood", note the proximity to Mt Ararat too ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosphorus#Submarine_channel
  15. Marty found the bottle of red sea the family has been hiding from him ..... How about the Pharoah of Giza/Memphis (Elvis?) lets Moses lead his mob out of Egypt with an escort, Moses takes the shortest path to Sinai which is due East, flat land, cut around the top of the Gulf of Suez where the Egyptians with their horses and chariots who are probably escorting them out, can't get through the soft salty lake beds or swampy areas. There is no logic to why anyone would go South then East across a hundred kms of desert and mountains to even get to the Red Sea, regardless of if "God" was going to part the sea once there or not, and not be anywhere near the Sinai anyway once they crossed 75kms of dry sea bed. Myth Busted.
  16. I already mentioned, the 3rd tablet Moses dropped and broke was a local road map.
  17. In no way am I disputing the beliefs in Gods. I want to say again that your posts have been of great interest and appreciated, thank you.
  18. About the same time buzzards look at you as dessert.
  19. Well make me a vanilla slice while you're at it. Think about it Marty, you're in the desert, leg of fox boiled in camel's piss more likely. Not any easier for me to believe it was the work of a God.
  20. How arrogant we are to think we are the only era to know how to achieve certain results.
  21. Could you possibly ask John Smith to drop by and explain that one out please?
  22. I enjoy watching James Randi stuff ...
  23. There are 2.5 times more abortions per head of population in Australia than China - go search for that. I can just imagine what you think happens when a woman gets pregnant for a second time, soldiers arriving and dragging her off at gunpoint to some medical facility to be aborted etc .... I think less Hollywood for you. But anyway, what an irony that people with so much hate in their hearts actually need something like religion in their lives, but at the same time that religion is teaching to hate.
  24. ...and they will do the right thing as they have been doing for a damn long time now, longer than the 10 years I have been here. FWIW, not a lot I reckon, I have been recently doing an environmental impact assessment for my new factory, not that that would give me any more knowledge over Wiki of course ....
  25. In what way is it a loss for either of them not too sign up? It is already long established as being their political and social programs. That I want me, my children and my grandkids to breathe clean air has nothing to do with GW.
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