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Everything posted by Spooks

  1. Some Borg look far nicer
  2. Spooks

    Republican win

    "Lies, damned lies, and statistics"
  3. Spooks

    Republican win

    Who hijacked the Daily Mail? Unusually non-hateful for them
  4. Well most people call me a cock
  5. Spooks

    Republican win

    The sneering response to Trump’s victory reveals exactly why he won | Coffee House This is a good read. I think it explains the shock at both Britain voting to leave the EU and the Trump victory
  6. Spooks

    Republican win

    If you splice Obama and Trump, you'd end up with President Camacho
  7. Spooks

    Republican win

    Yet if it was the other way around they'd be telling Trump supporters "that's democra.....democrac.....demowcrasss.......something y'alllllllll" I feel sorry for the Yanks not voting for the other candidates and really shaking up the system. Libertarian chap sounded pretty good and was preferable to the two loons promoted by the media.
  8. I don't get this "women create life" nonsense. They make an egg that is useless without a male to fertilise it, that is it (ok they squeeze something the size of a football out of a small gap later on) Men on the other hand, for the most part we create billions of lives (albeit many of those end up on a tissue, sock etc......) MALE POWER!
  9. Spooks

    Republican win

    What's wrong with bear arms you commie?
  10. Spooks

    Republican win

    Start a twitter hashtag campaign and encourage foot stamping and huffpuffing of "it's not fair, I only like democracy when it gives the result I want and I am not accepting this" At least I finally have a six pack. The ab workout from laughing at the "oh noes it is not fair" Facebook posts and the posters trying to out-"I'm offended" each other has done a fine job:rofl:
  11. P.S you might like this link Some of the amazing things you can get in chip shops around the UK and Ireland - BBC Three A brief article on the random things we deep fry in the UK To think that people question why the world is getting fatter
  12. Wasn't "Scraps n Chips" was it? I just remembered feeling a bit baffled a number of years ago when my friend ordered it (he is a Yorkshireman). It is the scraps of batter mixed with chips.
  13. Did it sound like T'fish T'haddock T'cod T'pie They speak a devolved form of English in Yorkshire
  14. The guardian is a joke. So much so that the following Twitter account is the source of much amusement So.Much.Guardian (@SoMuchGuardian) on Twitter But in all honesty, most of the time I'm not sure whether the Guardian are serious or not
  15. Here is a non-Grauniad link so you don't have to suffer their pretentious drivel https://www.ft.com/content/e72be378-a0ee-11e6-891e-abe238dee8e2 The curry sector backed Brexit and were hoping for easing of immigration restrictions. Currently a non-EU migrant needs to earn about £30k a year to work here. To be honest I am not sure why they need to import workers, plenty of people work as chefs in the U.K. and could be retrained in Indian cuisine.
  16. Brexit court defeat for UK government - BBC News So they're now saying that the will of the British people needs a further vote by MPs to be legally binding. So much effort was put into trying to scare the populace that I imagine they thought a 'remain' vote was a certainty. Let's face it, did anyone ever really think the UK would be allowed to leave the EU?
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=382njADcWvE Hungarian trucker runs the Calais gauntlet
  18. Spooks

    Republican win

    I'd like to see Trump win, purely to see the Internet implode With a population in excess of 320 million, I'm shocked that Trump and Clinton are the candidates considered best for presidency. I mean it is like having the choice of either your fingernails or toenails being pulled out
  19. You might want to wait a couple of days Apple says the iOS 10 update that appears to be breaking people's phones is fixed Ios10 has killed a few devices already
  20. I think it is quite close to the truth! I loved the Paedofinder General too
  21. I always thought foreign aid was a bribe rather than 'aid'
  22. Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party according to the Internet
  23. LGBT is now outdated and offensive. In the UK it has expanded to the point it is very confusing and you're fearful of speaking with anyone for fear of offending them. Here is a school form with 24 gender options. Unfortunately this is what happens when Social Justice Warriors run out of things to complain about. Government asks schoolchildren to define their gender - and gives them 24 options to choose from Coming to Oz in about fifteen years
  24. It apparently increased from roughly 15 reports the previous week to 30ish in the week after Brexit victory (as mentioned though, anyone can report a 'hate crime' even if it did not occur). The way the media are reporting it you'd think foreigners were rounded up and put in detention camps and experiencing mass beatings in the streets. The reality from my experience and that of my 'foreign' friends is that nothing has changed following the vote apart from the media trying to frighten everyone. P.s I actually voted remain and find it comical that so many celebrities , journalists, MPs and remain voters have had the misfortune to have witnessed these horrific attacks first hand.
  25. I read that incidents of 'racism' were up by a whopping great 30. In a population of 65 million it is bugger all. Not the most unbiased of sources, but then what journalists are impartial nowadays? EXPOSED: How Pro-EU Activists And Lazy Journalists Are Pushing The ‘Hate Crimes’ Narrative After Brexit
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