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Everything posted by ClintonB

  1. ClintonB

    Brain Teaser

    A cheese plate.
  2. Allan Jackson?
  3. Like Alone, whole production crew out there, probably munging on burgers and fries whilst the contestants are eating lizards and bugs etc.
  4. I often play chuck’s music, it is always a pick me up.
  5. Just realised of all the books I have read, I have never picked up Frankenstein, if I can find a copy I might just have a read of it. When I was 11, I got a copy of a tale of two city's for my birthday, back then I found it heavy going. I have been thinking of digging it up out of my library and having a crack at it again now I might understand it better.
  6. Yet Trump can run for president from jail if he gets anytime from his trials, how stuffed up I that.
  7. I have just got a coffee tree to plant to try this for myself, might even get a few more as I have read 1 to 2 kg Max beans a year per tree, and I have 5 to 10 cups a day. Will be interesting to compare home grown to bought when it happens.
  8. Could be Victorian, that stupid use left lane to turn right nearly killed me as a young driver. I Got of the FEERY, and drove north to go to NSW, I followed the arrows in the celica, pulled to the furthest left lane and turned right across 3 lanes both ways, had to floor it to not get smashed. Nobody warned me you have to wait for the lights to change the other way. Not a good start to the trip.🙄
  9. I've seen a lot of hyundai excels nealy tip over like on What's eating Gilbert grape or nearly wheels standing around here, especially on a Thursday.
  10. OME I think we need a grammar police inspection 😉
  11. I wanted to smash my TV last night, the 60 minutes story on Theybes- the new word for children where WOKE parents want to enforce their unscientific views from day one on their children boiledmy blood. You are born in 2 ways normally , either male of female, with occasional mutations of both or none just like any other creature in the animal kingdom. One day this collective mental illness of believing you a unicorn, helicopter or any other made verb will come to a head. I don't care how any one wants to live their life, but don't force it onto unwilling participants in your car who cannot comprehend it or make an informed choice due to age/development. This will do untold damage to their future not develop them into balanced humans.
  12. Dining tables for a real small race of beings?
  13. I fell foul of a small scam a few days ago. I went to register a car, typed in renew my rego, tapped first website as it was always the top one. Typed away, hit go, then did not get rego receipt notice. Website was Aus vehicle check, took 50c first time to tell me my car is registered, after I went to correct site and done it. Then a few days later doing my MYOB stuff at work, here was Aus Vehicle Check for $1. I had not returned to their site to use it again. I figured they would keep doing this and then maybe go for a big one. My card number of 15 years, fully memorised for use had to be cancelled, and a new one issued to stop them. Now other things I have set up on it are now defaulting. It is a huge pain in the a$$. beware of doing website forms on autopilot, it could have been way worse, I will now start scrutinising the header better again now.
  14. Kind of like part of a maxwell smart sort of thing with kaos,
  15. My google home, which I bought for a bit of a joke- to turn the bedroom lights off and on, is sometimes hard to get to listen to what you want it to do. Yet when I whispered “google are you spying on me” her reply was clear, “no, I am listening to be a better assistant to you”. I think some times it should be turned off. some caravans have Alexa installed and on a training course we were advised to unplug whilst working, as some customers had found an app to listen and provide a transcript. It had caught a few other service staff out for comments made in private. paranoia is maybe our lizard brain (as Lee Child puts it in Jack Reacher novels) protecting us from things that may harm us.
  16. Daggy jeans might have helped hide him more realisticly
  17. No 6 B and S cable was 16mm2 when I started using for caravan fridges. Now 14.59mm2 and the lugs have gone down in gauge of copper tube wall thickness, now $400 crimpers I bought 16 years ago don’t crimp up tight and I have to go down 1 setting to lock ends on, then they end up with wings on side. Always go up a size now rather than down and there is less chance of overheating of copper/or failure to carry load.
  18. In NSW now if you leave your car unattended for too long, Kevin Rudd's baby bonus kids will take it for you to save the hassle of moving it, even from your own driveway🙄
  19. Mongrels have blocked it from us on copyright grounds. no sense of humour
  20. at least there is a supervisor, any council would be proud.
