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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. Its flucates that much.... This the good tests on fixed wireless.... Just did a test now and im getting 6.5 download and 0.5 upload.. [ATTACH]47715._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]47716._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  2. He made money during the internet boom of the 90's with ozemail.. Yet he screws the nbn? Suppose he is only used of dialup....
  3. Well.......... What did I tell you, it was not even one day and Turnbull has already done a deal without consulting the cabinet and even before he was sworn in. CAPTAINS PICK.... http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/malcolm-turnbull-cuts-secret-2bn-deal-with-nationals/story-fnpp4dl6-1227529406693
  4. Don't worry Phil..... I will jump off my high horse now :)
  5. Yep... I must admit I enjoy listening to Tony Delroy & Trevor Chappell... Although don't cheat on Delroys quiz or he will terminate the call... LOL
  6. The tv is rarely on in my place....... Used to love listening to the "wireless" but now thats gone to the dogs.......
  7. Because there is already a topic on the exact same subject so what is the point of having two ? Just makes the entire subject confusing to follow if you have multiple threads...
  8. Turbull should do the honest thing and call and election now, let him earn the position instead of stealing it... Tony worked his but off to win the election over Labour, what did Turnbull do? Nothing.........
  9. Admin, Can we close this topic as we already have one running..... http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/it-is-on-turnbull-calling-a-presser-at-4pm-14th.139102/
  10. You think you could do better?
  11. Spot on Andrew Bolt
  12. Turnbull screwed the NBN, slow, unreliable and a cost blowout of over 15 billion and thats in his own portfolio and he thinks he can run a country? LOL
  13. I don't think that is appropriate..... Especially for a former leader of our great country...
  14. Just proves unlike Turnbull he doesn't put himself first and wanted to put an end to the speculation...
  15. Turnbull criticised Rudd and Gillard for knifing each other and he does the exact same thing! Kennett was spot on "Malcolm Turnbull is the Kevin Rudd of the Liberal Party"
  16. You just wait...... Turnbull loves himself and its all about him, lets see how he screws this government, he cannot even work with a team. You think Tony has done a few "Captains Calls" you watch Turnbull go againsts the cabinet.... I better put out the red carpet for the boats that will start appearing on the horizon from tommorow.
  17. Turnbull is a €@$&!# I hope the nationals break the coalition agreement and screw Turnbull and see if he can win an early election. You have my support Tony!
  18. If you read back through the topic you will see that discussed earlier. It is not possible to stop this in windows 10. Only way to block all updates is to block the microsoft update servers within the hosts file.
  19. Your spot on there red750
  20. Has a lot to do with being more user friendly and also software compatibility. There are skins for Windows 8 that make it look like Windows 7 such as the below but it all comes to giving them time to iron out the bugs and also the compatibility of sofware. http://www.stardock.com/products/start8/
  21. To access this, open the Start menu and select Settings. Click the “Update & security” icon and select “Recovery.” You should see a “Go back to Windows 7″ or “Go back to Windows 8.1″ option. Click the Get started button to get rid of your Windows 10 install and restore your previous Windows install. Think there is a certain amount of time before this option will disappear.
  22. This is a perfect example of someone showing no respect for authority, they film themselves being disrespectful then put it on youtube for a laugh.
  23. Ok... I said the above was my last comment on the matter but it seems I have caused the thread to go in another direction. The above comments are my personel opinion and like everyone here its our right to comment and have our point of view. I could be bias because I have a girlfriend in the police force and see the crap she has to put up with, some nights she comes home and she is upset because some piece of scum has assaulted her or because she has just told someone there child is dead. I am sick of people criticising our emergency services (and authorities), if you only new how stuff like this effects the members and there familys im sure you would have different opinions. People are now complaining about the retention of internet data and call logs. Well if I havent been looking up or calling dodgy people why would I care? Parking inspectors get abused for just doing there job, don't want a ticket? Easy don't park where you shouldn't. Good on the government for trying to prevent stuff before it happens. They can't seem to do anything right, the public criticise our authorities for being proactive then they criticise them for not preventing stuff. We all make mistakes including our authorities, some mistakes have minor effects while some have outcomes we don't want. Thats my comment and I will now cease comments on this topic.
  24. at home I get 6 terabyte for $100
  25. Yes I know how you feel, we pay over $300 a month on 4G data just to keep everyones iPad online.
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