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About ClintonB

  • Birthday 13/04/1976

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  1. One of their factories was across from me in Nemigha when I got started.
  2. Seems to be about useful life of light truck tyres, I see a lot disintegrating or blowing out randomly after that age. Tyre shops won’t touch a tyre for refit to a rim after 5, not meant to be sold after 2 years from made date. saying that my boat trailer tyres went for 25, but no weight and only slow trips down to the creek. under inflation doesn’t help either. There is no law, but following the advise usually pays off. a lot of customers have come back and said they wish they had listened when I advised them on their docket to look at replacing, then went on to damage their caravan from blowouts, sometimes writing them off from damage that occurred. the $100 14” light truck tyre seem cheap in hindsight. Go RV magazine on line published a good article on this 18 months ago.
  3. Most caravans I service have the plastic on the spare tire under the cover, no air in them and quite often well past their useful service life of 5 years. Just what you need after a blow out in the middle of no where without service. If you are lucky you might have a super cheap $20 compressor to burn out trying to pump up a 17 inch tyre from a cigarette socket. i think preventative maintenance has been forgotten nowadays.
  4. I couldn’t see what a civilised society would want with that cesspit.
  5. On a Video by Meidastouch on you tube last night the orange clown was showing a news reporter around the Whitehouse for the purpose of being candidly interviewed. He bragged he has the Declaration of Independence on the wall in the office, behind curtains because it’s such a precious document. His comment was that Joe would never have thought of that. He told her it was the original. The media’s touch guy said he’s to stupid and arrogant to even know where the real one is stored. the reporter seemed quite shocked at some of his other blatantly wrong comments and answers to questions. i know it is a heavily democratic supporting channel to watch, he does try to present the facts with mainstream news video to back up his claims.
  6. Spacey if you got a triumph spitfire you could have reenacted the Battle of Britain round the streets.
  7. A video i found on you tube last year showed that there are metals to be recycled out of road dust from exhaust and catalytic emissions. The guy doing it swept up a couple of 10kg buckets (like our trusty bunnings pail). processed it with chemicals in his lab and ended up extracting a ball of platinum ( i think) and a few others. It was small, but on a scale up, made his "paydirt" richer than the natural deposits when mined. I assume the costs of a plant to process this is high when scaled up. Processing everything at our waste facility's would have a higher yield if we did it properly. There is no reason, copper, aluminium and steel and other common metals should just end up in the ground. A decent automated waste centre like some in Europe where the waste is on a conveyer, ground up, separated by a few processes, then the final waste product is burnt for fuel to run the plant. Not cheap to set up, but with the amount of stuff we throw out it would make a huge dent in land fill and recycling. we already ship rubbish between local government areas, Coffs pays for theirs to go to Tamworth etc. in the right places they would work.
  8. Bolt chart for first attempt at homebuilding.
  9. Woolworths and co need to pull their heads in. Every time I walk in there things are up by $1, last week Nudie OJ was on special at $8.50, it’s normal price before. I only bought it when it was $6.50 on sale. i like real ok with bacon and eggs on the weekend as I don’t get a crook guts after if I have the OJ, I assume the acid in citrus combats the fattyness of the bacon. every other item is the same. They are real crooks with their here to help adds. Only their bottom line is getting help. They know we have to eat, other stuff is just ancillary.
  10. Can we ban him from coming into Australia as a Felon and a person of ill repute.
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