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About Kiwi303

  • Birthday 09/09/1980

Kiwi303's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. [ATTACH]48589._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  2. well, since things have gone away from Signs and on to funny pictures and memes... heres one. [ATTACH]48551._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  3. They have ASIC on tablets now? :P Can't help with the translation... other than if you are looking to see if the words translate pretty much literally, then Google Translate would probably do a pretty literal translation, good enough to tell for your purposes... If you plug it into English->German in Google translate and German->English in Bing translate and the resulting English is still readable, it's probably pretty literal. If it comes back as gibberish, it's probably slanged up a bit and the contextual equivalencies aren't meshing. It's a bit like a wild goose chase, the same contextual meaning in Chinese is climbing a tree to catch fish.
  4. [ATTACH]48526._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  5. I never really got into his music much, Creative, sure, interesting, sure, weird, SURE! I must say I enjoyed Labyrinth tho. great movie and he was a perfect prince of darkness...
  6. Oh? Made in Thailand I presume? :P
  7. And it is culture, not religion. All the Koran requires is Modesty, not Covered with a Bedsheet.
  8. Doesn't the Physics teacher know enough physics to use one safely without a licence?
  9. If they can build a dinosaur from one bone, someone ought to be able to manage a jet from a nut.
  10. By the end of my time in CQ I could read printed characters better than I could speak chinese! Very limited vocabulary, but still much bigger than my spoken one. And that was after only a year.
  11. Put them in one of those courses where cardboard cutouts run out into the road between cars. Knock one down, no licence.
  12. Indian Minors? Don;t let the vice squad know or you'll be up for statuatory rape! Mynahs now, good to plink at with the .177 air rifle.
  13. In the carribean they used to bore old .455 wembley revolvers to smoothbore and pull the bullets to replace with wrapped onionskin paper rolls of shot. Snake Specials or Bush Specials they used to be called. Also old US .44-40's
  14. Round here we'd grab that thing by the tail and give it a high speed swing around into something, pulp it's head in on a post or trough edge. Some nights you could pop ten or so and have a hundred bucks worth of fur. Over there that would get you in MAJOR trouble with the wildlife rangers. You do have to be pretty damn careful in handling them, drag them along by the tail, sure, but always make sure they have their front feet on the ground so they can scratch in and try and get away. If you lift them a little too far so their front paws come off the ground, they transition from escape mode to Homicide mode in a flash, and can climb their tails and have a pretty good go at shredding your arm. Fight or Flight... best to leave them an iota of flight.
  15. Only snakes around here are the one-eyed trouser snake.
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