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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. I'll be lunching with Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop today, any messages you want passed on .....
  2. Tobacco came from 3rd World countries and still does.
  3. I think I wet my pants ...
  4. It was a joke, you know Freemasons, eg. "Free Nelson Mandella...."
  5. All I know Mike is that I spent 9 months trying to get out and the rest of my life trying to get back in.
  6. GG, while I appreciate you trying to have a factual discussion, I have to report that your information doesn't come close to facts surrounding China. China was sodomized from the late 1800's through to WW2 by good Christian countries doing free trade and starving millions of Chinese peasants in the process, this is how Mao and Communism got to power in the first place. Until you actually go and learn at least the basics of Chinese history from say 1850 to 1950, it is impossible to have a discussion on the matter. Never happened and again, until you understand what the Cultural Revolution was, pleased don't pass comment on it. Interesting ammo that you would choose to use considering the amount of educated people tortured and slain under religious beliefs - and for thousands of years til this very day, not just 10 years as with the Cultural Revolution. BTW, Tony Blair was here a couple of years ago promoting his article "China's New Cultural Revolution" and he got his ass wiped on National TV to his face for calling it that, China regrets and is deeply remorseful about those 10 years. You may be surprised to find I completely agree, I also mentioned a few posts ago that I appreciate radical Christianity for helping to keep Christian principles alive in our society. Do you understand you just denied the existence of God through that paradox?
  7. Ahh, well you see it's not like that, you are trying to hoodwink everyone to make me look bad by suggesting that I would send people to cold, bitter lands as they are today more or less to die, but the fact is the new warmer world will make those places like Queensland.
  8. Who are the Masons and what crime did they commit?
  9. They can move to the lands freed up by ice recession, see how nature retains a balance
  10. If you are attempting to prove that there is one common God throughout history, that is nonsense, there are many thousands of Gods, human type, animal type and material objects. http://www.lowchensaustralia.com/names/gods.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_deities And in modern times with equipment to record factual events ...... nothing. In fact, based on sightings and event recordings, UFOs are to be prayed to.
  11. It's incredulous and a complete denial of civilizations that were around before any bible was written. Do you seriously think that the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Chinese etc. with all their Waring states didn't have the need for organised medical facilities ... You might argue the semantics of what defines a University per say, but higher education was around in China long before any bible was written and very well documented - as you would expect from educated people. It seems you are suggesting that no race gave a shat about advancing or caring for their own in any form until Christians came along, you find difficulty in gaining support for that thought train.
  12. Neither was "please keep up". What's being "denied" here exactly? Global warming isn't. If you kept up you would find that people not flying on your side are merely disputing the cause and effect and most especially, the "Drama Queen" hype with the billions of our money being thrown at it - not if the temps are changing or not, that's nature.
  13. I'm off to become a "Sandlelite"! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uMJYQ9LKGQ
  14. This Decade (2000 til now to be a bit wider) has been cooler than the last (1990 t0 2000), please try to keep up.
  15. Your kidding? It's not your lazy goat "Billy Idol" is it?
  16. Baidu is fine, one of the better Chinese software firms, but as with any Chinese software expect to start finding pop-ups and other advertising scams. Stay away from anything to do with 360 software products (primarily anti-virus), it's a shocker, half a billion people can be wrong. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qihoo
  17. We are talking about politicians aren't we? I agree to disagree thanks, would be a whole new direction of thread though.
  18. You could ask the same question of Australian Politics.
  19. Do you know how many scientists actually believe it Nev? Less than 1%. The numbers that get thrown around are based on the Climate Scientists who happen to be on the gravy train to investigate and promote GW, they would like the public to believe it's all scientists. I never liked Moore and his Greenpeace Mates back in the day but found respect for him when he left Greenpeace for the reasons he did. There's a few having their say now, even though there's no money in it for them, in fact they will face scorn for some time, maybe even the rest of their lives from ignorants .... www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap6YfQx9I64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap6YfQx9I64
  20. Me? Have you not read any of my posts? I never announced Darwin, nor any other form of greater knowledge, I just go about my own things in my own way. Actually I just looked up the meanings and I am closer to an Agnostic rather than an Atheist; Agnostic; noun 1. A person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience. Synonyms; Atheist, agnostic, infidel, skeptic refer to persons not inclined toward religious belief or a particular form of religious belief. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings. An Agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. Infidel means an unbeliever, especially a nonbeliever in Islam or Christianity. A Skeptic doubts and is critical of all accepted doctrines and creeds. ...... I, however, don't like labels at all but if I have to have one, you can call me an Agfideleptic I guess.
  21. Do you know that true science will not recognise an end result first? Your science, like Global Warming, assumes a result then finds it's way there, that is not discovery, it is only a way to a means. You would get a lot more positive feedback if you took the line such as "Hey there's some interesting parallels in religion..." rather than trying to define everything as religion.
  22. It would be very disappointing if people who were capable of written communication, religion or not, weren't also capable of working out that, at least their region, was atop a sphere even if they didn't know what was beyond the edge of that sphere.
  23. You know they grew grapes/made wine in Northern regions of England in the Roman periods don't you? They haven't been able to since because of the decrease in sunshine days and lowered temps (and before industrial period). I'm going to regret posting this, all I can say is "Don't shoot the messenger" https://w3.newsmax.com/LP/Finance/CTI/Cold-Truth?dkt_nbr=d8lemf8e
  24. Plenty of them and Don is correct on this one. I have also noticed a large percentage of Born Agains who want nothing to do with others in a most un-Christian way. By the way, these followers in Sweden are known as Bjorn Agains ....... Thank you for that answer, I look forward to the more detailed one.
  25. Or Phil with his death stick ......
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