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Everything posted by metalman

  1. Your really having trouble getting this, FT, firstly they are illegal immigrants, nothing at all like refugees or asylum seekers. Second ,Indonesia is a hugely corrupt country that postulates about their sovereignty yet thinks nothing of allowing ours to be afflicted by criminal activities originating in their country. Third ,and most haters of free speech really bung this on, Islam is a religion ,not a race, so to call someone with an adverse option of the Islamic cult a racist is ,frankly, ridiculous( in fact it seems fine to give the Christian faith a blast ,but please don't pick on the Muslims) fourthly ,your shining knights ,the Rudd,Gillard,Rudd circus killed a lot of these illegals with rubbish watermelon driven policy, which brings us to why your so annoyed the the LNP is trying to stop this activity, less boat lowers the risk to lives, unless of course it's the mere thought that something enacted by anyone other than the watermelons could actually be a good thing ! As for telling us everything that happens ,every minute of every damn hour , I wonder if Gillard and her nemisis are sitting at home thinking " maybe the 24/7 coverage of our train wreck wasn't such a good thing" ,
  2. Hospitality perhaps,,,,under bridge dwelling maybe,,,but seriously communism works great ,,,as long as the fences are high enough and the re-education camps are well run
  3. So ford and Alcor and Mitsubishi along with a multitude of business' closing under labour watch isn't a problem but saying enough is enough to a huge multy national constantly grabbing our money is all good, I guess we're all fine with the union bosses ripping off the very people they claim to represent? I guess we'll have to see if an inquiry into their thieving will clean it up, As for the tax thresh hold it's been around $6k for decades, the only reason for the $18 k was to sweeten the deal on the carbon tax we were NEVER going to have
  4. By god you people have short memories,, un believable, after six years of ALP thieving, lying and rorting , it must be quite shocking to see a government doing what it said it would do. So Indonesia treating us as morons by supporting, staffing and facilitating an illegal trade in humans ( which incidentally killed hundreds under the ALP's watch) is all warm n fuzzy but a serious attempt to shut down this disgusting industry is just to much to bear in case we upset the very people who are making money from the problem,,,,really,,,,unbelievable. As a side note I'm also more than happy to not have to listen to the Gillard n Rudd circus every single night on the tv , the insatiable thirst for fame was just bloody ridiculous!
  5. Yeh I know I said no more from me but this has taken an interesting turn, As one who was brought up to be atheist, then finding a faith of sorts, then getting disillusioned with religion, now I'm probably a bit of a mongrel with a strong cynicism streak! I could never get the whole religion has killed more than anything else chant, I always saw it as forcing ones ideology onto another,,,,the Catholics did it early in the piece ,then the Protestants ,after a horrible persecution turned around and did the same sh1t to the catholics ,the early explorers did awful stuff to the people they found/discovered , we've had horrific wars fought for all reasons ,communism ,naziism ,socialism, ethnic cleansing have all does their part in culling the population and now it's the Muslims turn, but the bottom line is someone either has something you want ,or doesn't agree to bow down to whatever deity you've chosen, or comes from "over there" and must be changed or dealt with some how, religion is convenient but the problem is in us ,and it's incurable, we are no different to the people 2000 years ago, we just think we are, given the right circumstances humanity will commit the worst offences , Germany in the 1930-40 wasn't a country full of monsters ,but when restraint was removed the population did terrible things( or consented) . I see Islam rising up over the next few decades and becoming a mirror of its maker ( the Roman Catholic Church founded it) ,it'll be a monster for a time then something else will come along ( Scientology perhaps :0,plenty of bucks!) and have a go , but really the problem is in the mob ,and it's hard wired, AND, just cause your all warm n fuzzy n green , given the right push everyone will harm others in the name of there ideology , Matty Ps , interesting to see the navy doing exactly what the ALP said could NEVER be done ,,,,
