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  1. Nope, I don't think so. I just drove over 1 km on a perfectly good road at 25 kph, not a worker in sight, then turned off onto a bumpy dirt road with no speed limit posted (100 kph). I haven't owned a gun for 30 years and don't feel the need for one. Two different things.
  2. Australian mining company takes over third world mine and brings new OH&S standards.
  3. You only have to look at the overkill of traffic control in Australia compared to comparable countries to see what happens when the OH&S departments get out of control. Of course OH&S is important, but in Australia, once good OHS had been achieved, the safety departments had to justify their continuing existence and expansion by more and more regulation. Unions in some industries use safety as an excuse to get what they want from the bosses and government. We are drowning ourselves in red tape, bureaucracy and OH&S and our pollies are too busy with their snouts in the trough to do anything about it. We live in a wonderful country but it's a shame we can't keep the good and free ourselves of some of what's not good.
  4. In the 70s beards and long hair were often worn by hippies and anti Vietnam war protestors. They were not popular with the establishment.
  5. And you could add the colonialism of the English, drawing lines on maps, creating countries, not taking into account ancient lands and religious and tribal boundaries. A recipe for instability when they were eventually kick out.
  6. Maybe, but that's exactly what they said after WW1, the war to end all wars.
  7. I agree that the money for the subs could probably be better spent. However, they are definitely there to sink ships from an invading country to the north. If the automatic torpedoes you suggest exist, I do not know of them. We have 20 P3 Orions that are submarine hunters. If your weapons existed why wouldn't we have them to replace the Orions. If they do exist how many would be need to surround Australia? Could they be trusted to sink only enemy subs? One British submarine sure did put the wind up the Argies in the Falklands war.
  8. Yeah, but I didn't offer that as a link. The party in power always has to cough up the numbers every budget. The greens have never had to do that.
  9. Thanks for that link. Unfortunately there are no numbers in in.
  10. Yes, sorry I did miss that. Can you give me a reference so I can have a look at it please?
  11. Yes the Greens have lots of good ideas, just no idea of how to pay for them. They are not in government and not likely to be so never need to come up with a real budget. Sarah Hanson-Young as the gate keeper?
  12. You deserve a knighthood for your loyalty.
  13. What, none of them were armed with knives, baseball bats, iron bars, replica guns or anything?
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