I have looked out at some of the burnt grounds here-the Moonbi Range and around Ebor, some trees are sprouting the green fluffy regrowth from showers recently, but there are an awful lot that are just black frames out there. these two fires were probably not as large as the 300,000 ha ones so maybe cooler burning. How this country going to recover without consistent rainfall is anyone's guess. There are houses around Ebor that were never visible through the bush, now you can see them, it must of been hard yakka saving them from the fire that has burnt to their doorstep. Even how bare and rocky the Moonbi Range looks without even a speck of growth on the granite sand. I too have been thinking about the Lizards and little things that have no hope of outrunning or escaping fire like this. We have a long recovery ahead.
Lets hope the rain keeps coming with the latest storm activity up north.