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Everything posted by Rastus

  1. The original Southern Cross is preserved at Brisbane Airport.
  2. I had nothing to do today. It took me all day, and I’m buggered!😴
  3. GTR-X
  4. Rastus

    Quickies part 2

    There is a song about that 🤪
  5. G4 OHK. 73 de VK4 KRB
  6. I won't use ethanol blend in anything. Just had a thought: If a motor needs to burn more E10 than straight fuel, does that mean a motor with a carby will run too lean? I mean a fixed carby like an older car or mower. We had a Mazda E2000 light truck (Carby) where I work which we ran on E10. It had 2 engine failures within 20,000 Km. Not sure if it was the E10 or the fact that it was seriously underpowered and had to be thrashed pretty hard to keep up with other traffic.
  7. Absolutely right. I did the same type of tests in 1998 with a 5.0 litre VT Berlina. I also used full synthetic oil. The saving in fuel burn more than paid for the extra cost of the 98 octane and the oil as well. I forget the exact figures now, but it was something ridiculous like a 20% reduction in fuel burn. The other saving is in maintenance costs. At 120,000 Km the motor was due for an injector clean. All the injectors were nearly perfect and the cylinder bores (looked at with a boroscope through the sparkplug hole) looked like new. There is also a slight improvement in power when using 98 over 91.
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