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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. Well there are some valid points there, but you have to want to read them without bias. If you believe the banks don't operate within laws to themselves using Government resources to do so, or if the Family Court hasn't made some ludicrous decisions that have led to suicides then you live on another planet. Just because someone from One Nation says it, doesn't make it not true, nor if it's included within other radical comment - or from whom. It's the message, not the messenger.
  2. ... but you'll go on to counter my point anyway once again identifying him as the standout loony. To be honest i find them quite harmless and ignorable, it's a few of the Greens who are the dangerous loonies because of the radical following they have - and somewhat dangerous. But I digress, I will stay with the opinion that you find them across the board. Which points do you find valid?
  3. Although you qualified this as a point of "One Nation", I find your comment applicable to various individuals from Parties across the board.
  4. Just saw on the news President Abe of Japan is on a plane going to see Trump. Seriously, 1 week after he's elected but not even in office for a few months yet? Must be shiting themselves over some deal cut with Obama, either strongarm over China or the Pan Pacific Trade deal etc - and I don't think this will be the only one who comes a knocking.
  5. No "hate" because "hating" something that doesn't exist would be kookier than believing in something that doesn't exist.
  6. Oh that's rich coming from our number one sky fairy believer.
  7. In order to do some of the National things he has politicized, he will have to take some of the defence budget, if that happens the world wins - might cost him his life though, lots of powerful happy people sharing that 600 Billion military budget every year, and they ain't going to be happy, especially Israel. http://ifamericansknew.org/stat/usaid.html
  8. Bahaha, good one! Tell that to the 3rd of the population who aren't Jews. Or merely ask a Palestinian. "Deserves protection", we are talking about hundreds of thousands dying and uprooted, because it has a favorable to you political system? You can not be serious. Plenty of autocratic "democracies", Australia for example, and plenty of democratic autocracies. You would have to cite individual countries and determine which way they swing. You don't seem to understand that Israel wants autocratic rule over the entire region, ever read the Yinon plan, look familiar to actual events ... Yinon Plan - Wikipedia Interesting reading here too, ... The Destabilization of Syria – Who Gains? | Passion for Liberty
  9. As far as I'm concerned all these conflicts are about protecting Israel, but of course no one wants to talk about that, or rather, are not allowed to talk about it.
  10. Because everybody was so busy posting memes about Trump's hairpiece, these are the sort of interviews people didn't get to see .... https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1809876609227048
  11. There was a protest in Melbourne by some 80 women against Trump's win. Some things are just stranger than fiction. Some of the quotes don't help their cause at all, my favorite is "I hate racists". Protesters gather in Melbourne to protest against election of Donald Trump Note the bulk of them were Uni students, one had the cheek to say Trump had never worked a day in is life, false but oh the laughable hypocrisy.
  12. 2008 Sichuan earthquake - Wikipedia That's the one I went through Nev, I live/was some 30kms from the epicenter. .. and trust me, here it's the concrete that does the damage, mostly high rise apartments here. I live in the red dot .. [ATTACH]48036._xfImport[/ATTACH] I try to consider the humorous moments of it; 2 weeks before the quake I had a lot of dirt bought up to make gardens on my roof, I am on the top 6th floor and have an outside rooftop. The housing management came to me and complained and asked me to sign a waiver about the weight and moisture doing damage. When the quake started, my first reaction was "OH FOOK!!! the garden is caving the roof in!" We slept in the car for a few nights then tents with everyone else in the parks. After 4 or 5 days I just had to use my own toilet rather than the public park ones. So there I was sitting when the first of 2 BIG aftershocks hit, a 6.2 which is a strong earthquake on it's own. I could do nothing but consider just how great it was going to be for them to find me among the rubble with my pants down around my ankles. A few days, maybe a week later we were in Chengdu in our other house, a 25th floor apartment when number 2 BIG one hit, a 6.0, my wife rushed and got under the table while I just sat on the couch telling her to come sit with me, if it falls there's nothing you can do and you can't use the lifts or run down 25 floors. I have done height work so am used to up to a meter swaying but it was still something to stain your underwear. We still get plenty of small shakes, hate everyone of them.
  13. I went through the world's 3rd worst earthquake that killed 100,000 and helped in the local hospital for 2 days after. I was one of the bigger guys there so got to carry a lot of people, including ones no longer with us, and got to hold lots of padding over missing limbs, falling concrete does that, quite traumatic actually and effected me more than I realised for some time after. [ATTACH]48034._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]48035._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  14. You seem confused, it's a small minority trying to force their views upon an already established majority, i.e. 6 of some 430. The other 420+ were freely and democratically elected by 50% of the people who turned out making those 6 seats even less impressive as likely near 100% of their supporters turned out, but 6 of 430 is a minor issue when we are talking about big bad Beijing of course. I could note it more seriously if 90% of their voters weren't children, still in school, and led by a 23 year old. "Change!" when do we won't it, oh look free ice cream, YAY!!!
