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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. Well that's been captured on film in that stunning documentary, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I like your presumption that you know what the "beginning" looked like btw, why wouldn't it have been all space with a single shining point of energy?
  2. Well if you missed the Crow there would be none.
  3. Just the females, I already know they taste good.
  4. Funny thing Yenn, not your post specifically, but many like it, is an analogy of why Chairman Mao Ze Dong came to be. Same situation, Japan and America, with a few other side players, raping China and millions ended up dying of starvation. Capitalism at it's finest, Mao stopped it, fixed it with Communism, and that's why he is so revered by the elderly - even though ultimately he ended up killing at least 60 or 70 million of his own people and held the country back 30 years. It's interesting stuff to study, that's for certain. Chairman Hanson anyone?
  5. You are correct Octave, i'm not being clear; I am referring to "Remainers" who I consider to be of Left persuasion. "Remainers" are generally accepted to be Left, even Left of Right if Right, right? Some more news through, there are 30 Tory Party members considering being criminally charged for overspending in the 2015 Election. Some are now suggesting that Teresa May was trying to get this Election in before the real impact of that could be felt as some of those are marginal Seat holders. Doubtful, but possible. I agree with some that an Election now while PM May is on a high is far more agreeable than 2020 after having to deal with the Brexit deadline of 2019 and staying good with the people. If she gets back in this June, likely, she will have much more scope to play as she sees fit with Brexit trade deals leading up to 2019 deadline.
  6. There's a whole bunch of By-Elections this year and she only holds a 12 seat majority at the moment, potential of losing 20 seats through the year at those By-Elections, then the Torys will kick her out at the end of the year. - or saving her azz now on a fake Brexit mandate election. This ploy is to grab UKIP votes from those who, although UKIP voters, have confidence to support May just for this election because she's (falsely) screaming "Brexit is Brexit!" theme to retain those seats and protect her own faction. Then she will have the mandate to barter Brexit as she pleases and she will make concessions, that is a given if she gets a screaming majority. You will likely see people like Nigel Farage coming out strong now to retain UKIP voter strength and not let them step over to May's "downgraded Bexit" cause. May will platform on vote for us to "protect Brexit". This is a 100 million dollar azz saving excersize, Brexit referendum was held, the will of the people should be upheld with none of these games.
  7. I would take just a little longer with all those girls. Just turn an older valve TV off and stare at the white dot in the middle.
  8. if you "Snopes" that you will find it's a fake.
  9. Not before time either.
  10. Not keen on all those naked blades around the people. I've been getting lots of ideas recently of similar, not for a vehicle to lift you, but one that takes about half your weight away so you can run and leap as if less gravity.
  11. You could look at Uranus I guess? .
  12. British Prime Minister Teresa May has just called a snap election for June 9th. No one's pretending, the mandate is Brexit. Feel sorry for the British public, must be half a billion dollars cost to them in just 2 years, for 3 times going to the Polls. Feel great about yourselves Lefty's, that money could have been spent on social services rather than your inabilities to accept the will of the people.
  13. Well Hilary almost did get in .... I've got no need to stock up, I got an endless supply of Chinese food
  14. One bait thread term I really hate on Youtube is "Must Watch!" But now I'm going to use it because it's appropriate ... MUST WATCH!!
  15. They're hoping like hell the next Gen are taller.
  16. I grew up with "Hoo Roo" and nowhere near outback NSW. It traces from both Adelaide and Mooroopna in my case. My Dad still says it 'til today.
  17. Well prime targets these days would be the larger computer servers, where ever they might be. I wouldn't want to be living anywhere near Amazon (the book people), the information they hold on their servers, larger than most Governments combined, would put them higher than Washington as a target. I saw first hand the panic buying of all water and food in the days after the earthquake here, scary stuff people, very scary, and that was only a localised event. We drove an hour to Chengdu to our other house, and everything was near normal. So as crazy as most of you would think the storage of food by these "conspiracy theorists" and "survival nuts" is, they might just have the last laugh on you.
  18. I love Maccas, don't care if others pretend they don't eat there, lol. Well if it was Marysville then likely it was "family" sex you were listening too!
  19. You would think that Kim Sum Tin Wong being educated in Switzerland, with a Western mix of people, would recognise the stupidity of that, ... although apparently he was not very interested in class and spent a lot of time eating or playing video games.
  20. Was actually on the news tonight here. But then again so was the US Secretary speech AND the Russian counterparts speech - with no bias or opinion offered, just the facts. Had a long segment on Xi and Trump's meeting too, Xi looked very pleased, not common either for Xi, and so did Trump, looked like genuine friendship.
  21. Wouldn't know, possible, but I've never been there - yet. Heard lots of stuff about China too, then I got here to find it was all bollshot. Is the alleged "Cultism" any different to countries that are near 100% religious, if you get told something continuously from birth then no doubt you will believe it, I myself have gotten over Santa and the Tooth Fairy. Anyway, today is Kim One Of Them's birthday, if there was a day that something was going to happen you would think this is it, might explain the military build up and drills of other countries the previous few weeks?
  22. Was that stationery truck moving?
  23. I hate that. Fact is actors usually drop out of school early, and rock stars barely even attended! Yes there's some very intelligent ones, but it's not the average.
  24. Is he any good, because I need some new glasses myself.
  25. Trump said last year, and has done previously, that if the USA goes into these wars and American soldiers die under his leadership, he's going to damn well claim the oil in return. And his right, going in there and fighting for their "freedom" (another debatable issue) then why should they just leave and leave themselves to the pricing mercy of the oil barrens there, that's insane. Wait and see if it actually happens, Iraq is currently escalating again. Doubtful cause i figure most of the American Senate is sitting on ME money.
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