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Everything posted by willedoo

  1. I found another old scanned photo of the same machine posted a few posts back. The other original photo was taken with an instamatic camera; this one was taken with one of those small compact cameras. I forget the type of film they took, was it 35mm? The machine has a distinct list to port in the photo. It didn't like the Macumba River. It seems funny looking at a machine like that now as they look really old, but at the time the photo was taken it was only about three years old and the current model at that time.
  2. Trump loves having the richest dickhead in the world sucking up to him.
  3. Just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder, here's Trump and baby Trump at Butler, Pennsylvania.
  4. I still haven't got used to seeing 'King's Birthday' printed on the calendar.
  5. Burning broadacre stubble is long gone. To do it now is just burning money. In the cane industry, burning is mostly gone but you still see a small amount of it for a reason. Over time the harvesting equipment has evolved to be able to handle the trash throughput and cane varieties have been bred that produce less trash. Usually the only cane burning in this area is when they want to harvest standover cane that has stood over unharvested for two or three seasons. It grows bigger with less sugar and more trash and needs to be burnt so the harvester can handle it. Because there's no local mill any more and transport costs to the nearest mill are high, farmers will only harvest when the price of sugar is high enough for them to break even on costs. Some years they harvest, some they don't, resulting in standover cane. Cutting green cane and leaving a trash blanket as mulch is much more profitable. More moisture and plant growth, less fertiliser and herbicide.
  6. Dangerous stuff. That bloke going for a dive into the dam reminds me of the danger of cutting timber that has been pushed and raked into a heap with a dozer. The heap ends up with a lot of pre-stressed sprung loaded trunks and limbs. They can go off like a mouse trap when cut and the tension suddenly releases.
  7. Imagine what it would be like if the nuclear diamond battery concept was developed at scale. A battery that lasts for thousands of years.
  8. At the age of 77, those nuts were probably Whitworth. One old tool and two nuts to undo.
  9. Life is good when you have a big green and red shed nearby. I bought a couple of these Gorilla brand bow shackles today. Good quality, rated at two tonnes, built to Australian standard, pin size of 13mm and only $4.95 each.
  10. I can't argue with those statements. Real estate has more to do with it than religion. If you forget about all the small stuff and just look at the main fundamental belief of those religions, Islam and the Jewish religion have much more in common with each other than either one does with Christianity. From a belief perspective the two of them should be natural allies against the Christians. I think it's more about power and land.
  11. For some reason I ended up with two shower chairs. One is a thin seat, probably the nutcracker seat mentioned above. The other is a thick extruded type of material, strong and hollow inside a bit like a kid's plastic belly board. I'd say the nads would be safe with it.
  12. The incense was pretty ordinary. They need to go to Bali and get a few tips from the Hindus there. Get some proper sandalwood or something.
  13. And I've never before seen a church that was part church, part shop. In the entry to the church you had to walk through rooms full of catholic merchandise for sale. All displayed on shelving and price tagged like a proper retail store. Two rooms full of sale goods.
  14. I had a dose of religion today at a Catholic funeral. Lots of bells, incense, cross carrying and free biscuits on offer. I would have been a young man the last time I went to a Mass. I'd forgotten about all the ritual part of it.
  15. I wonder if he was trying to save a few bob by using a plastic garden chair. Some of them have slots in the seat part.
  16. I'd say nuts to that brand of chair.
  17. I have terrible visions of that scene in There's Something About Mary.
  18. Jimmy Carter turned 100 a couple of days ago
  19. I've been trying to learn Facebook English so I can navigate my way through Facebook Marketplace. It's a very economic language. Take the English words 'totally rooted'. They are replaced in Facebook English with one single word - 'rustic'. A saving of seven letters and three syllables.
  20. Where I'm living these days is a very rust prone area and my block is exposed to the prevailing salt air coming off the sea. Any steel rusts badly unless it's stored in an enclosed shed, but I've noticed all the old stuff like old farm machinery doesn't rust much. I've often wondered whether that old cast steel has a high carbon content or something else in it's makeup that resists rust. More modern cast steel will rust much quicker.
  21. Getting a bit off topic here but I dragged the remains of an old Howard Kelpie out of the bush today. I skulldragged the old Howard engine from the ground up a plank onto the ute back and couldn't get over how heavy it is for a small engine. I realise I'm getting older and weaker but the weight of this motor really surprised me.
  22. I think Albo will be watching the Queensland election closely. Some polls have had Dutton and Co. in minority government territory and there's no guarantee federal Labor will get a second term.
  23. The election campaign is officially underway. Premier Steven Miles took the fifty cent bus ride to see the governor and dissolve parliament. No limo for that humble 50 cent Labor man. The government is running ads blaming the opposition leader, Noddy, for heaps of cuts and sackings when he was a member of can-do Campbell Newman's government. The way the polls are going, Labor is headed for losing possibly half their seats.
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