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Everything posted by IBob

  1. I don't disagree...but there was a grittiness about some writing, also some films, from that period, nowadays although there are things that may shock more, we seem to prefer glossy stuff.....I don't know how to explain it.
  2. Oddly enough, although we like to think of ourselves as cosmopolitan and informed, I think we live in an increasingly conservative world. There's a great deal of normal 50s 60s 70s stuff you'd never get away with now, including film and literature.
  3. Nope...they're all in the Groaniad: Stamina trousers and Aeroplane jelly: 200 years of Australian advertising – in pictures
  4. Brace yerselves, guys.....
  5. And THAT explains the shirt to undies ratio:
  6. Oh, right....now I get why she'd need the Vincent's....
  7. Hold on...how about this?
  8. Anyway, much as I'd love to chat...I'm just off to purchase a lightweight lounge suit...)
  9. Tell him to take a powder...while we study the label???
  10. You're looking at that...and it makes you think of aspirin? Realllllllly?????????????????????????
  11. And all that's missing here, most evidently, is the rock 'n roll???
  12. For those of you over there considering a little aviation. Though I have to say we're a bit worried at your shirts to underpants ratio. Mind you, at 8oz per budgie smuggler, they must be made of stern stufffff...???
  13. Supposedly Frank Lloyd Wright made his reputation with a hotel he designed in Japan: not only did it stand through a big shake, they were able to use the ornamental ponds he put around it to fight fire. And fire used to be a huge problem after earthquakes, especially as the roads may be blocked with debris.
  14. National radio here has spent all day running coverage of the earthquakes. I listened to this for 4 hours solid in the car, and at no point was anybody's God invoked, blamed or insulted. In other astonishing news, despite the fact that the affected regions are now crawling with various response personnel, the media have so far entirely failed to anoint a single Hero!
  15. For anyone who may be interested, we jump on here to see where and how big: GeoNet - Quakes and you can see the aftershocks coming through all the time now (though we're not currently feeling them in the Wairarapa, N Island where I am).
  16. It was unusual one, with a hugely long shaking to start with, then the more usual big jolts at the end. Health & Safety will be all over the place like a rash...
  17. Yep...I don't know anything at all about over there. What I think about over here (NZ) is that our ideas and guesses and interpretations of 'how things were' (right or wrong) have already fed back into the big picture for many years, making it very difficult now to look back with any certainty. And that's just the accidental effect: to that we must now add revisionist 'historians' and all sorts of other people who think the end justifies the means, and are happy to colour the picture however it suits them.
  18. Oh, right.........sorry.........for a moment there I thought it might be Methuselah.........)
  19. Waiting for someone to spot the problem in the chronology here...waiting....
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf_Y4MbUCLY
  21. Relax...we won't have your stake whittled until later in the week....)
  22. ????? We're afraid to ask where the music came out............................)
  23. Indeed...if only one could work out what causes men to wish to attach themselves to women............such a mystery..............)
  24. Not as dangerous as 'Tear along the dotted line'............
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