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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. Simple... time to upgrade to a John Deere
  2. The g/f (who is a cop) has lost count of how many times she has nearly been hit when doing roadside checks. Just last week someone crashed the booze bus site and she had to throw herself out of the way hurting her wrist. Not to mention the rubberneckers
  3. Classic!! Those late night tv ads say there is a nasal spray for that.
  4. Reminds me of this. http://www.sunshinecoastdaily.com.au/news/video-dumb-darwin-thief-blown-away-atm-explosion/2498427/
  5. More like a trouser worm
  6. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_detox
  7. So what is everyones new years resolutions? Mine is to do a digital detox and take things easy. Oh and I say every year but spend more time in the gym. Hmmm my new years resolution should be not to make one as I always break them.
  8. Just found this poor little bloke convulsing under the tree, poor little bloke just died in my hands after I tried to give him some water. Time to grab the shovel and look in the long grass for a snake as the little bloke has two fang marks. Thought it was just the hot weather untill I saw the two marks.
  9. A former workmate got fooled in Thailand, I said next time do a grope like Mick Dundee did in Crocodile Dundee
  10. Nar, males are bigger.
  11. One has a doodle the other doesen't
  12. Check out the reaction times of the white cat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVShMhyxR1E
  13. [ATTACH]47805._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  14. [ATTACH]48474._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]48475._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]48476._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]48477._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]48478._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  15. What type is it? Tiger?
  16. Darn iPhone auto correct, should be "Hangar". :(
  17. Found this big bugger in the hanger, biggest I have seen for ages. [ATTACH]47802._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  18. Just got supplied with new laptops and guess what? windows 10 !!!!! But....... With a difference!!! For people who hate the windows 10 layout download this, wouldn't know your running 10. http://www.classicshell.net
  19. I will forgive you just this once
  20. Hey Phil, can you fix the link as you can't click it and I am to lazy to copy and paste it
  21. I put my trust in a circus clown, and I sneezed at the wrong time, broken nose!
  22. I was out spraying some weeds and came across a cranky sucker only weapon I had was the spray gun so I gave him a spray, he must not have liked the taste he was off before I could blink.
  23. Speaking of Kangaroo's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHjJSi7JP60
  24. To Late.......
  25. Photo from dash camera software on laptop, still looking for the gang of roos.
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