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Everything posted by ClintonB

  1. Imagine all the mental and general healthcare they could provide for that, and fix the fundamental problems over there, nutters with gun rights along with a general population with no access to healthcare.
  2. Do you recon they would give you flood insurance in northern nsw with that one.
  3. Typical of nanny state policies, more worried about liability than the actual problem.
  4. I use red for 3 accounts, I have my work one rising from 33c kw to37c kw, connection is going up around 12c day, solar is dropping from 11c to 7c. at my property my bills have gone down with a self reading meter even with the rises and pay on time discounts finishing. house runs 10 kw solar with no battery, bills are still high but half of original on time of use smart self reading meter. At worst they got to 2400 per quarter with 2 adults an 5 kids. every time make it cheaper rings up and compares they always come up with red being best overall.
  5. My biggest Redfin was a touch over 2 and a half pounds when I was around 15, I caught in a creek and rode home with it proudly hanging from the box handle bars for all to see, it was like trying to pull a stump with a lawnmower to get in. Shame it was before all the cameras in every device, I only have the memory of it. I quite liked eating Redfin from the creeks and rivers around Longford and cressy in Tasmania where I grew up, never got a muddy taste unless eating tench, the disgusting version of carp down there.
  6. You would not believe some of the request my daughter gets at the fast food joint she manages, people taking off ingredients down to a cheese burger, then when she suggests that, “no I want this done this way”. Even though it costs more by double.
  7. Nothin wrong with a bit of roadkill, some of the best venison I’ve had was fresh roadkill, with no having to go a huntin. rabbits smell bad if you bust the guts though.
  8. Off topic, but I think the lifestyle I had as a kid was beneficial, we were outside, fishing, biking, hunting for dinner, helping in yard, at shearing sheds and in general not stuck inside with headphones on and a device in our face. We weren’t being told we had to wear certain things, not having to belong to the rainbow alphabet crowd to fit in. I don’t recall every one being depressed then. Even though we didn’t have a lot, life was good. 32 CM tv in lounge room, full bellies of homemade food, dad made sure we had a roof over our heads and good schooling. I think some of these cases of depression are self inflicted by modern lifestyle. just think if we had a WW2 situation nowadays, I don’t think the young people would or could step up like they did back then, we have become too soft as a society
  9. True nudists are a bit like builder’s whose houses are never finished, mechanic’s whose cars are never fixed. They are Not the hot ones of your imagination.
  10. Decision making needs to be taught. I travel to coast on a New England Hwy to Armidale, across to Ebro, dorrigo, bellingen, to Nambucca regularly (soon to be my commute) I regularly come across people who decide speed signs do not count, double white lines and blind corners are for overtaking. Driving slow vehicles then speeding up whenever there is a chance for others to pass or attempting to pass. The amount of near misses I have seen scares me.I use my speed limiter, have learnt to just sit back and wait. It sometimes can add an hour to trip( with slow horse floats or caravans that don’t understand pulling over won’t change their day) I would much rather arrive than be a statistic. watching dash cams australia on you tube is educational just to how many idiots are on our roads in this country. as everyone has said, testing would only see people on best behaviour. Real time monitoring via cars systems and rewarding with lower ctp and or insurance would be a fairer option and more likely productive once people understand it will save money.
  11. I’m there, what is classified as old now
  12. We had a similar occurrence when the head masters daughter shot herself in the stomach 3 times with an air rifle, poor girl survived 3 days in agony before succumbing to her injuries. All due to being scared of what people would think. A sad loss of life, which could have been prevented by understanding and communication.
  13. Homer Simpson was my favourite gps voice I set on a Tom Tom, not a dull moment on the road.
  14. 9pm, that’s a late night up nowadays, especially when the suns gone down during these cooler months.
  15. Might be for people on the dole, one baby needing a pram and another cooking already. Great income stream.
  16. ClintonB

    Who remembers?

    Born at that time, my Father was a country lad and late having kids so I grew up with country music, and sixties/seventies from mothers side. Always felt like I was a decade too late. Could have had a new Charger or Valiant as a teen instead of an old one.
  17. A pretty good selection of musicians there, all of them are on my playlist. I introduced my 16 year old son to the door’s music and he was impressed, especially when I explained it was 60 and 50 year old music.
  18. Freudian slip maybe by a priest?
  19. Just like work, I’m always picking up the dropped unused screws out of the sweepings. The young fella doesn’t look too hard cause he doesn’t have to buy them.
  20. I know they are technically from our most south eastern state, I had the pleasure of watching Crowded House live 2 weeks ago. my wife has always knocked me liking them, but after seeing them live she is a bit of a convert. After they finished up at the Opera house I never thought I would get to see them play. Their music still sounds great after 30 odd years.
  21. Wheels magazine has had a lot of interesting info on automonus vehicles lately, a big hurdle according to the articles is the legislation to go with it, who is at fault when a program saves the occupants of its own vehicle when avoiding an accident and for example takes out a motorcycle that is the least path of resistance. They question is it the manufacturer, the programmer or the owner that has to take responsibility. If a human makes a decision in the heat of the moment in this example it would be an accident, but if it programmed does that make it premeditated. wont it be fun to give bureaucrats and politicians something else to stuff up before it comes to fruition.
  22. Sew a fur collar on the jacket and wear it in the plane you will be safer, too many crazies with no training on the road. Dash cams Australia is a scary watch every month when I get the highlight real on YouTube.
  23. Scary the lack of aircraft knowledge, when wanting to fly it. Mag was turned on and he played with prop, I know there was no fresh fuel at that point, but still not safe practice. still I really appreciate the aircraft for its history and that it has not been destroyed by time. Just don’t think it would be airworthy after all those years. It could still kill you from a dozen feet or so.
  24. At work I find lots of cheap mag wheels on caravans with stems that are perishing to the point of failure in around 2 years. I have an old wheel I found for my Valiant in the bush at Kalgoorlie 25 years ago and is still holding air and the stem works. Seems a lot of good tyre design can be let down by a cheap minor component.
  25. This morning comm bank eftpos terminals were down, luckily most customers have phone banking access and the tower was working. Not good when you arrange for pickup of jobs and it doesn’t work. Technology is good but it’s not fail safe. We have had many times when the towers were out at same time as other issues.
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