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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. In between workshops I took a job spannering them for a couple of years, not hard to see why they failed. I don't mind going for a squirt on a late 60's 650, or a good 5 speed 750, but happy to hand them back too.
  2. .. and yet 1000s of Independents with great policies and hearts of gold can't even get a couple of hundred votes. And if by some miracle they do get in, very rare, they prostitute themselves out to Labor or Liberals.
  3. If i tried to answer it then I would get all tangled and mangled and end up in the loo.
  4. I have sex and enjoy it immensely, I can do it without feeling love or that it is purely for the purpose of conceiving, which has only happened 3 times out of thousands. In the same way I am capable of enjoying Xmas immensely without the need to worship the birth of a child to some trailer park slag named Mary who screams she was raped by a ghost so she could get gullible Joe to pay for the nappies.
  5. You just helped PM's case substantially.
  6. A few of you guys are actually talking about the growth of the power of animal libbers, including the complete takeover of the RSPCA, which, ironically, is what needs to be culled. I'm a member of PETA myself, People Eating Tasty Animals.
  7. None of that hasn't happened in multiples due to alcohol Neil, not that it makes either right. Have an immediate family member who has been a smack addict for over 30 years now, and I grew up in a high unemployment country town where I saw boredom drive lots to drugs. At least 5 of my Mates that I can immediately remember were taken to hospital from overdosing on Magic Mushies or bagging glue, you can get those anywhere. Worked some Newell Hwy country towns as well, same thing. Watched a good friend of ours later in life lose every single thing she had including her 3 children to Speed. She would come to our house sometimes to sleep for 2 days straight. I am changing my opinion and rate them, mild recreational drugs that is, not Ice, Smack or other seriously hard drugs, the same as alcohol, the problems are due to the individual's ability to control themselves and being illegal makes the problem worse. It also makes it exciting for young people to do something illegal. I don't think there is enough space in this forum to determine an answer, but it's not clear cut. Great, after years of having him on ignore, highly recommended, I get to do it all over again!
  8. Well it certainly ain't a bl00dy Muslim BBQ!!
  9. I want to not go to that gym! See, advertising works!
  10. An Irishman in Dublin spots a Man drinking from a stream known to be heavily polluted from the local sewerage works. He says in a very heavy Irish accent "Don't be drinking that water Man, you get sick" - of course a heavy Irish accent is very hard to understand for anybody. The man replies; "I'm sorry Chap, I couldn't quite understand what you said, I'm from London you know, I'm travelling". The Irishman, mustering as clear as english as he can, says; "I asked you if you wanted a glass?".
  11. Good try but unless the one behind the pole has 4 legs then there's 8 in frame, and I suspect the one on the right is chatting to another Penguin.
  12. Really? Only cost me about $50 a night.
  13. It's a sin (sign) I tell ya's!
  14. That was acute post!
  15. There's plenty of side street "massage" shops in the back lanes and if I have my shy worker or other Chinese mates with me as we walk past, I take delight in making them extremely uncomfortable by stopping and talking to the girls at the doorways. A couple of months ago I had my worker in tow and I stopped at one, said hello, grabbed my worker, thrust him in the doorway while going bright red, and said "how much?". Well one of the girls got up panicking, ran around the back yelling; "Foreigner too big"!!
  16. That seat is for those who want to be able to get up from the table with ease. I got 36" inner lanky legs, I have trouble getting out and up from many park tables with fixed seats.
  17. ... by not clicking on the bl00dy thread!
  18. [ATTACH]48096._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  19. Ummmmm ......
  20. It's 200 million for 164 cells and the further cost of 70 permanent jobs. Unbelievable how they can justify those costs, how about getting society cleaned up so they aren't needed in the first place.
  21. After driving some 3000 kms over the last 3 weeks, primarily Sydney to Brisbane and back through the 80% of it road works, I didn't see anything getting dug, but a hell of a lot of traffic control guys.
  22. If it's in Logan City, the question is how much will it end up costing the taxpayer ...
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