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Everything posted by ClintonB

  1. My Daughter gave us our first grandchild today, so it's a wonderful day for my wife and I. Welcome to the world Harrison.
  2. I really relate to this
  3. There is a YouTube vid of the impossible turn being done in one of these early aeronca planes. Just watched it today
  4. I hoped they used Don ham
  5. the other day my daughter and i were discussing the taste of certain animals. She said do you know that some cultures eat Guinea pig and wondered what it tastes like. I said "I don't know, probably like hamster". Then she asked what do they taste like, my answer "wheely good"
  6. heck, I didn't realise it would put the edit reason on the screen. Doh!
  7. looks like it might have had some help, like those squint to see it ones.
  8. they should come to Tamworth, they would be a hit here in January
  9. Maybe he should be made to take one of those dementia cognitive tests. Strange tangent to go off on in a landlocked state. Maybe one of those Sharknados happened😉
  10. Who ya gonna call
  11. Won’t be long and the homeless will have them too.
  12. My brother does the same, makes an ok living from it.
  13. Makes me think of Jim Carey in liar liar. Truth is good, but hurtful at the same time. Double edged sword, do you really want to answer “ does my butt look big in these jeans” truthfully
  14. phonetics people. less chance of an embarrassing faux pas.
  15. i cant believe how old Pierce looks now.
  16. Balloon, I don't know where balcony come from.
  17. Definitely from balcony, one just popped on me.
  18. Be great if any writers could come up with new quality viewing without rehashing old stuff and making a dogs breakfast out of it. So many books out there would make great movie with the right team. The new Jack Reacher series is pretty spot on to the book story, and cast is fairly accurate to ones imagination of them from reading.
  19. Same when you plant chokos
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