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I work in manufacturing / toolmaking. When you see the taxes and 'safety' nonsense we have to adhere to, you'll see why industry is vanishing. Ten years ago we received a leaflet telling us that 1) we need to buy carbon credits 2) if we go over our carbon allowance, we'll be fined 3) if we don't reduce our energy used by the following year, we'll be fined This was an EU initiative to 'promote clean energy', or was it to kill manufacturing? How on earth does that encourage growth? How are solar panels and windmills in the middle of a city going to power heavy industry?Thankfully it seems to have gone quiet on that nonsense. Initially I contacted the local police as I thought it was a scam letter
P.S the latest news is that if we leave the EU, we may have less sun
20C in the UK 20C in Oz
They say that every year. We'll have two days where the temperatures are North of 25'C followed by sub 15C with grey cloud and heavy rain.....followed by drought warnings, followed by the Grauniad declaring it the hottest year since the year started. It is an annual cycle!
I guess politics and money comes into play. Plus there is still that fear of nuclear power. I had read that fast breeders can produce plutonium for use in weapons (then you'd have people claiming the government are stocking up on nukes).
Funnily enough I saw my friend last night who works in nuclear power in France, he was discussing fast breeder reactors. He claimed that waste from non-fast breeder reactors can be used as fuel in fast breeder reactors, which produces waste that can be used in the non-fast breeder reactor. This cycle continues until the waste is inert. (Very simplified and possibly a bit lost in translation!) Bit of reading here Are fast-breeder reactors the answer to our nuclear waste nightmare? | Fred Pearce
I want it to stop but Dutchroll is manipulating the evidence to suit his incorrect theory
You denied that some of those pushing the global warming agenda use extremist methods. I provided evidence they did. At no point did I suggest all of those supporting MMGW are Eco-terrorists so please don't suggest I did as it doesn't benefit you either. My initial post stated that the extremists (not all) involved in pushing global warming are anti-nuclear. For example in a non-global warming/extremist setting that might help you understand the wording 1. 'The hooligans who support Carlton football club love to assault opposition fans' Does that suggest that all Carlton fans enjoy fights or just the hooligans? 2. "The White supremacists in New Zealand chanted racist slogans" Does that suggest that all white people in New Zealand chanted racist slogans or just the supremacists? Hope that makes it clearer. If you're so offended by the word 'agenda', I suggest you contact these these people too http://www.uncclearn.org/sites/default/files/inventory/idb05.pdf Global Climate Change and Health: Developing a Research Agenda for the NIH G20 makes progress on climate change I always saw the word 'agenda' as a to-do list in a formal setting e.g the massive government meetings that take place regarding impact/solutions to climate change/global warming (G8/20 summits) rather than a nefarious New World Order. Perhaps the word agenda has been hijacked slightly by the conspiracy theorists? Obviously it is quite clear that those believing in global warming are pushing the agenda. I hope that has cleared things up for you as you seem to have seen the words 'global warming', 'agenda' & 'extremist' and gone off on a rant.
Yet they're still extremists which is what you questioned. The majority of Muslims/Catholics are peaceful but there are still extremist groups amongst them.
I look at nuclear as a renewable that works. Wind and solar have proven useless in Europe however they have huge support from the 'greens', but nuclear which is proven to work is still the bogey man amongst the environmentalist camp. As I originally stated before my words were twisted to go on a rant about global warming belief/non-belief, the extremist environmentalists are anti-nuclear.
Environmentalists Turn To Violence Eco anarchists: A new breed of terrorist? Eco-terrorism has been going on for a while. In the UK I know of multiple people in the farming community who've had parts (wheels, grills etc ) loosened on their 4x4s/trucks/tractors as they're 'killing the planet'. I've friends involved in fracking / nuclear energy and they've suffered both intimidation and threats to their family. Personally, I had threats from the university 'green club' when I entered the car park in an RX8 while they were having a sit-in (found it comical more than anything) Seems fairly extreme to me. Whether or not man made global warming is happening (renamed Climate Change now) I don't know and don't really care, there's little I can do about it. However I would prefer a move to renewables regardless as long term it'll be a reliable and abundant energy source that'll raise the standard of living for everyone and remove reliance on the Middle East/Russia.
