Isn’t it strange to think we have become so dependent on something we can live quite well without, as we did up until the late 1990’s.
telstra created a monster that snuck up on us, made us NEED it, spending up to a couple of hundred dollars a month on. It started with text at .25 cent for a sentence or more, then long text, all these LOL and ROTFLMAO etc, then forums.
i know it lets us all get to know each other on platforms like this when we might not have connected in the real world, which is a good thing. But do you ever wonder what you could do with all the money spent on phones, tablets and the internet could have done for you if it didn’t exist.
it would probably buy a good little aeroplane, car or boat to enjoy outside.
Tik tok, instagram and all these other platforms have created a glut of people who make money of what would basically be sh#t all in the real world, and a lot of it makes people feel more insecure about themselves or like they are missing out on something. I would like to see them have to work for a living like the rest of us “oldies” had to, starting at the bottom and working up the chain.
Just an interesting thought that popped into my head after the reading the discussion prior.
sorry for drift in advance.