  21. I don’t get how there are hundreds of thousands of jobs advertised- majority would be in the city and we can’t get people to fill jobs. There are suburbs where large amounts of unemployment supposedly exist. Lots of these jobs are labouring, shelf stocking and driving deliveries etc. You don’t need to be uni educated to do these, so they are not out of bounds for the average person. The dole is meant to be too low to live on, but many seem to do it and still smoke, drink and get tattoos, iPhones etc. in the country we have a lot of imported workers to operate the chicken and red meat works here. They are reportedly great workers compared to locals. My mates when they young worked in meat works and made really good money compared to my boring factory job cutting carpet tiles for 40hrs per week. Here the young people don’t like the smell or the blood etc, so don’t take up the work. We should have very limited unemployment. Any given day that court is on, there is a large social club happening on the brick walls around it. And if you are observant the culprits are usually the same lot ( the majority) bludging and going to court has become their social outing for the week/fortnight. the increasing amount of crime going on in our area is happening at night when people who work are asleep, the offenders have the benefit of lounging around all day to strike at this opportunity. We need to do something about employment and forcing people to take what is offered as a way into the work force, you don’t have to stay at the bottom rung, but you have to start there. When the powers in charge work out how to do this then society might improve.
  22. Beginning of natural selection?
  23. I went back and looke, then it clicked, but still must need a tonne of therapy🙄
  24. Where the old aboriginal helped me was next to a large Coolgardie safe hut, he was some sort of caretaker from what he told me. I am surprised the homestead was in such disrepair when I seen it in 98 (only 10 years after you being there. Maybe it had been abandoned and ransacked or replaced with a newer dwelling somewhere else on the property. I didn’t see any sign of new activity on the road I came in on. I still have that map book. A bit tattered and obsolete with gps, phones and the like now. I haven’t tossed because it was part of my adventures across WA. When I down size next year it might end up going.
  25. Hi Onetrack, I was just reading your story about your dad and got a bit of a surprise about where he had travelled. I was only just talking to someone about Doolgunna yesterday. When my sone was born in 1998 I lived in Carnarvon, we drove down to see my girlfriends mother in Kalgoorlie along the Highway to gin gin and across. After that we left to see my mother in Newman, according to my trusty readers digest map book ( that tall slender one they used to make) ther was a substantial short cut by leaving Leonora and making a turn before Meekatharra, it took you past a property called Doolgunna. so I turned, in my. 1974 valiant charger, it was a bit rough by then with kangaroo hits and the like along with being lowered in the front, and high sprung at the rear with coil over shocks added. The name of that property has stuck with me forever. The road was pretty much non existent by then, ant hills, tussocks everywhere. I started doubting myself but came to a very derelict homestead. I got out, yelled and could see anyone. After 10 mins or so an old aboriginal man drove along in a rough Corolla wagon. He asked if I needed anything. When I explained he gave me directions drawn on the ground with a stick of all the land marks to look for. I thanked him and took off again. Very slow going, I found all of his landmarks, the last one on dark. It was a windmill tower. From there tracks went in every direction with tyre marks on all of them. I was stuffed. This was the edge of that property and the start of the next. I climbed that tower looking for lights, as the book showed the Highway travelling at a north east direction, I expected to see truck lights. nothing showed up. I had no water other than 2 baby bottles with us to be used. I tried to work north out from stars and took off again in a northerly direction (I hoped) after another long stint of guessing which forks to take I found a house with lights on, honking I took 10 minutes to get the owners attention above the generator noise. They gave me directions to make to the Highway which was another 20 minutes or so, they were shocked I made it the way I came. They recon the road hadn’t been used for around 40 years. It was midnight when I got to Newman, after 14 hours. 80 kms shortcut took around 5 hours. that property has been in my thoughts so many times, it could of been disastrous with a 2.5 week old baby with me. The Highway run back took around 8 hours including stops. I would like to see that country again in a more appropriate vehicle. Back a bit to the topic, both my grandparents were 10 pound poms, going from being a soldier to a police officer in SA, my grandfather got posted to some pretty remote places outback to be the only cop in town. Bit of a culture shock from England to Yunta and the like. cheers clinton
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