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Everything posted by Kiwi303

  1. They're also prone to shooting as well. While I was in Chongqing there was a news article, one woman racked up nearly 400,000,000 RMB in profit from real estate deals due to bribing officials to sign over to her land which was not zoned planned or permitted for construction. She ended up with a 7.62mm cerebral hemorrhage and so did a couple of the officials.
  2. Didn't stop sky high taxes in the US to pay for all the star wars and other war related research, which pumped money straight back into the economy again. It just meant there were more workers home to enjoy the employment rather than out dying in the trenches.
  3. Those loitering torpedos already exist. There's a sea bottom mine which is a large battery acting as the weight/anchor for a encapsulated small torpedo, Ship comes by that meets the target criteria, instead of exploding like an old mine, it releases the torpedo.
  4. shoulda hung low and gone over with 10 feet between their hair and your wheels :)
  5. Every culture has it's wierdos... In Aussie it's the Roo-rooters and Sheep-shaggers, always after a new connquest. In England it's the Trainspotter types, chasing numbers. In the US it's the gun collecters, other than Texas where they're just normal guys. In France it's the Casanovas. Better taste there I think, noting down whether the carpet matches the curtains instead of rego nimbers... You get the idea. Same OCD, just expressed differently.
  6. I liked the old shows Whose Line is it Anyway, the Drew Carey american one, I didn't see the british original, through I believe Stephen Fry was in that. The other Improv show I liked was Thank God You're Here... I still remember the actress playing an Around the world solo record breaking yachtee ranting at a schoolgirl in her bit and the look on the schoolgirls face... the after-scene comments had the actress asking the girl if she was alright and that she hadn't scared her, the girl answered back that yes she had! whomever the actress was, she really got in character as a somewhat cracked solo introvert with a fuse :P Then there was the Most Dangerous Game scene where the first thing the actor said was "Spiffing, Just Spiffing" in a pure brit Eton accent :D Or the time Caesar asked what the actor and another cast member were discussing "Oh, just a bit of Regicide" :D or something of the nature. Great show.
  7. Running long distance I would get the diesel, round town the LPG.
  8. Cheaper just to spend the money on more Chateau Cardboard and forget how long they have been at the current one.
  9. BA Falcon.
  10. Actually the American political system isn't set up so you Directly vote for a leader. It is a remnant from the days of horse and pony and long distances before trains. they vote for a delegate, who was supposed to travel as the representative of that local community to where the potential presidential candidates were, appraise them, and vote for the nominee to stand as president they felt best suited the localities needs. These are the Primarys, which are what Trump and Hillary are campaigning for now, to be their parties respective presidential candidate. After the slate of possible presidents is filled, people vote for Electors, again supposed to be intelligent, educated, cultured men with the ability to travel long distances and ascertain which of the various candidates on the ballot should become the next president. The collection of Electors is the US Electoral College. John Q Public has no say in who becomes president, only indirectly by electing an elector he thinks will vote the same way he will.
  11. I liked them in China, gave up on the way through HK on the way back here to NZ. went from 5 yuan or $1nzd a pack to $45HKD or around $8NZD a pack, got back to NZ and they were $18 a pack...
  12. There are already flexible solar panels which can be glued to flat roofs like US tar shingles, just spray on adhesive and roll out the panel mat. Not quite as efficient as the rigid flat panel type, but give it time. Not much use on corrugated iron or concrete tile tho unless you fill it flat somehow.
  13. Not me, I'm too young by a couple hundred years for that quote. That was either the likes of Voltaire, or one of the US Founding Fathers.
  14. For some minds, Politics IS their religion. So it's double the trouble.
  15. Your problem is you don't have enough hydro. Over here in NZ we can utilise wind when it's blowing (which isn't always) and when the winds die down, just open the stopcocks on the dams a bit more. Over there if the wind isn't moving you need to start shovelling coal in the furnaces again to keep up with demand. The best storage is generation capacity sitting idle, water behind a dam is great power storage.
  16. http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/opinion/71151447/good-government-neednt-be-a-punchline-tony-abbott
  17. I have. life does fine at 7000ppm+ Current levels are LOW compared to historical levels. What the alarmists report is only the last hundred years, not the real record of the last few hundreds of millions of years.
  18. Climate Changes... it is what the climate does... The Romans grew grapes in the shadow of Hadrians wall and there used to be horse and sleighs trotting down the Thames through London. Dinosaurs strolled through cyacad forests with CO2 levels much higher than anything seen today. Human climate change is negligible. The sun drives far more change than we ever could. Focus on pollution, PCBs, plastic bags in the oceans, old organophosphate sheep dip sites, leeching landfills etc. Let the climate sort itself out and just clean the crap up. And a page or so back, Yes I was talking about gelogical volcanoes eruptioning rather than solar flares. It's not just CO2 out there, it's Sulphur dioxide and particulate ash and all the rest. CO2 only is a cop out, trees EAT it, it's not like it sits around for decade after decade like CFCs.
  19. Fixed. The sunspot cycle has FAR more impact on the heating and cooling of the earth than any coal plants we could build. One major eruption and the earth puts out as much gasses of various kinds as the worlds coal plants combined in a year.
  20. A lot of older wines in the Honorable East India Comany days didn't travel very well going up and down and side to side in barrels in the bowels of a ship. So there was a number of attempts to get vinyards growing so those wines that didn't travel well could be served without poisoning the guests. If I remember right most were up in the foothills, not as high as the summer pavilions of Simla and the hill stations, but up off the heat of the plains. Thats probably the genesis of the wine they served you there.
  21. Nothing wrong with Flying AND Drinking at the same time so long as its a decent tipple and the first class service keeps it topped up as required. Cattle class tho, it's pretty much vinegar.
  22. Hmm... Hurling, the real Aussie outback pub sport. Chug a slab of fosters and points to those with the best technicolor snakes at closing time! Winner gets the verandah hammock while the rest line the gutter. :D
  23. Want to bet they're still surviving nicely 15 to a house AND sending home more money to the family in India than they would be able to make back home, all while paying off the $10K loan to the loan shark that got them the oportunity?
  24. Australia Post? They in on the Mail Order Brides phenomenon?
  25. Yep, bit of VX gas under the chassis and auto dispensers in the Chunnel and on the entry ramp to all ferries, MUCH smaller problem. Some undertaker would get a juicy govt cremation contract tho.
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