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Everything posted by Spooks

  1. I have to agree that the media coverage is beyond disgusting. Any reports with 'Leave voters' are interviews with rough council estate types in a filthy house blaming immigrants for reductions in benefits. Reports with 'Remain' voters are interviews with well spoken people in nice homes/ local pub. This adds to the rhetoric prior to the election where 'only racist thickos vote leave' was the tag line. I know a number of voters from either side and we are nothing like the media depicts. The current news suggests financial meltdown in the UK when it is simply not true. Reports suggest racist assaults are up when it is not true. It is unbelievable! It's insidious.
  2. Chap I work with makes a mockery of Ramadam. He switches to purely night shifts and brings in enough food for an all you can eat buffet. He has gained a stone in weight during this Ramadam
  3. I find it amusing that Judaism and Islam are so similar yet the followers hate each other.
  4. Oh no it was a joke! Australia dropping the AU to be 'stralia .....sorry, it was bad! However you raise a good point and I hope the commonwealth can form the strong relationship it once had again. It is disgusting that the UK ignored its true friends in the first place merely to be part of a club that didn't even want us (look at de Gaulle and his antics the ungrateful dick).
  5. I thought everyone shopping in London took a wodge of notes and threw them at the staff
  6. You get enough of our women when your young males stretch out their wings and migrate to find a mate Reminds me of when my sister met her Aussie husband. They were in Newquay UK and he was in a bar. He was fed up of offers to be a lifeguard from locals assuming Aussie = surfer as he couldn't swim
  7. Europejskie superpaństwo. Zobacz oryginalny dokument The U.K. Doesn't Have a Plan, But the EU Does Interesting reading about the 'superstate' plans
  8. I wish they would just beat each other up and stop the whining!
  9. If I phoned the police and stated "I was called a French bastard". It'd go down on record as a hate crime. It often comes to a case of 'he said-she said' and it will just goes on record. I imagine some cases could be genuine as 'Leave' did attract a thuggish element, but as I say it would not surprise me if those lovable lefties are trying to stir trouble. The U.K. did 'try' to get reform, but the best Cameron claimed he could get was a piece of paper saying we had special status. I think a big reason for the lack of movement from the EU and lack of effort from Cameron was that they thought we'd vote to stay. Certainly with the amount of propaganda from the EU, the BBC etc I certainly thought an in-vote was secured. Seeing the looks on the faces of the EU politicians following the result suggests this!
  10. I agree with this. Generally I do see world government as the end goal and if done correctly, will be a huge step forward. Unfortunately governments are run by politicians who are greedy and corrupt which ends up with the situation we now see in the EU.
  11. I wouldn't be so confident in the reports of racism. The Remain voters are very upset at the result and are doing all sorts to get a re-run/ have it overturned. Wouldn't surprise me if they're making false claims to make Brexit look an evil vote. After all, they did declare all Leave voters to be racist morons. Everyone I know in the Indian community actually voted Leave. They disliked the preference shown to EU migrants over those of the former commonwealth
  12. The original 'plan' that was rumoured several years ago, was for an EU army made up of member states rather than each state relinquishing its military ie members of the EU would provide troops/ships/aircraft. Still don't understand why the EU would need or desire a military though unless it does plan to become a single nation in the long term.
  13. Now to be known as 'Stralia'
  14. Would be better if they interviewed young people who are not at university / in London. Interview the unemployed youth oooop North and they might get some ideas on why people wanted out. The reaction of the EU shows why we needed to vote out. Are they questioning why the majority of a nation of 65 million wanted to leave the EU and what they could have done to change that?No, they've decided to speed up the exit process and squeeze the last pennies out of the cash cow. I have to say, seeing the anger on the face of the formally smug EU leaders has made the Leave vote worth it :D Seems that many other countries in the EU are now asking for their own referendums.
  15. Wish the impartial BBC would report that
  16. Jesus Christ no. Things aren't that bad that we need Leyland back.
  17. I find it amusing that the only talk is of how the UK will suffer. Everyone seems to conveniently forget that the Euro is at major risk from the probable Deutsche Bank collapse, and the EU have lost one of only a few countries that actually contribute anything.
  18. Cameron said he'll be resigning in three months. Let's hope this will bring about better trade with Oz, NZ and Canada who have been rejected in recent years due to the EU love-in.
  19. I thought the unicorn was humping the lion too...... Votes all in. Guessing it'll be a vote for Remain with ~65% of the vote. Interestingly the council estate dwellers who usually don't vote, have awoken from their cans of Stella breakfast induced slumber and have given a strong showing. Might swing it to a Leave vote? Even with a Leave vote I think we'd end up staying despite the bluster. EU cannot afford for the UK to go (politically or financially) and will come up with some sort of deal.
  20. Spooks


    Cheers! I call UK football 'soccer' to upset the fans who get defensive over the word
  21. The Muslim chaps in the background had a stall in Birmingham around Christmas last year. They were obviously promoting the faith, but they were also trying to show that they're not all muppets intent on blowing themselves up in eager anticipation of their 72 computer programmers in the afterlife. A shame that they had to suffer a protest from Britain First who are too cowardly to confront those preaching hatred.
  22. Spooks


    I thought AFL was 'footie' over there?
  23. Spooks


    any of you watching the rugby ?
  24. We get the same over here. Rather than looking for the benefit of the nation the politicians are more interested in insulting each other or opposing each other's ideas, no matter how good they are. I agree that the death of the MP is more newsworthy. I did wonder if Phil was referring to the miner who tried to save her? Retired miner who tried to tackle Jo Cox's attacker was also hero of colliery disaster
  25. Unfortunately some people are using her death for political gain. I think that is the point that Phil is making? The likes of the Guardian were busy circle jerking themselves into a frenzy in excitement of the Remain propaganda opportunities before she was even dead. Some are using it as opportunity to demand the referendum is cancelled. An EU minister suggested this is what happens when you don't want unity with the EU. From what I have seen in the media, they're generally glossing over the fact he was known to be mentally ill/unstable and concentrating on his Brexit and Far right links (because everyone wanting Out must be far right). As much as I dislike the hatred preached by the likes of Britain First, I can see government using this event to implement more draconian laws on those questioning certain policies. They've not even confirmed he shouted "Britain First", they are now suggesting he shouted "Put Britain First" which is a world of difference. It is terrible that she lost her life and it is so senseless. However with politics becoming increasingly poisonous and abusive, I expect more incidents in the future. The Remainers declare that those wanting out are thick racist thugs, the Outers declare that those wanting to Remain are traitors to the UK. The EU debate hasn't been a debate, it has been a series of events where opposing sides hurl their views and abuse at each other with neither even intending to consider their position. On social media you see idle threats from each side, people threatening to 'unfriend' or 'out' those with opposing views - what the hell happened to accepting differing points of view? I'm not a fan of Breitbart, they're the right wing equivalent of the Guardian. However this piece is quite good and highlights what is going on. Project Grief: Remain's Dirty Politicking Has Hit an All-Time Low Neither side is innocent in this campaign. Both have stirred and encouraged hatred.
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