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Everything posted by Geoff13
My point was if you are going to try try to highlight that a song was not an original, why would you link to a copy from 100 years after the original.
Except this was film in 2013, so who was the original.
Ask some of those sprouting religeon that question.
We have so many 78's and no machine to play them.
The worst I have seen was also on the Gateway Motorway during the widening phase. So picture this. Narrowed lanes. Concrete barriers both sides so nowhere to go when it goes pearshaped. Mid morning and me in 62.5 tonnes of bdouble doing close to the roadwork speed limit of 80. A car came up beside me driving erratically which attracted my attention. As she drew level I noticed she was steering with her knees and had a baby on the passenger seat and was changing the babies nappy. True story. No dash cams back then but I did ring the Police. They actually caught her not more than 5 klms down the road. What hope do we have.
Gateway is only a 100 zone lol
M61A1 you have me confused. From your profile it says you are located on the Darling Downs, but from your description of local drivers, I could have sworn you were describing Bendigo in Victoria.
Interesting that you would pick WA. Both WA and NT refuse to come under the banner of the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator citing that their unique operating conditions due to the distances and remoteness involved make it unworkable to abide by the National Guidelines. If you had ever spent time in a heavy vehicle on the road in these areas you would understand that they are probably correct. Another thing is to operate for more than 12 hours, there are very strict guidelines to be followed and fatigue and health management strategies that must be followed. On top of all of that it is interesting to check some of the statistics involving heavy vehicles accidents. Like the percentage of multiple vehicle accidents involving heavy vehicles where the heavy vehicle was not at fault.
Below is a collection of post that I made on Facebook to answer the question "So does this mean toll and linfox can pay owner drivers lower rates now, ?" What it means is that they do not have to pay us more than they have to pay subcontract companies. Which then allows us to compete on service as we have always done. I will try to explain what went on and how it would have affected a section of the industry rather the whole industry. The RSRT was set up in the dying days of the Gillard Government. It was a sweetheart deal which was meant to shore up support for Gillard over Rudd for the upcoming backstabbing session. As it was planned the union factions would support Gillard and the Unions mainly the TWU would end up with more members. This was all done using the fallacy of Road Safety. Road Safety is a separate issue and should not be used to force one section of the industry out in favour of unionised companies as was tried here. The RSO legislated a minimum pay rate for sub contractors in the following areas of the industry. Grocery/Supermarket deliveries on short haul and any long haul over 500klms. This in itself is a brilliant move and something that I have been calling for for 25 years. However there is a but. The order then went on to define a subcontractor and this is where the unions get involved nd destroy the best thing to happen to the industry in my lifetime. The RSRT definition of an owner driver was unclear and cause so much uncertainty it became unworkable. In short according to the order a subcontractor was an owner operator or a direct dependent of and owner operator. That means that as I drive my own truck I am a subby. As my daughter and son drive my other two trucks they would be subbies. This means we need to be paid the minimum rate.Now if I sack myself and my kids and put in unrelated drivers then I am no longer a subby and could be paid any rate not subject to the order. This is blatant discrimination against Owner operators and small family companies in favour of larger and medium sized companies. We believe that it was done for the following reason. Small owner operators and families are in general NOT UNION MEMBERS. Medium and larger companies are generally Unionised. So again we saw it as discrimination against non union members. They could have solved all the problems by simply saying that a subcontractor was anyone who carried freight but did not hold a prime contract. That is the true definition of a subbie and would have applied across the board for all subbies. As for saying that now TOLLS and the LINFOX's of this world can now pay us crap money,that is true and nothing has changed. However now we have the choice of whether to do the job or not as we always have, it has not been taken away from us and handed to unionised companies. I have more to say but have at me on that lot first. As I said just a copy and paste of comments that I made. It would take me to long to retype it all on the ipad so I just did it this way. I have long been an advocate of legislated freight rates however they need to be sustainable and valid for anyone with a truck not just a select group to make them totally noncompetitive. When I first heard of the RSO I was over the moon but the devil was in the detail. Ask any questions that you like and I shall try to answer them fully and honestly. I will admit to having been very vocal and outspoken against the RSO as written, and I have read all the orders through and through and had legal advice on some of the detail.
