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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. These optical illusions will test you Were you fooled by these pics?
  2. Not a picture, but I think this cat is jealous, apparently this guy had about 8 stitches. Crikey that cat took him down lol :) https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10155559983484460
  3. This has gotta be up there ! http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/tasmanian-police-are-hunting-down-a-seal-in-the-launceston-suburb-of-newstead/news-story/fa96c1a883e23c14c8b9c8fd9363c67b [ATTACH]48056._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  4. Fixed !!
  5. Looks like Donald Trump will be POTUS tommorow. Who else is concerned ??
  6. But Mr Perry, you liked it and it made your day didn't it
  7. I saw a chick eating corn flakes and doing her makeup on the Monash one day, and unlike most days the traffic was moving at 100kmh.
  8. Your always in the doghouse with Mrs Red
  9. So I took the plunge an purchased a Go Pro Hero 5, does anyone know of a good case for these? Came across these but not sure if it would suit the 5. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=251784082876 Note: For people looking at buying the Go Pro Hero 5 for there aircraft please note the previous audio cable will not work on the Hero 5 as they have moved to the USB-C port. So sadly you have to purchase a new cable and Go Pro have it priced at $79.95 OUCH !!! Not sure if the cheaper adapters of ebay will work.
  10. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/hyperloop-highspeed-rail-network-that-could-come-to-australia/news-story/ead4089e0f168e9dc6a081cb31024561
  11. ACCIDENTALLY KELLY STREET, brings tears to my eyes! Not a music person, but the moment that starts playing i get a tear in my eyes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdJYrkra0nk
  12. So True !
  13. That's what happens when you buy rubbish...
  14. Well Mr Perrys out of bed :)
  15. Well the time has come for a new phone, I got rid of my iphone earlier in the year for a nokia that had no functions apart from making calls. I hate tech stuff these days, but I am in need of a wifi hotspot to save having to have a seperate data sim. So I am thinking of getting a cheap android, who uses android here and what is it like? Looking at a cheapy like a HTC Desire 530 I like how with apple you can lock the device down and disable apps, android seems to come with a lot of crap.
  16. I guess you don't understand the base jumping/wing suit sport. You think they just strap on a wing suit and go jump outta or off something? Well your wrong, it is practised constantly and it is very safe and remember a lot of base jumpers and wingsuit flyers are highly experienced skydivers with thousands and thousands of jumps under there belt. Before you make comments about these guys I would do a bit of research on the sport. Trust me I know what it takes and whats involved !!
  17. All good here, works a charm on 5s
  18. Who is updating to iOS 10 tommorow?
  19. USB stick can kill any device it touches
  20. I remember I had just finished working at Moorabbin and was on holidays and was up all night tinkering with some gadget and it came on tv and I was thinking this is a cool movie, but something wasnt right when I started getting the same thing on every channel. Wasn't long before I let out an audible gasp and muttered the words crap this is real. Then I started to feel sick when I could see people jumping out of windows to certain death. To the air crews, people in the towers and on the ground, I salute you and may you rest in peace. To the hero aircrews who tried to stop this from happening, we will never forget and I fly in honour of you all.
  21. For those of you who are annoyed with the windows 10 automatic updates, take a look at this sweet little trick How to Disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates | NDTV Gadgets360.com
  22. computer generated overlay of the snake Cgi means computer generated imagery.
  23. I don't think you know what cgi is, that is not a rubber snake it is computer generated overlay.
  24. Done with CGI, its computer generated
  25. Been confirmed as fake, Hawthorn footy club was behind it
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