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Everything posted by Dafydd Llewellyn
No, Turbs; whilst the ongoing endless repetition of the various arguments is getting tiresome, there has to be a reason for the bitterness. I've come across the argument that religious irrationality (for want of a better or more accurate term) may be a form of PTSD; and I thought the suggestion to look at this aspect might help. When somebody has such a head of steam up, he's not doing himself any good. The argument I'm seeing in this thread isn't doing anything to reduce that; and laying awake wondering about this led me to that thought. If you find that disgusting, that's your problem.
No, none of that; I suggest the man is mentally disturbed, and in great pain. The condition is becoming recognised - see, for example, http://new.exchristian.net/2011/06/religious-trauma-syndrome-its-time-to.html . The fact that he started this thread, and is so stubbornly sticking to irrational arguments shows that; and we aren't helping him. One of my nieces has a similar problem. She's starting to write aggressive internet articles, too. He may perhaps need to get medical advice re some tranquilizing prescription to ease the stress whilst he's dealing with this - see http://www.helpguide.org/articles/ptsd-trauma/post-traumatic-stress-disorder.htm#getting_help I'm NOT trying to be sarcastic or funny about this; it's no laughing matter.
Well, I'll tell you what I believe: I believe this thread has become nauseatingly boring.
And tax evasion - don't lose sight of that Mastodon.
And they teach their children to hate. Why do you think the "Irish problem" has persisted so long?
I thought he did a great deal more good than that; made Edison look silly, actually. (For anybody who doesn't recognise Tesla's name, he invented alternating current). Anyway, he was doing that well before the commercial oil industry got to be the monster it is today.
Oh; I thought you were referring to atheism as a movement. Buy a church, start a religion - good way to evade taxes. No, I agree with FT on this one; just get the churches to leave the kids alone, and start paying taxes like the rest of us, and people can vote with their feet as to whether they want to be told what to believe. If they start killing unbelievers, they'll get stomped on; but if they leave other people alone, other people will leave them alone. Live & let live applies.
More to the point, who cares?
"This one"? What movement? Do you mean that being allowed to think for one's self is a "movement"? I don't know of any atheist movement - or are you seeing Dawkins as (evidently) GG sees him, as something equivalent to the Ayatollah Khomeini? There's a difference by which one can distinguish them - the Ayatollah told people to revert to religious fundamentalism, with all the repression that goes with it - like shooting women who seek education, marrying nine-year old girls, that sort of thing. Dawkins merely tells people to think for themselves. And no, I'm not the least interested in rushing off to listen to him.
Well, he missed the gold watch and chain, didn't he?
Yes - it's a form of psychological blackmail used by the Church.
Mike, are you meaning to imply that atheists are lacking in ethical and/or moral principles? If so, I don't think you are correct; the most fundamental principles are, to my understanding, "everybody deserves a fair go" and "do unto others as you would have others do unto you". Those principles are not the exclusive prerogative of religions (quite the opposite, actually; Jihad or the old testament principles of murdering the unbelievers are as far away from this as you can get.) Atheists have to live with themselves; they can't go and confess and be forgiven.
We used to get that sort of thing in our twice-moved old QLD high-set house - until a large bush python moved into the ceiling. It used to move in at the start of winter; the cats were VERY polite to it.
Well, I won't say GG is excessively biased - but if he were a bowling ball, I expect he'd leave the ground once every revolution . . .
I don't want to escalate this into WW3; however, I learned early in my driving history, that children, cyclists, horses etc can be counted on to move suddenly; I was driving (on L plates) quietly past a string of horses being ridden along the verge, when one of them chose to swing and rear - my car passed under its front hooves. We all, I think, have dire learning experiences, especially in our early driving days, and it's sheer luck if they do not cause an accident; but the essential thing is to learn from them. A horse can move or a bicycle rider can sprawl, up to about four metres sideways if something goes wrong, so I reached the conclusion that it pays to allow that much clearance when one passes them.
Oh, often - my kids point it out at every opportunity - but I DO know I don't much like sharing the road with people like you. Fortunately, they are in a minority. I found driving in Europe quite a revelation; especially in Paris. There, nobody, but nobody, behaves the way you describe yourself as driving; the ones who did have evidently all been killed.
