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Everything posted by hihosland

  1. [ATTACH]48531._xfImport[/ATTACH] Thanks be for literate and obedient cows.
  2. OME did say "I've seen that sort of mailbox when I was in the Greek isles. I think I was on the island of Lesbos." I have heard that the Greek Isles are different but vertical anatomical transposition???
  3. [ATTACH]48525._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  4. Best we keep his kangaroo well tied down and Jake thoroughly pegged
  5. slow stroke best stroke
  6. Too busy flying kites various
  7. [ATTACH]48489._xfImport[/ATTACH] only at Bunnings
  8. [ATTACH]48486._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  9. [ATTACH]47830._xfImport[/ATTACH] nuff said
  10. [ATTACH]48484._xfImport[/ATTACH] Presumably there's no need to give way to the strong peds just knock em over then give way because they are now fragile
  11. [ATTACH]47823._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  12. [ATTACH]47822._xfImport[/ATTACH] calls for a caption
  13. [ATTACH]47821._xfImport[/ATTACH] actually in neighbour's yard
  14. If you have a job that needs doing and a device that will do that job adequately why upgrade?
  15. [ATTACH]47817._xfImport[/ATTACH] Spanish truck stop working girls told to wear high viz
  16. "Wouldn't have happened on a Jab!" quothTurbs Not if it takes 12 years, no
  17. It's hi viz [ATTACH]47813._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  18. [ATTACH]47812._xfImport[/ATTACH] Says it all especially the ear plugs
  19. anyone for a puncture proof soccer ball? [ATTACH]48481._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  20. Obviously the pouch is for coins for the phone [ATTACH]48473._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  21. I think that it is an eastern tiger, small head, rat tail, stripes on side but not prominent on the dorsal surface so I am not completely certain
  22. [ATTACH]47804._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  23. Thanks Litespeed for the potted history to our north. You are obviously much more informed than I on these affairs but nothing that you say conflicts with my understanding. Australia's influence and complicit diplomacy feature prominently in the early days of both Pol Pot and Mugabe and if one were to take a few steps back and take a world view of our recent efforts on climate change and treatment of refugees one would quickly move the pub conversation back to Olympic medals.
  24. A bill of rights defines and restricts the definition of rights and fails to address situations and attitudes as they change over time. Our common law administered by judges independant of the government already address basic rights and when there is confusion or ambiguity in the Australian law have access to the statutes and principles of international jurisprudence as they relate to human rights. The Marbo case a classic example If there was a statute of rights established by the Parlament of Australia the judges would not have this ability nor flexibility to oversight the evolution of Australian laws. The only flaw in our constitutional monarchy is the potential for the Queen to resign as Queen of Australia and we would be stuck with Charlie. Unfortunately were are storming down the road of a politicised elected president. Already if you ask a random selection of voters who did they vote for the answer, if you get one, would be the name of the leader of their preferred party, not the name of their local representative as envisaged by the drafters of the constitution.
  25. Don did say "Democracy in Australia works moderately well despite the fact that it is fundamentally a theocratic autocracy." and "I think I need a lie down now." rather a contradiction that democracy/autocracy notion I wonder if the lie down will be in the company of a member of the demos or of the theos or perhaps a quiet autocratic lie down is the preferred option
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