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Everything posted by Spooks

  1. Translates to something like this Pretty girl Have you got time for me today? Please say yes Then I'll be there only for you. Pretty girl Believe me It's early in the day If we don't get together Perhaps it will be too late tomorrow. We sing tralala and dance whoops a daisy We want to be happy And to enjoy life. Who knows How long it will last Who knows How long the world will keep turning. The world is wonderful Everybody must see that And if there are still some worries Everyone has them We want to be completely happy And drink beer, Schnapps and wine! Couldn't find the English version but spotted the German original.
  2. Google translate can be comical. A good friend of mine is an English teacher in France and she often sends me bits of the gibberish her university students submit for essays
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3420357/Australian-accused-planning-pack-kangaroo-bomb.html Aussie plans attack on Melbourne ANZAC parade with a kangaroo filled with explosives. If it wasn't so serious you'd think it was a comedy! I think he watched too muc Loony Tunes as a kid
  4. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/cologne-attacks-on-new-years-produced-chaos-say-police-a-1070894.html This is going to get nasty Unfortunately the actions of the thuggish elements will result in backlash against the decent majority. Certain media and governments are trying to play it down / keep it quiet which will only inflame the anger of those seeing it as uncontrolled immigration.
  5. Ladies of the night are quite common in Germany which might be why they have Johnny vending machines? I drove to Stuttgart from the UK a number of years ago and was surprised at the number of scantily clad women at the roadside and in the service stations! At least it encourages HGV drivers to take a break.....
  6. Not seen that photo, any idea on the newspapers that used it? As for the passport thing, I wondered the same too as it seems a little convenient. However there are a number of reasons for carrying it. 1) they want to be identified after death 2) having a form of ID reduces the chances of extended police checks if they're stopped 3) if they decide to make a get away rather than carry out the attack due to obstacles (too much security for example) 4) 'false flag' - make it look like it was a refugee to further scare Europe A video doing the rounds at the minute is this interview from Stacy Dooley for the BBC a few years back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8WVkbXOHfM They were protesting about the police arresting the wife of a suicide bomber. Obviously they're in a minority, but there is definitely a cancer in the midst of the U.K.
  7. Thought of one from a few years back. On the commute to Birmingham there is a clock-sign saying "It's a great time to invest in Birmingham"....... I'm sure the marketing hotshot received a handsome sum for that fantastic play on words. Funny thing was that the clock was broken and had been broken for three years since it was put up
  8. This trouble is from way before the British Empire. ISIS are determined to reclaim lands in Spain, France etc from the days when the Moors were the global power http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/597254/ISIS-Map-Europe-Terror-Organisation-Andrew-Hosken-Caliphate-Abu-Musab-al-Zarqawi I posted a link earlier where their twenty (I think) year plan was set out and we've played into their hands at each step. http://www.spiegel.de/international/the-future-of-terrorism-what-al-qaida-really-wants-a-369448.html I feel the biggest problem is a result of the West feeling a guilt complex over WW2. We have this urge to liberate oppressed people and be a global police force but don't seem to realise that oppression is the only way that peace is maintained in some countries. I don't think we can compare Western values to the Middle East until an updated version of the Quran (similar to revisions of the bible e.g Old Testament, New Testament) becomes mainstream.
  9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_Glasgow_International_Airport_attack The lovable rogues who tried to attack Glasgow airport had decent careers. One was a doctor with the NHS and the other an engineer.
  10. http://www.spiegel.de/international/the-future-of-terrorism-what-al-qaida-really-wants-a-369448.html Article was wrote ten years ago. Bloody terrifying.
  11. You clearly don't understand Cameron. His nose is so far up the arse of the EU you can barely see his polished shoes
  12. In the UK we seem to be getting lots of signs warning of floods or bumpy roads. Basically the council cannot be arsed to repair the roads/clear drains so put up signs instead
  13. I advise against watching at work as the laughter is infectious! As a sheep bothering Taffy, I loved it
  14. Obviously not the pig, her mouth was full.
  15. We used to do a lot of towing in the UK with caravans, trailers etc. Mainly we used a Mitsubishi L200 2.5 turbo diesel (Triton in Oz?) that was fantastic but potentially a bit too agricultural for a long journey (rather noisey engine!) with the family We also used a Jeep Cherokee KK CRD that we were happy with. Downside to the Cherokee is that three kids in the back could be impossible if they all need car seats and the rear luggage area is a bit pathetic.
  16. In Cameron's defence, it was an attractive pig.
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