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Everything posted by DrZoos
Bummer , poor Chaz, and flagies, Those lap times are insanely quick Cant wait to see the top ten shoot out tomorrow arvo
its horrible..glitchy and absolutely hates chrome.. the installation process for me was smooth... i will persist, but i HATE it so far my fan runs full speed all the time
A 3.5 petrol 98 please consider pajero.... heaps of power, perfect ratios..but heavy on juice when your not towing... cost $6000 sell $5500 when finished with it... then full 4x4 capabilities when needed and up high enough to see everything when driving along... For me never never never tour in a low rise car...you miss way too much... the extra fuel of a tall vehicle is worth it every cent everytime... nothing worse than driving within a tunnel of vegetation or guard rails when your whole purpose is to SEE Australia If you want to see australia buy a vehicle you can actually see the landscape as you drive along...eg and SUV or 4x4 or truck / bus
Not entirely correct... Its done like a patchwork quilt with each segment being connected and operational one at a time... ie they lay the fibre from one town to the next, then roll out the fibre round that town/area, then connect it to the www one town or area at a time
Litespeed thats a classic....becuase if the greens actually got in power the economy would be so screwed that you would wish and dream for some coorporate greed to exist...seriously dude some of what they say they stand for is admirrable, but the policies they have and even in the limited detail they provide there are gaping holes... Just one example. They want solar on all social housing ( hopefully the rock proof kind of glass because where I live virtually anything made of glass within 2 km of the social housing area is broken) and they want 50 % of it produced in Australia (admirable but not at all realistic) ... Why would we set up a short term solar manufacturing industry at high cost with high wages only to close it back down again , when China produces high quality low xost solar....we would be better off spending that money on china solar panels and with the money we save, we spend on creating jobs in an area we we actually have a long term sustainable competitive advantage....eg solar research or solar engineering, not manufacturing...stupid stupid stupid
mmmm NDS NBN Pink bats, school halls, Stopping the boats...these labor disasters take time and money to correct... If labor oxygen thieves ever realised that Libs take 2-4 years to clean up the mess they inherit from the reckless spenders every cycle they might actually realise that after the budget get repaired (the very thing labor supports cry most about) the changes are actually generally very favourable to all..... let me dumb that down a bit....if you ignore the first lib budget ...and possibly the second...then you start to see what libs actually can do and do stand for....but instead you spend so much time crying about the first budget or two your generally incapable of perceiving the mess they had to clean up before they could actually do anything.......because they spend 1-2 budgets simply trying to unwind the reckless spending of labor... Case in point....$110B in two years is largely due to Labor blocking budget measures in the senate ..yet here you are accusing libs of reckless spending...some people will just never get it...If you honestly think libs spend money more than labor than you really do have no clue at all!
The biggest threat to everyone is not the libs or labour its the extremes...greens and Barnardi etc PUP Im all for environmental issues, but i hate when a bunch of anti everything extremists calls themselves greens and get huge votes from lots of people who dont even know or agree with 2/3rds of thier policies..
15th Sept 2015 - A snap Morgan poll taken this afternoon on who Australian voters regard as the better PM has found Mr Turnbull is preferred by 70 per cent of voters compared to 24 per cent for Bill Shorten. Malcolm ought to call an election now!
[ATTACH]47709._xfImport[/ATTACH] Its a tough gig living on 300k p.a. when you where 3 days away from 600k p.a. for life
Egypt has shown us the extreme dangers of not conforming to party lines......you get mobs like the Muslim brotherhood take control, simply because their fanatical views are more aligned with other fanatics...despite being far out numbered by other voters What we need in this country is some serious accountability like we have just had...where bad leaders get turfed on their ass just like Rudd, Gillard, Rudd and Abbott...I dont have a problem with it...if your that #$!@#$!@# up a leader than you deserve to be turfed on your ear... Sure its a very sad reflection on politicians, but its a good reflection on our actual political process... Perhaps some sole searching by these morons and the institutions that pump them out as clones one after the other, full of spin, might do some research and try to inflict some different damage upon us ... Sydney and Melbourne grammar schools, universities and the like need to take a deep look at themselves and realise the crap they repeatedly teach these morons and their spin doctors no longer cuts the mustard...the average person these days has enough intelligence to detect and rebuke spin doctors in a heartbeat, let alone a breath or sentence. Malcolm gets the nod, because he so far does not conform to the spin doctrination of modern politics....Shorten is about to rapidly and abruptly get the flick, because he is too stupid to realise Rudd, Gillard and Abbot just got the flick because the public hates 3 phrase sloganeers that have been coached by Sydney bullshiv artists
Robbo is there something you are not telling us .....??? Why the passion for Tony...i feel for him too, but fairs fair...they gave him 6 months after a lot of gafs and he's made a fair few more.... If Turnbull is smart he will call an election after the first poll that shows he is getting a honeymoon following, before they get a chance to replace Bubble-o-Bill..that might mean in the next 6 weeks...A late November to early December election King Billy has union grub written all over him and wont be able to shake it....that mud sticks..unionists wont see it as mud, but everyone else thinks its the smelly kind of mud Labour needs a clean skin without 20 years of past Labour /union deals under his/her belt to emerge at all the wrong times