  6. Thanks locks XXXXXOOOOOXXXXX ;)
  7. Thanks for the debate fellas ,but this has become both boring and pointless , over and out Matty
  8. Hugs n kisses from the mods,,,,,LOL
  9. Mmm, so six years of ALP crap, and it's all LNP fault cause it's not fixed in three months,,,,mmmm interesting !
  10. I find it amazing how history is being rubbished, the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government achieved bugger all, really, in six years what did they do that didn't turn to sh1t , but somehow that's the LNP 's doing, the watermelons had the majority of the media on side and majority in both houses and still couldn't get much to work, although they did a lot of talking ,that much is true. Now we have to hear about what a huge con job has been done when they got the ar5e, maybe ,just maybe, a large percentage of the voters decided that they'd had enough of the garbage of the last six years and did something about,,,,no that couldn't be true! The main thing I've seen come out of the last ALP jaunt is they've succeeded in dividing this country like never before, in the past politics was just something that we had to have, but now we have been categorised by the watermelon set ,we're are either for open borders or a filthy racist, we are either running around at every weather event screaming like chicken little or we are a "climate denier " , if we're in the minority that voted ALP we are supposedly much smarter than the fooled ones that got tricked into voting LNP,,,,,the only sure thing I can see out of the last six years is we now know the ALP can organise a root in a brothel ,,,as long as someone else pays!
  11. I thought it was funny,,,
  12. Interesting you'd notice that!
  13. both interesting and sad,,,,we're given the impression the cops are shooting people in the line of duty all the time ( Hollywood???) the reality is very low,,,mmm surprising. Otherwise I find it sad for the American blacks after fighting so hard in the 50-60's for equality to see the generations going backwards . As for guns in our country I'd heard that there are now more guns here than before John Howard's buy back , the rules are a lot tighter now so I guess it has worked in one respect ,although it hasn't changed the criminal element of gun possession . I've hear a heap of whining about the bikie laws in QLD with all the sorrowful stories of "innocents " being locked up , my question is this, what would the whiners do different ?,the bikie scene has had a pretty free run really ,and if they'd continued to stay under the radar it probably would've continued but brawls, driveby shootings and gunfights in public ,what the hell , and now the hammer has dropped hard it's all the bad Orwellian government, what would you do differently ? How would you pull these bastards into line? I've seen their bullsh1t first hand , I've seen friends hurt by them, I've been in their sights a couple of times, so what would the do gooders propose,,,,head in the sand, perhaps try to broker areas so they all play nice( along the lines of that watermelon idiot suggesting we take over the loading of boats in Indonesia ) . Bottom line, if you hang around criminals you'll get done,,,if it's family that's involved in criminal activities you have to decide ,
  14. All fine ,,,we need to set up some refuge where people can wait for a few days while the cops get around to it,,,,
  15. My Dad lives in Detroit,,,and is heavily protected,,,one could ask what he's afraid of,,,,,not a damn thing :) The equal force is how it works here , but really, I'm not waiting for the other guy to hit me with his baseball bat before I wade in with mine,,,,as for police ,the only thing more useless than an ashtray on a motorbike is ringing the police when your property is being attacked, we've had our place vandalised three time in three years ,stuff stolen and the daycare centre across the common completely destroyed,,,,,I've rung the cops every time ,,,,,guess how many times they've turned up,,ZERO! Even went through triple 0 for the daycare centre, a total no show! If I catch someone now I'll use equal force ,,,and then I'll call the cops to get the carcass off my property ! I'm really over it ,and the thing that infuriates me the most ,it's when the bastards seem to think we can do nothing , it's being treated as prey that really p1sses me off,,,,and that is the same attitude the Muslims have towards us ,we are looked at as a pest ,to be either trained( brainwashed) or exterminated ,not my opinion, it's their book! Matty
  16. Makes the catholic dogma seem almost sane :/
  17. Wow, a lot of rules,,,,can't see to many atheists feeling good about them,,,,,but silence is all it takes