Well if it is in the SMH it must be right, journalists never get anything wrong.
It was not a waste of time to the 30,000 plus owner operators or their families who were directly affected by it. I do agree that this thread should be in the off topic forum but it is no less worthy of debate simply because of that.
The OP shows a total lack of understanding of what actually happened with the RSO andthe RSRT. The final outcome whilst it was not as good as it could have been was an absoloute win for the small operators. Knowing at least 7 of the operators in the mentioned convoy I can assure the OP that they were owner operators and were not funded by the big end of town. The RSRT proved with the RSO that it had neither the interests of small operators or road safety in its plan. It would have annilated the owner operators of this country and ensured support for the multinational transport operators and as such boosted union membership, which when you search the history of the RSRT was the most likely true reason it was set up. This was a win for the small guys of which I am one all be it at the cost of what could have been the best thing to hit our industry since Razorback, if only it had been done correctly.
All three of the other depictions in volve course language. I guess it depends on your definition.
I have said it before and shall say it again. Arguing about religion is like arguing over who has the best imaginary friend.
Having worked on Leopard tanks for many years I can certainly vouch for the technical German being almost untranslatable. druckmessdose literally translates as a "pressure measuring socket" In a Leopard however it is a "strain gauge", or if you prefer a pressure measuring gauge. There are so many of these that the Leopard Instrument, Electronic, Hydraulic course could have been shortened by months had we students all understood technical German
It's a territory, thats not really a Ford is it?
Not an Essendon supporter are you OME? LOL.
That would certainly make flying more efficient but those bloody J230's would float forever on landing then.
New year new computer new operating system. Just go for it. Let me know how it went in 6 months so I can decide what to do. LOL
Don't you listen to OME SrPilot. He lives in the southern part of the country that changes their clocks for some stupid reason like getting more hours of sunlight. Bloody hell we live in Australia who the hell needs more sunlight it will fade the curtains. Besides here in Queensland our Premier Anistasia is convinced that the sun shines out of her Ar$e and there is no way she is getting up an hour earlier just so we can have an extra hours sunlight.
I set the goal of losing 10 more kilos last New Year, only 25 kgs to go.
If you would like to know how to stop a mine safety officer dead in his tracks. When one tried to tell me the correct way to safely unload a container off my truck using my own swinglifter, I asked to see his qualifications to tell me how to operate the machine. It took 24 hours and a night in a motel before he finally worked out that there was no formal qualification to operate the machine. $120.00 per hour for 24 hours and a night in a motel. gotto love going to mine sites. Another one was a 4.5 hour induction to follow a ute into a site and stand 20 metres from my truck whilst a forklift unloaded 2 containers. The funny thing was the ute was driving at mine safe speed of 20 kph. 3 times he had to stop and wait for me because it was faster than I was willing to drive on that particular road. On a busy day I load and unload between 20 and 30 containers and I needed 4.5 hours to tell me how. Much (not all) of the OH&S is profit driven by the safety managers and safety equipment manufacturers and not by Safety itself.
I remember when posted to Germany in the 80's, the first exercise we went on wherever we went we were followed around by a little motorhome with a couple of Frauline's on board. When we set up camp all you had to do was wait till dark and you could see the red light through the trees. I thought it was fairly enterprising of them. A few of the boys could have done with some of those dispensers back then.
You cannot legislate against stupid.
I find at the wharves I am far more visible by not wearing fluro. Get out of the truck without a vest on and 30 people are all over you before you even shut the door. My standard answer to them is well you saw me so I must be visible. Remember the machines are all Robots, so can't actually see us anyway.