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Everything posted by yampy

  1. We're not just heading in the same direction , we've actually arrived at the destination.. ANPR cameras are in use in NSW .. Just take a drive up the Hume Hwy and see the police cars just parked up checking passing vehicles ... PC went mad in my area some time ago when I was issued with a please explain and an attached Stat Dec form for my completion after I was spied on from my local council offices depositing rubbish in a council supplied rubbish skip ! .. Someone in the office noted my rego number , it was cross checked by the council and no doubt all my personal details too and hauled before the council officer .. Needless to say they dropped the whole issue like a hot spud when I promised to expose them , but hey I thought I was being the good citizen in cleaning up the streets , not a villain like they made out ... So yes , the only difference between the UK and Aussie is the weather ...
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