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Everything posted by Butch

  1. Would have never have thought to use dog or cat food...…..as long as you put in plenty of garlic and tomatoes it should taste ok !
  2. I have had close dealings with a few politicians.... most are ego driven or have little mans syndrome! I think we need business people running the country.......not people that only think about themselves. Some of the wankers I have seen get into electorate positions couldn't run a chook raffle at the local pub.....but they know how to talk the talk and bluff their way through.....but not the sharpest tack in the packet!
  3. This is true Dazza, My theory is you pay peanuts you get monkeys! Most large corporate CEO's are on hundreds of thousands a year plus bonuses . Bank CEO's are on Millions a year plus bonuses worth millions. If you are smart enough to be the leader of a Nation why would you go through the sh!t they do for a 200,000 a year plus a few rorts? Give the PM of the country 10 mill a year tax free and we might see some of the Australia's smart people put their hand up! Just my opinion, cheers Butch.
  4. Do you really think the 2 Bali nine that were executed would have become a preacher and a painter if they hadn't been caught! I think not, more likely to be pimp and a pusher driving around in flash cars taking advantage of the easily led and the hopeless. I'm glad they had to spend 10 years of hell waiting to die so they could experience what it's like being an addict going through hell waiting to die in the gutter on the end of a needle. Maybe now one less mule will think twice before they decide to carry drugs into Australia. I have a teenage daughter and son, to me these people are the scum of the earth, not only do they wreck there own lives but they try and corrupt innocent kids like mine . How much money has our Government wasted on trying to save the lives of these money for crime people? I know it's a shocking wast of life, but it's war ! them or us. Remind yourself, one day someone close to you could be hanging off the end of a needle and who would you blame?
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