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Paul davenport

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Everything posted by Paul davenport

  1. Does anyone have an exploded view of the internals of a j230 door catch and how to access it
  2. My point diagnoses basics
  3. By the way on dismantle was the radiator blocked ?? And by how much ??
  4. That in my opinion is an extension of your leg . I would be more confident in saying it was blocked all the time and on most modern radiators this can only be eliminated by dismantle and inspect . From my experience and your description of the problem this is where I would have started BASICS before you look for expensive problems . Glad to hear it's ok
  5. Speaking as a practicing mechanic diagnoses boils down to basics Has the radiator been removed dismantled and checked ,proceed no further till it has, from the symptoms described a gradual heat increase indicates that heat is not being lost fast enough and from past experience blocked radiators cause this ,only dismantle of the Radiator can eliminate this
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