  18. Wrong ! I'm not racist at all, I'm a bigot though,,,,,your right in that ,except I'm not bigoted towards any person in particular,,I have no problem with immigrants either,,,,what I've been saying all along ,and it's getting tiring , I'm bigoted towards people who want to harm my family, friends and myself, and whether the watermelon dogma likes it or not ,the main group of people who been very vocal about bringing horrible rites and laws to my country for the last 10-15 years has been the muslim cult, that is a fact. But if the best we can do is to resort to name calling then at least your good followers, a fish stinks from the head down ! I've yet to see anyone show me anything I've written to be wrong /false, I just get name calling and pithy little remarks. You fellas just don't get it, I live in Melbourne ,I live,work and play with people from every country in the world and I don't hate any individual just because of their country of birth ,skin colour , or even their religion ,until their culture/ religion becomes threatening, that's all ,if your a bad person then I will stand up against you ,if your not ,I'll give you the time of day ,,,,,if your a good person though ,who stands by while some bastard speaks evil garbage on your behalf and you say nothing ,at what point do you deserve respect for that, it's cowardice ! So FT and Winsor I had no idea you guys were so deeply religious ,I've obviously offended whatever god you follow and although I'm not sorry for saying the truth, I do hope your deity is a forgiving one , Matty
  19. I just assumed it was tongue in cheek, along the lines of security companies "bricking" industrial areas
  20. Zoos, that's one of my points, I don't have any problem with anyone , I'm not at all racist( for the less intelligent Islam is a religion not a race) but when the small number of Muslims lob on the telly with their hate filled doctrine you never hear of the majority standing up and saying NO we don't want this,,,,it's silence, and that's the problem ,you can be peaceful and still take a stand against something that's wrong ,,,,or as seems to be the way ,,shutup say nothing ! Islam isn't a peaceful religion,,,,,a lot of the people are peaceful ,kind happy family people ( would that be a fair description of the Aussie culture) but when they stand by silently while some evil bastard sprouts crap in on their behalf they have a stake in the pain caused by their cult,,,,unfair you say ,,,,how many would trust a catholic priest with their kids, and yet it's a very small number that were/are evil( and before you ask I am not catholic ,they just make good examples ),,, Matty
  21. Nope, they're MY kids,,,bought em up to have a backbone, no cowards in my family
  22. So I take it your keen for a bit of muslim morality,,,cause that's where it's heading , again there is a deafening silence from the non religious on this,,,,try banning abortions, the pill, condoms, or making a plethora of catholic doctrines law and there would be riots in the street ,but the same people are crying out to be tolerant of a cult that practises some barbaric rites,,,,,I can only put down to cowardice , it's dangerous to say anything against the muslim cult , nice and easy to be nice and easy. The facts are,,,it's over for any infidel in this country anyway, we don't breed enough kids, within a few generations our government will be muslim simply cause they have more kids ,so it make sense to not rock the boat ,no pun intended, Matty
  23. That seems to be your MO, make it personal ! It also seems to be the way of the watermelon franchise, if someone doesn't just go with whatever crap is being spewed out on the ABC or the blatant lefty media then your automatically a nutter, homophobic ,racist, capitalist denier that needs to be shouted down and ridiculed, well I'll say this about me, I treat the internet as an extension of my social life, I never post anything any where that I wouldn't say to your face, ever! And further I find it interesting that in the thread about "who's behind the avatar" you have chosen to cover your face ,very cute , do you think your privacy is secure by doing that , personal privacy disappeared twenty something years ago ,but that photo ,in my opinion simply shows something about you ,,,,,and I would have NO hesitation saying what I think that is to your face , Cheers Matty
  24. All good mate, I get a bit riled up over it as do many here but I also believe it's good to debate things ,to much is left unsaid ,cheers and have a happy new year Matty
  25. Which part ?
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