  15. Hey Gnarly, or anyone else for that matter, did you see Hong Kong today with the 50,000 people protest march against .. .. that's AGAINST, indepedence for Hong Kong? Bet you can't find that in mainstream news. I just Googled it and nothing, what a surprise. Sorry, just changed terms and got one major, the BBC, mind you that's BBC's "China" category ... Hong Kong: Large pro-China rally against independence - BBC News
  16. So reading about the NZ earthquake, which is pretty damn serious and best wishes to those who are scared shotless today and suffering (I've been there, bloody terrifying) but of course clowns coming along saying "God Bless", "My prayers are with you" etc, the same effin "god" who did it.
  17. Simple, divert ALL refugees to Tasmania to create employment opportunities. Per head of population, Tasmania is "Green'est" and most Left mouthy about refugee intake, so let them put their money where their mouths are. Plenty of land, even deserted properties, and welcoming open arms - apparently. BTW, I am deadly serious. You haven't seen the full force yet, Brexit will likely be reversed, and I would expect many uprisings against Trump throughout his term - even before decisions are even made. If he really stuffs it up, fair's fair, roast him over the coals, but it won't be fair, nor democratic.
  18. That would be hard to believe, gee it's hard to not think that woman must have done some horizontal miles with a few leading figures to get the grace she has, how could it be anything but that reason. If true, at least the position is probably the tamest one of them all, literally all title and publicity shoots, and little could go wrong. But then again ....
  19. I guess that's Gnu? I put him on ignore again a couple of posts ago while he goes through his frustrated god cycle and back into a normal guy cycle, when he's actually a funny guy. I once worked along side a born again for 3 years, ex-biker, the internal struggle back and forth between enjoying life and appeasing god was something to be seen. Great guy, but sadly god didn't reach down and stop the guy in a Corolla doing an illegal U-Turn and cleaned him up (motorcycle, Mt Glorious), possibly he was enjoying life too much and had to be punished for it.
  20. WARNING: If you do not like the swear word that starts with F, do not watch this video. This is reasonably well said, but annoyingly at the very end reverts back to the very sanctimonious foundation he is criticizing, eg; that they are always right.
  21. Avoided saying you admire China itself of course. By "succeed" of course you see conversion chances. Despise? No idea what you are on about, some of my best, literally family, Chinese friends are Christians holding services weekly. Families company name is "Gospel" with one of their sub-companies named "Wings". Luke is a great friend and his Son, Noah is my honorary Nephew. I still think they are nutcases for believing in some magical sky fairy and happily tell them. BTW, What has 2 wings and a halo? A Chinese telephone, Wing-wing, halo? Yeah, me calling the cultural revolution grotesque and murderous is definitely a Party line.. Let me know when you come over next preaching so I can have you kicked out, I have to admit that is one Party line I like.
  22. BTW Gnarly, don't you have anything better to do, say a bit closer to home ... Time to scrap Lord's Prayer in Parliament: Greens
  23. Yeah, it's absolutely unique to China ... University students march against budget cuts Anyway, when you take any office in Australia, America, Uk, or just about any country in the world, you swear allegiance to that country. These 2 refused to swear allegiance, they don't get in, it's that simple. Don't know why you can't understand that, or did you merely miss that bit. Sadly the 23 year old does get in, would you like a 23 year old fresh out of Uni with no real world experience in your Government? .... and you know why the 23 year old gets in? Democratically elected, just like the other 3, but 2 of them are smart enough to work with the system to get change. Your hate of pagan China, because no religion and that they won't let you and your mates in to convert anyone, is well known, but you need to talk facts rather than blindly looking for any hate subject matter, which I'm sure is against your religion, if you want to elicit discussion. I'll leave you with a thought, the Chinese Cultural Revolution that went for 10 years and killed millions, was basically because the country was left to teenagers and men in their young 20's, many still in school, to decide the fate of the country, after one of the most grotesque and murderous social experiments in human history, I'm even gobsmacked a 23 and 25 year old can get elected today. I will look up the min. age for election on the Mainland out of interest.
  24. ... and the winning post today ... bahaha! [ATTACH]48030._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  25. China is pretty good, long process though. Say 5 candidates are voted for, lowest number is out. Process starts all over again with 4 candidates etc, 'til only 2 are standing. This starts out at village level, winners go to city level, county, province, etc, and then National. Same process is used along the way for law making and knowing the needs of 1.3 billion people.
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