Andy Im sure i dont need to tell you, but Coffs Harbour is not remote...Fibre works well in areas like Coffs Harbour, where it is pathetic is in areas of much lower population /node/peer density... Areas of high density justify high quality transceivers with high quality protective environments...the lower the density...the less you can justify quality of transceivers and its supporting environment...this is when the maintenance costs and issues become exponential Given the choice of copper of fibre, you would have to be an idiot to pick copper...thats not the issue..the issue is as a nation is it a justifiable expense to pay somewhere around $40B-$60B to have fibre to every home when 90% don't even utilise the capabilities that copper can provide..had it been incentivised to upgrade.. Yes im well aware of the pair issues in the pits...used to deal with them personally and professionally. But they can be overcome at a fraction fo the price of a full network replacement, in a fraction of the time and they could have provided more than sufficient speed for almost the entire general populations needs... Right now i am on ADSL2+ we have 4 people streaming netflix simultaneously and sometimes on ipads at the same time ...it works fine... this is my point... a slight upgrade of the copper network could have achieved blisteringly fast results in terms of bandwidth and time frames...and possibly at a fraction fo the cost of the NBN...with the $30-$50B left over we could have put in a bullet train from Brisbane to Adelaide via Syd and Melb to free up the skies for us RAAus pilots Could $10B or $20B have achieved a better result where Fibre was used when needed and not when it wasn't...that we will never know because it was never considered Anyhow lets not lose sight of the real issue here....Labour waste
Everyone including us was handed a live grenade in the NBN , by our former two fearless leaders...Its hardly fair to blame the libs when that mess explodes... The real problem is Labour never should have started it in the first place, they should have planned it , done a cost benefit analysis and they would have realised back then that mobile data speed and ADSL2+ incentives would have been significantly cheaper and produced much higher productivity per $...it defies reality to run Fibre to every household in a nation as population sparse as Australia... I have maintained LAN's and WAN's with Fibre and yes they are fast, but they are also extremely fragile and expensive to maintain. I wrote to Oakshott when he proposed jumping in bed with Gillard to tell him the NBN would be a disastrous cost blowout and would be superseded by the need for mobile data before it was built...needless to say he had bigger things on his mind and did not reply... Optical Fibre works fantastic in locations with massive high speed data needs and high node or peer density, but it is woeful in areas of low node or peer density. Its expensive to maintain and it is fragile, especially the transceivers on each end which are very sensitive and prone to failure. Had labour done even a weeks homework before launching the NBN, they would have realised it would be a disaster in many remote areas.
Finally! Shorten gone within 6-8 weeks - this battle just became out of Bills league..
Uh oh Truss just backed Abbott...looks like we get a new minister overseeing aviation... This is a blood sport
It wouldn't be hard to be better than windows 8.1 Simply use the search function when you cant find something
Why thank you as this highlights my point about the intellectual capacity and education of racists. If you cant handle a sensible comment without resorting to primary school name calling then perhaps I was spot on the mark. FT you are spot on about the wedge issue. Not that any party would be smart to play it as its very divisive and will ultimately backfire. But it will get individuals elected int he right locations eg Pauline Hanson Metalman I think your right about the need for some Muslims to speak up against radical elements. And i know some Muslims who totally agree. But unfortunately speaking out doesn't make headlines, where as speaking like a radical sells the front page. So we only get to hear one side. Im also aware from close friends in the NSW police force that the success of some of the task force arrests in the Lakemba area are directly as a result of community cooperation in intelligence gathering. So it is happening, we just dont hear about it. Im not advocating that we accept foriegners on any terms but our own, or that we accept behaviour from anyone of any background. But i do think labelling certain groups based on misinformation, stereotypes and other generalisations is not helpful. Sure we have race related problems, cultural based problems and we need to be able to name them and speak about them. But in doing so I think and i know others wont agree and thats fine, but i think we need to be careful when doing so that we seek out facts and truths rather then rely on stereotypes, generalisations, media misinformation and headlines. Pauline Hanson, Bob Katter & others have been over represented in the media because they use the exact same tricks to grab headlines that the extremists use. And the politicians that just want to talk common sense get ignored. Bob Katter has some great ideas and some shockers, but he sure knows how to grab a front page.
Racism is based on ignorance and a lack of intelligence and education. In the 2006 census 1.7% of Australians identified as Muslim. Muslims are diverse in beliefs and backgrounds with some deep divisions between certain groups, similar to most other area of society. Yes the birth rate of Muslims is higher then other religions in Australia. But at 1.7% its hardly a concern, especially when you consider the vast vast majority are very peaceful, hardworking and happy to live just like "Australians " . Even with a birth rate of double which is an exaggeration it would take 100 year to reach 10% of the population. What stops Muslims integrating as well as many would like is racism, prejudice and ignorance. Not the fanatical beliefs of a few. Muslims do need to be proactive and contribute to the eradication and law enforcement of fanatical elements from within, but the effects of tolerance acceptance and inclusion from non Muslims will have a much more powerful effect. Marginalisation and racism only contribute to all the factors that racism mocks.