Silly, provocative and chip-on-shoulder question; you know the law just as well as I do, I'm sure. And I, for one, don't want authority over everyone's children; I just object very strongly to any religious presumption of any right whatsoever to seek to indoctrinate my children. If you want to indoctrinate your children, that's up to you - at present. However, I reserve the right to consider you beneath contempt if you do so.
ergo cogito sum . . . I think? Yes, were're the smartest bug around, that we've ever met. That being so, why is there so much absolute, utter, futile , wasteful stupidity still to be seen? We have enormous potential - but we waste, what, 99.99% of so? - of that potential, on essentially destructive and counter-productive things. Religion , especially the extremist forms of it, is one of the largest of those things.
If you are in such a hurry that you find it difficult to slow down and wait a few seconds until you can use the full width of the road to go quietly past a cyclist, you are a danger to yourself and to everybody else on the road. Also, you're likely headed for a coronary. It sounds to me as though you are not driving far enough ahead of the car; if you need a "dash" cam, then I suggest that you need to take a long hard look at your driving style. A good driver anticipates, and simple backs off a bit, so when he has an opportunity, he can go by without having to flog his vehicle or burn tyres & fuel in an unnecessary display of fury. You would almost certainly benefit from an advanced driving course. If you're capable of swallowing your pride, and actually learning something.
You insult the man. I'd say he is a man of great self-restraint; he has not thumped any of the idiots he's interviewed yet, to my knowledge. However, he sees (as any atheist sees) how totally unnecessary all the religious strife in the World really is. And he's trying quite hard to get that message out; I'd say he has most definitely earned whatever he has the hard way; we are in a century of religious shake-out, I believe, and the extremists are all doing a brilliant job of demonstrating to the rest of the world just how much we don't want them. The middle East - and the American bible belt - will have to get to the point where anybody who shouts a religious slogan gets stoned to death by the rest of the population, and I think we're fast approaching that point; well past half way would be my guess. It's going to get even worse before it gets better, unfortunately. You only have to look at the flow of refugees out of those countries, to see how great the problem really is; they will be reduced to deserts, and the fanatics will starve to death - provided other countries stop funding the bastards. Let the fanatics starve in the fastness they have created by their stupidity; the penalty for stupidity, in nature, is death. Let nature take its course. The utter stupidity of it is, that in reality - as anybody could see from, say, halfway to the moon, we are an opportunistic form of biological scum that has evolved to exist on the outer skin of patches of mud that are floating around temporarily on the molten rock that makes up most of this planet; we're ephemeral in the time-scale of the universe - a passing surface infection only. So it's utter hubris to talk about mankind being the ultimate form of natural being; we're merely a currently-virulent form of bacterium, busy over-breeding ourselves out of existence. The fact is, this truth is too painful for most people to accept, so they take refuge in religion which makes them feel vastly more meaningful in the overall scheme of things than they really are; and then they compound that stupidity by fighting over it! This doesn't bother me in the slightest, except for the stupidity; I evolved to suit this planet as it currently is, as did all the other life-forms on it. It's a beautiful place, where mankind's stupidity and greed have not ruined it as yet, and I enjoy floating around over it where I can see the beauty without being battered by the stupidity. Being alive on this world is a piece of fantastic luck; make the most of it and forget the crap - it's not worth a minute of your time.
Sorry, should have read it more carefully.
Erhm . . . I thought the platypus was a vertebrate, it has a spine; however it (and the echidnas that break down stone walls on our place, looking for ants) are classed as monotremes, whereas we are classed as mammals. What the platypus did was break down a lot of stultified conventional thinking and start people really looking. The platypus does not use its eyes when its hunting - did you miss that Attenborough sequence? I'd class our upside-down maxillary sinuses as a notable design deficiency, too.
I rather liked Douglas Adams' explanation of the meaning of life, the universe and everything. . . i.e. 42. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phrases_from_The_Hitchhiker's_Guide_to_the_Galaxy if you've never read the book.
I have sometimes voted "none of the above", but in Maranoa it makes no difference.
Oh, I don't forget it; he was definitely in the Ghengis Kahn class - even if he didn't make as great a contribution to the human genome. I'm very glad not to have been born in those times. I was interested in the contrast between his sarcophagus and those of Foch, etc, in the floor above. I'd have burned the lot of them.