Are scientists involved in global warming extremist environmentalists who are against nuclear power? Don't know how you got that from what I wrote.
Ironically, the extremists pushing the global warming agenda are also the ones who push the scare tactics on nuclear.
If we stay in the EU I might be able to claim political asylum anyway
Is there any reason that Australia doesn't build a huge solar farm array? Of all the renewables available it seems to be the best option considering your rather sunny climate.
We had considered it (thanks for the suggestion!) as an unaccredited degree in telecoms would just require a competency demonstration report. Unfortunately we would have to back date it as her previous 17 years experience would be classed as unqualified But on a good note! She is using this setback as an opportunity and is retraining as a nurse next year. So we'll try again in five years time
There's definitely some bizarre form of elitism developing with education. We were hoping to emigrate to Oz this year but we hit a snag. My wife has worked in telcoms as a Telecom officer for 17 years yet the assessing board in Australia demands a degree in telecoms in order to assess her skills We did query whether a degree was relevant as she started work before you needed a qualification to wipe your butt, and 17 years with the same company more than proves her competency however "computer said no". Irritating as the job is on the skills list So unfortunately we are staying in the UK for now as although she is more than good enough for the top telecom company over here, she's considered too poorly educated to work in a country which is very behind with its telecom infrastructure it is infuriating, but hopefully something will change. Sorry to go on, it boils my bladder
P.s It has friends too Top Ten Useless Degrees
BBC News | EDUCATION | Beckham in degree course Well technically it was/is a module. I don't think many people realise what a joke the education system is over here. It has basically become a way of reducing unemployment through student enrolment and non-job creation.
But....but.....but they're going to university and evyfink doing useful subjects such as David Beckham studies and Sociology. We have record GCSE/A-level results and record numbers going to university.....they must be smart surely? (Inside I'm doing this )
Most people I know are voting for Brexit. I generally try to avoid politics but people are quite open on their desire to leave the EU. A few friends are trying to persuade others to vote Remain, but they're generally the 'moral high-ground making up for my joke degree' types trying to make out they're intelligent. Have seen the usual accusations of racism towards those voting leave, you know the typical smear tactics. I'm personally a bit torn on the issue. On the one hand is leaving the EU a step back from what is essentially the future ie a world government? On the other is it acceptable to have a corrupt government like the EU that is screwing certain members such as the UK which has seen its manufacturing and fishing industries decimated. Is that really the future we want? Personally I'd prefer a huge reform of the EU rather than exit. However when has a government ever wanted to reduce their control? I also hope that leaving the EU would encourage trade amongst the Commonwealth again rather than having the EU dictate who we trade with (looks positive with Canadian government looking forward to trade deals). I personally favour forming a UK-OZ-NZ group that allows free movement, trade and work Probably the only way we can get out to Oz seeing as my wife is not 'qualified enough' to do her job despite 18 years in the role
Bloody Australians should be GRATEFUL. . . . .
Spooks replied to Phil Perry's topic in General Discussion
We just get upset at seeing you lose to your Kiwi neighbours on a regular basis so try to make you feel better -
should be in the 'other' section but was hoping for more exposure here! I was just wondering if anyone on here could drop me a pm or reply to the thread if they work in telecoms. My wife is a telecom officer/network engineer and we're after advice and links to employers! Thanks in advance (know it is a long shot!)
I hate LDV. I had to suffer the LDV Convoy when I worked as a courier, thing was a death trap! One of my colleagues suffered a rear tyre blowout on the motorway and it ended up the height of a pancake. He wasn't too good either