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Everything posted by hihosland

  1. Your stud Merino won't head out and smash in the heads of every Dorsett ewe, lamb or ram
  2. Someone, I think Jared Diamond, argued that the only two things separated humans from other species was language capable of conceiving and arguing abstract concepts. AND an enthusiastic propensity to kill each other. The fist a prerequisite to inventing the notion of either religion or polity and that a prerequisite for the uniquely human activity of mass slaughter or genocide.
  3. A unintended consequence of surgery in March left me with a paralyzed vocal cord and unable to use the aircraft radio. Consequently the Skyranger has had very few outings. We are now heading off as passengers on an extended trip, Auckland, San Francisco, Denver, Boston, Zurich, Copenhagen, Malmo, Gothenbourg, Tokyo and Melbourne. RPT passengering is not "flying" flying but it does get you around. The hope is that by the time we return I will have regained enough voice level to keep the mic open. cheers Davidh
  4. apostle or a-tossle?
  5. check your watch against a GPS after all the GPS is at its basic just a very accurate clock.
  6. So Phill Where did you come from?
  7. [ATTACH]47965._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  8. PPP Past Parlimentarians' Perks
  9. vaccine ? anyone?
  10. God said "let there be light" and then the fight started
  11. mudlark?
  12. Well caught Yenn!
  13. [ATTACH]47950._xfImport[/ATTACH] and Darkie became Darlie
  14. and don't you roger Shirley
  15. Shirley makes a great plumb sauce
  16. Good line Bex
  17. Meals on wheels anyone? [ATTACH]48143._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  18. Another thing about the failed "war on drugs" is to contemplate how different in Mexico, Colombia, Afghanistan and a handful of other nations political stability and the rule of law situation would be without that 'war' .
  19. Great % of prison pop is there because of drug related offences another way of saying that is that they are there because drugs were made illegal. Anti drug laws have obviously not worked. Take away the illegality of using and ... prison pop drops ... drugs no longer illegal become no longer profitable for the crims to sell ... dramaticlly reduce the incentive of one addict to recruit new users ... greater % of users will stay with opoiods and canaboids and less % with ice etc ... thus more happy sleepy users and less violent ones. .. less health probs from contaminated drugs Can't be any worse than present situation. Holland etc's experience has been beneficial.
  20. And when you privatize the prisons you create a well cashed up lobby demanding that more be built.
  21. The Biggest Estate on Earth -by Bill Gammage gives yet another view of life in Aust prior to the arrival of the pink people a very well argued view at that
  22. Spooks did say I find it amusing that Judaism and Islam are so similar yet the followers hate each other. Abraham has a lot to answer for
  23. senate getup ad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq7PqUyJ5yY
  24. Can't get much sillier than this [ATTACH]48142._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  25. I did once live in Kaikohe in northern NZ to where new pilots on their first long solo XC could arrive by keeping the ocean on the right and the land on the left. Afore said pilots would land the Auckland aero club plane and commence walking to the public phone box to log in with their instructor. The locals would take great pleasure in calling out to these hapless students "welcome to Kaitia" and watching the result Kaitaia being a place that one could reach by keeping the ocean on the left and the land on the right.
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