to all of you here
yes I'm real but a new member, have been flying my own wings for 34 yrs, but driving a computer for only a couple , so not a very good or fast typer.
the moniker "revsmith"was chosen by the missus for me for an other purpose in which she loves to do for stress relief(yeah I'm that hard to live with)
she's betsy Wesson in single action, so I'm not a reverend, just a believer and young earth creationist
. would love to answer all an find this forum fascinating in addition to flying knowladge. hey admin can I post a link to our pastors latest sermon an how? might answer a lot better then me. gotta go now an do some cattle work , see I'm a peasant by trade.
without the pain, disease, hardship, death,, and sins of this world, in a perfect resurrected non-aging body with all needs taken care of by our heavenly father, in a new creation, where my believer relatives and friends gone before me , await me.
an that's why its so hard to believe, and easier to follow another religion, which demands some sort of work to attain heaven, including evolution which is just another belief. aint human nature great
you are taking deuteronomy28 verse 57 totally out of context , read the whole chapter, its refering to how desperate in the siege they would become , not giving permission to eat babies
john chapter 14 verse6
jesus said unto him ï am the way,the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
the thief dying on the cross with him was promised eternal life by belief ,luke 23 verse 43 nothing else needed, (no time anyhow)
all else is window dressing which can be misused to suggest control of a persons salvation.
my first post
my belief, "religion"is where the follower "works" to attain salvation whatever the religion.
"Christianity "however is where the believer accepts the free gift of Christ's death on the cross for their sins for their salvation with nothing done by them except belief.
a VERY big difference