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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. Sorry, was not saying you said that just past comments I have heard. What is to say the military would not have killed even more hostages in the crossfire? Of course now we can say "why didn't they", "they should have" but at the time there was so much going on things were overlooked. What is to say the military could have do any better? The gunman could have said shit the military is here lets end it now and assassinated everyone. We can quistain everything now, but would have it helped or made things worse? We will never know. Anyway my opinion is the police did a perfect job under the circumstances. Remember the officers involved were under instruction from the hierachy so lets remember that. These police members were ready to die to save those hostages lets not forget that either. Police members risk there life daily (not forgetting our military) so lets not criticise them for "could have beens". Thats my final comment on this entire thread topic.
  2. Cannot help things like this when its a highly stressful and time critical operation. These police members went in when they heard a gunshot, knowing they could be shot or explosives could be set off. They had a job to do and they were focused. With gunfire and flash grenades going off this was not a simple task and lives were at risk. The priority is to get in quick and disable the gunman. I am sick of hearing comments like why didn't you take him out through the window of the tv building, well its not easy to shoot through a few different pains of glass. The police members should be congratulated for the work they did and also the ongoing work to keep us all protected.
  3. 2) Photo ID, takes a few seconds to search for there name in the computer database with the immigration department. 3) Fine them for indecent language, and detain them for further verification. Exactly what police do if your pulled over and act like that. 4) Immigration computer database 5) Now thats an idiotic comment. With iPad's and mobile data terminals it takes a very short time to find if someone is being honest.
  4. But how many were saved? Even the hostages said if the police did not storm the building they would have been shot. Stuff up of a rescue mission? I think the authoritys did a perfect job under very difficult circumstances they waited as long as they could. You think if they kept waiting the gunman would say "ok i am bored now you can have the hostages and you can arrest me now" That piece of scum was prepared to die and take everyone with him, he proved that when he shot the manager.
  5. They let them them go and they commit a crime watch the public change there attitude towards the government. Marty, overstaying a Visa is a crime, not a major incident but still a crime. So by finding them and deporting them is solving a crime, simple no matter how you look at it. Anyway, this is my opinion so if you think its an idiotic comment thats your choice.
  6. I have to disagree with a lot of the comments here. My response is "if you haven't done anything wrong your got nothing to worry about". I am happy for the government to take action on this matter. My partner is a member of the Police Force and its better to quistain someone before hand than clean up the mess afterwards. People would be blaming the government for not taking action earlier if someone commits a major incident yet they protest about the government for trying to prevent things from happening. Thumbs up to the government.
  7. You protest at the Flinders Street and Swanston street intersection and you watch the city grind to a halt.
  8. Reminds me of the women who started the close essendon airport group, she was protesting about everything in Melbourne.
  9. Just seen this on the news, now the "professional protesters" have got wind of this and the authority's have cancelled a press conference on the steps of flinders street station as these protesters have shut down the streets of Melbourne.
  10. Cost.... I know the upgrade costs outweigh the damage bill if your system is compromised but still a lot of organisations take the chance to save costs especially if you have a network of hundreds or even thousands of computers. I always stay one operating system behind but with Windows 10 going past 8 im staying two behind with Windows 7, a lot of organisations are doing the same an upgrading from xp to 7.
  11. Yep and if you need to upgrade your pc you cannot get xp drivers, you can't even get windows 7 drivers for some of the new laptops! Airlines still use xp, but as most of there systems are in lockdown and have general internet access blocked they don't have to worry about security pataches as they mainly run client software for there servers or even citrix. Same with vicpol.
  12. Picked one of these up today, small and slow but just what I need to edit docs and for anything I cannot do on ipad. Very basic system but does what I need. https://www.asus.com/Notebooks/ASUS_EeeBook_X205TA/overview/
  13. Thats why there is the backup via a virtual machine
  14. Solved my problem, all our crew have purchased apple macs and for the very few programs we run on windows we use Windows 7 in a virtual machine or via boot camp. However, most of our programs are run via remote desktop into the server or soon to be citrix, that way we can eliminate all need for windows and run the software from the server. Can also access the programs via the ipad using citrix or remote desktop apps :)
  15. Untill Microsoft put out a dodgy update (like they already have) that causes computers to crash and tries to update again on restart causing an endless reboot loop forcing it departments to spend many hours fixing it or trying to.
  16. http://www.kpho.com/story/29843274/urgent-update-for-windows-users
  17. Download Magic JellyBean and it will read your product key. https://www.magicaljellybean.com
  18. I could not be more happier with CopyTrans does everything photod, contacts, media and works for all idevices. www.copytrans.net
  19. Download Crap Cleaner and clean out your registry, most likelly registry strings corrupted.
  20. Yes That is the only problem, if you enable automatic updates it will keep coming back. Best thing to do is disable automatic updates and the manually check for updates every few days, I prefer to do this anyway as I like to see what is being downloaded as I have had dodgy hardware drivers being updated when there not needed.
  21. Same as Windows 8, you DO NOT need a Microsoft account and can create a local user account. https://4sysops.com/archives/install-windows-10-with-a-local-account/
  22. Download Thunderbird
  23. For people who want to stay with there current OS and want to stop Windows 10 automatically downloading go into your update history and uninstall the below update and then make sure you don't download that update. The update is KB3035583 once you uninstall this it removes the upgrade icon in the taskbar and ensures Windows 10 doesn't secretly download.
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