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Everything posted by IBob

  1. Stops 'em squeakin'...........
  2. Oh.......silly moi...........
  3. I struggle with Real Estate...I mean, who would buy Imaginary Estate?
  4. Gosh, can't wait for next year's calendar....) [ATTACH]48275._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  5. So far, so good. So, what happened after Bill put the bird food on the ducks???
  6. I'm strugglin' wi' the Phil osophical implications o' this...
  7. Not really a silly picture. But a quad vegetable slicer: what could possibly go wrong??? Hoverbike inspired by Star Wars
  8. A bit mean on the toast there, I thought.......(
  9. M...and that black one needs to get his tail down...(
  10. And Archimedes was a fur trader, who valued one of his three wives above all else, and gifted her exotic pelts. Hence the squaw on the hippopotamus hide was equal to the sons of the squaws on the other two hides...
  11. Hmmmm...okay: If it takes 3 women 9 months to make 4 babies, how many babies will 7 women make in 6 months???
  12. Definitely a meeting of the minds there, pmc! We once built a pole house, designed by architect but drawn up by a draughtsman...who then moved windows so he could get drainpipes down. Or would have done if we hadn't told him to put the f******** things back and reroute his pipes. Maybe the old fashioned kick up the ass for apprentices and journeymen who made stupid mistakes actually had some benefits???
  13. Hm...and I always imagined 1st class to be full of falcon Bankers and the like...........)
  14. Maybe not silly...but certainly unusual? Well, it's not something we see a lot of here, anyway..... Apparently UAE have issued 28,000 falcon passports....while Lufthansa have a patented inflight perch...
  15. We dunno...is this a quiz???
  16. Right, so you can all put your magnifying glasses down now.........apart from nomadpete, that is, who ticked 'Informative'...
  17. Here y'are....something to cheer you lot up....)
  18. *
  19. No, Nev, it was me un-following this thread, and I couldn't see a way to do that without also posting something. Now I'll have to do it again. Because while resentment is a perfectly legitimate emotion, sustained resentment is a waste of time and energy, and worse. It is, as the late Carrie Fisher said, like drinking poison, then waiting for the other party to die. And it seems to me there's a great deal of it here. *
  20. *
  21. No argument with any of that. Though one would have to consider 2000years of the 10 commandments a reasonable sort of reminder, regardless of how one felt about their authorship?
  22. There are certainly bewildering ongoing variations of interpretation, each desperately determined that their version is the one truth. Which probably says more about humanity as a whole (including deists, atheists, agnostics and skeptics) than it does about anything else?
  23. Go back 100years and most western people would have said they believed in Christianity. Since then, that position seems to have reversed itself. And while our grandparents might only have been paying lip-service, what that taught (amongst other things) was that we should aspire to various sorts of good behaviour. And those behaviours were spelled out. I am not a churchgoer myself, but it seems to me the demise of church has left a void when it comes to acknowledging what is good and decent behaviour. Interesting article, Phil.
  24. Maybe they saw some movie? Don't like to think of (little) kids worrying, though nowadays they must grow up potentially swamped by everyday bad news. Hopefully they don't lose sleep over that one. What I told my kids was that so many of today's fears never seem to eventuate...and that the major concerns of today never seem to be the major concerns of tomorrow or next year.
  25. Yes, that's a nice one, too! What struck me (also) was how relatively long and presumably stable the dinosaur period was. That, and had we been 5 minutes earlier or later than the asteroid that seems to have finished it for them, and our own cosy niche may never have come to be? PS: 13.8 billion at last estimate...but what's a few billion between friends???..........)
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